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Lives hijacked


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It has taken some time for me to contemplate your thought provoking posts friends. First of all, Thanks.... as much as things sucked at times in twi, I cannot deny that the worse things became for me, it seemed the more spectacular the deliverance invariably was.

Mstar, I think that you are right...we were tc`s and we thought that we were doing the right thing....I have to wonder at what point or level folks actually became aware that the actions of twi weren`t Godly.

I wonder if folks got to the point that they knew what they were doing was evil and didn`t care....or remained simply duped.

I think that you have a very valid point about vp simply making his actions aceptable with doctrine.

Dave, I was involved from 79 through 93 roughly. The cruel times were few and far in between, even if you figure on one incident a year.....the rest of the time I would be with loving and kind people...kind of figuring the rough spots were anomalys .... It is only in hind sight that I realise how incrimentally the things that brought me pleasure ... the things that made me ME were stripped away....first it was family...and after a while my books were frowned on...another year and I wasn`t supposed to be with my family...another year and I was screamed at and declared posessed...a couple two or three years before the face melting over my animals....the demands that I quit riding with the posse, halt humane society activities.....another 6 months and it was time to be rid of the dogs and sell the car....

There were always a lot more nice people and good times....it just seems like the hard times were more devistating.

jkboehme, thanks for helping to see and recognise the *real historical me* I missed her :)

Excathedra, I didn`t endure what you did as a child....mine was pretty cruel and very tough though...I too was trying to find myself when introduced to twi... When told that I was important to God, that he needed me in the spiritual battle...that I had a spiritual family that would always love me....that spirit was thicker than blood....Coming from a broken home ...having been abandoned by our father (I thought it was because we were so rotten) I found the seduction irrisistable.

I was told that I could make a differance, strike a blow for God.....

When it finally dawns on me that I really didn`t matter this time either...that I was only loved as long as I was obediant and usefull....when I was shut out...ignored because my spouse wouldn`t toe the line... I was back at square one...only this time I had children and a spouse to add to the burden ...and a whole lot less oportunities available to me.

Thankyou eagle, I`d be willing to bet that the words you spoke had an impact on the folks eventually leaving.....I know that I ignored the outies that tried to warn me for a few years as well..

Bramble, I am apalled at how much of our lives were consumed by twi involvement, I thank GOD that we were out before too much was stolen from our children...

I have had a wonderfull time with my kiddoes through the years hunting fossils, ball teams, theatre, karate, etc...what a shame if their childhood had been sucked away as our first decade or so as adults....

Welcome dojable...these threads are not so much about wasting time....most of the time it I am simply trying to understand what happened and why....and how to prevent it from happening again.

In twi I wasn`t allowed to ask questions or to have feelings ot to be the person that I wanted to be....so now I am thoroughly enjoying the freedom to explore and exchange ideas, I enjoy being permitted to express myself and my pov after decades of being told that I wasn`t worthey.

Digi, it is tough when our kiddoes have to pay the price for our mistakes...maybe they will learn and be smarter than we were. For though the younger ones never had to endure twi....all of my children had to deal with their folks way brain for years.

Dan, I think you have very valid points to consider... I guess that it all boils down to whether or not the leaders knew that they were doing evil, and simply finding ways to excuse it ..... or if they were doing evil just because they were oblivious to the pain and suffering that they were responsible for.

I am still not sure myself, I think that jkboehme is right, that there was a lot of real heavy maipulation going on.....but it sure hard to fathom it being actually deliberate.....it is hard to imagine folks being that ornery :(

Oldies, I sure don`t get your point about rc or other denominations....we are talking about how twi hijacked our lives here.

I started out as a 17 yr old ready for college and a career in the military and in a few short weeks my life changed directions.

Everything that I wanted to be the, kind of life that i had dreamed of was not going to be permitted because twi told me that God needed me to do otherwise.

I was told by twi that God required me to live in a manner that was not enjoyable...twi said that God required many things of me ....and it was a lie.

God didn`t require me to give up my family...

God didn`t require me to give up my goals and dreams...

God didn`t require me to be submissive to cruel treatment......

God didn`t require my services at the cost of the life of my child.....

*I* didn`t want to do these things and so many others....they didn`t benefit me

God didn`t want me to do these things....they didn`t benefit him...

TWI leaders were the ones that insisted these things and so many othe detrimental actions taken be so.... AND they were the ones benefited......this is what is wrong.

They ruled...controlled our lives in GOD`S name.....by GOD`S authority.... Extortion in God`s name

Edited by rascal
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