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Ham last won the day on May 10

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About Ham

  • Birthday 10/25/1956

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  1. "Deconversion" sounds a heck of a lot like "deprogramming". One cannot abandon the support that the last step of the ladder afforded one.. sorry, you really were not there..
  2. Dear Friend.. I agree. At least supposing that is even possible.. the old geometers, mathematicians and philosophers were very wise- they left the fundamentals pretty much undefined. Want to change your world view? Go right ahead.. hope that you can come up with something better..
  3. In a weird sense. Most of the time I say I could give a rats foot about these people.. unless *mr* geer is an alien overlord masquerading as a self-righteous religious zealot pretending to be from this planet (and God knows- he would fit in well..) as a possible human being I might find some care or concern.. heh.
  4. No replies yet.. well I need a little rain tonight. Did you know all of these people performing are believers?
  5. Then if you wish- here is Mrs. Paul Simon on a Thursday Night. Don't thank me all at once.. heh.
  6. For your enjoyment.. the lyrics are ambiguous. Is it- don't dream. It is over or Don't dream it is over..
  7. Well.. it's the best I come up with a Monday night. I hope that all is well with you..
  8. I am all for forgiveness as well. Its just- some have invalidated their ministry for whatever reason. Choices have consequences. Now you want spiritual authority over me, again? I am not inferior to you. I hope that you (or Craig, or Donna.. or whoever) will learn this lesson. Do I forgive- absolutely. Will I ever trust again? Unless I see repentance in sackcloth and ashes probably not. I am patiently waiting.. what can I do for YOU. You need to seek me out. Not the other way around. So far I am sitting at this little hole in the wall and hear the grasshoppers chirping..
  9. I have a few theories.. lots happened before what we consider recorded history. So how would one pass down what we now consider ancient knowledge.. it would have to survive the ravages of time. And the amount of labor and effort would (in my opinion) require a common agreement of those who did the labor. The pyramids seem to be date stamped and survived the ravages of time. And explorers are finding pyramids and other structures buried under pyramids and other structures.. I wonder if the older structures are date stamped with current astronomical configurations as well..
  10. I like this.. well.. I'd like some strange sex but I'm a tad too old. Joseph Smith.. Joseph Campbell had a better grip on reality. Follow your passion if you don't have to run over too many other human beings or animals to achieve it.. but what did TWI think.. honestly- I'm at the point that I don't even care anymore. What is more relevant is what do I think.. Or you. Ancient manuscripts.. old creation stories. Where did Moses get them from.. if one accepts the authority of the bible.. perhaps he got them from his early years in Egypt.
  11. I like this- and (without proof) I think that the first account is far more ancient than Moses.. I keep looking for something in this ancient account. I think that we have absolutely no idea that which it is describing.. it's like a translation of an Ancient math or science book that the translator had no clue or understanding of that which it described.. All personal opinion or interpretation of course.
  12. Short (or long?) lived it was.. the conflict that is..maybe.. this deserves another conversation.. does God play games.. and one must set aside almightness to play.. Mike had a pretty good handle on some of this. I should say has. Don't think he is expired yet.
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