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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2015 in Posts

  1. All we know about each other. is what we can infer from words we've left here.
    1 point
  2. Seth, I read your comment under the article on the newspaper's site. I was sorry to read it. You said, "I absolutely hate those people, if they all died today I wouldn't shed a tear." When we say we hate people, it does not help our efforts here at GSC in raising awareness of TWI but I realize you were only speaking for yourself. IMO, hatefulness might be what TWI leaders are/were about. But it is not what I am about. And I don't think most greasespotters are into keeping hate in their hearts for anyone. But maybe I am wrong. I think hate breeds hate. We may not love TWI leaders who abused us and others, but hate is pretty strong stuff ... I shy away from it. But that's just me ...
    1 point
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