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Posts posted by MATILDA

  1. At the specified time, like every other gathering dictates (be it funeral or wedding), the pagan celtic spazz dance prevails. It is a familial rite only blood (and possible genetic permutations) can accomodate.

    Margaret does the worm and her twin does something that only can be described as...well, it defies description. Neither drinks...alcohol subdues...lol. Any onlookers simply think it is a middle aged lady having a seizure. Others think that the retarded girls are very fortunate to be so loved. Lol...they are not retarded...lol...just...well, Sister Sledge said it best. "We arether-a-pyfam-i-ly..."

    Have a great time, Groucho!

  2. We just went thru this with our 18 year old son.

    Here's what we advised:

    - once determined what you want (reliable transport, not too dorky, price range, payment options etc.) AVOID USED CAR LOTS if possible, SHOP OWNER SALES VEHICLES.

    - if/when you find a car you're interested in, take it to a mechanic you trust and have him look at it. This can give you good info on the real state of the car and possibly things that may need attention sometime real soon (like right after you hand over the dough...lol)

    It can be a negotiating tool (and should be) if there really is something that needs attention.

    - try not to be in a super rush to buy, if possible, so you can look and test a bit. (Harder to do than say.)

    Reid's Journey:

    1st car was a $3200 red sun-roofed stick-shifted something or other...from a snake-oil peddling car dealer. Had to have it. Never mind it didn't have A/C...

    "Mom, you said transportation was most important."

    "Reid, we live in frickin' Florida, the hottest place in the country most often...it's hot here when it's cold."

    "We got him down to $2700..."

    "Reid, the guy bought the car for 1800 and washed it - the rest is mark up he's not a pal. Take it to the mechanic and see what he says."

    Well, A/C cost a grand, and the CV boots need replacing, never mind the paint job.

    Hey! but the mechanic has a humdinger he's willing to let go for $1,500...a little Nissan last forever ain't never gonna die pick-up truck....and it was a good deal, well cared for, good A/C etc. It was a deal, except when Reid went to get it, he sold it to a girlfriend.

    Next...Reid found an individual, the only owner of a 93 Acura Integra who kept meticulous records of his very well cared for vehicle.

    It's garnet paint job is good, the engine and tires are great, interior nice...lots of life left. Took it to the mechanic anyway who said CV boots will need replacing sometime or other, no hurry. Told the owner, knocked that amount off the asking price and the kid drove it away for just under 2700.

    Worth the time it took, and the son is happy. He did all the grunt work, and opted to get a loan from bank so he could establish credit. We carry him on our insurance, becuz that cost alone is crippling.

    Good luck.

  3. Finally, a thread with substance...lol. Thanks, Satoriman.

    Morton's Kosher Salt, the coarse variety, is the standard rim sticker for my margaritas and I makes em how I likes em and I likes em how I makes em...and if I was having one, that's what I'd be having, (and I make about 50 a day...)

    C'mon down, Satori...you sprinkle, I'll pour...

  4. Sweet Zbee!

    What a treat to get away, and (it appears) to somewhere you have been before and enjoyed.

    Hope you have a perfectly splendid time and chance to kick back and enjoy.

    I'm off to see the wizard, too...but the midwestern one in my hometown...a few daze R&R before I resume the mousey chase down here where ice tea and hurricanes are always ready to brew.


  5. duh-huh...dya think?

    the duncery of mankind (collective noun) often bemuses me...uncleanness? ha! then all the menfolk would have been banned any BBQ nite.

    Old Testament, New Testament...not mutually exculsive...it's a co-textual absorption that tamps peace in place...

    ...even a one-eyed jack could see that.

  6. Congratulations, JohnnyLingo and Trevor. It really is a time to be savoured. Somehow, some way, you guys made it to this milestone together, with what appears to be love and a growing respect for growth icon_smile.gif:)-->

    Our middle sonlet, Reid, also graduated h.s. this past month. He too did not opt to wear the idiot regalia lots do, but did carp when I insist he let me at least iron his pants and shirt. ("What's the point, Mom...no one will see them...") Crap, I hate it when he's right. He let me iron them.

    He walked tall and proud to get his blank assurance that the deed was, indeed, complete. (The printers messed up a 4 county area of diplomas so they really did get a "blank" assurance...lol)

    I stood up, whooped and hollered when his name was called, and 3,000 other people immediately followed suit. "Augustine Reid Wilson" was the last call from a class of several hundred.

    He was done with h.s. before it was done with him, i.e. he started college summer semester before the h.s. commencement date. He is planning to go pre-med, but is taking the fall months to become a board certified massage therapist (ostensibly) so he will have a flexible means to support himself when he returns to regular college in the Spring. That's the plan.

    We are very proud of him, but it's killing me.

    I'm not done growing up and here, the middle kid, has gone and gotten raised. How did that happen?

    Congrats, JL...to you and the boyo!

  7. Hi Cat! Hi Geek!

    If people paid for the Velveeta Virgin sandwich (or whatever that processed insanity was...lol) there no doubt would be somebodies willing to pay for the cassette baggage. But even to come to the same conclusion that TWI was corrupted, unpure, and ferociously intimidating would take aaallll those hours of listening and considering....blech.

    I toted my library to the dump many years ago, knowing that among the crap were also some very dynamic, wonderful teachings (truly wonderful)that I always meant to "get back and relisten or re-research," but never did. Now I use the wall unit to house family pictures, photo albums, World Book Encyclopedias and maps of the world...lol...a good reclamation of space (the final frontier).

    I love you guys and think of you fondly.

  8. That really is a fun story...haven't you ever dreamed of digging up money?

    When I was five years old, workmen were planting trees around our new house...the guys thought I was pretty cute I guess when they asked me if I knew what kind of trees they were and I answered "sure I do...they're money trees...that's what my Mom said they better be."

    They told me they were silver backed maples but were also kind enuf to give me some "seeds" to plant my own money trees. I buried the seeds (which looked suspiciously like quarters) in the backyard....and don't think I haven't thought about digging them up a time or two...lol.

  9. I wonder if the whole korpskidlet thing hurt you or helped you into a balanced adultlet.

    Thinking back to the earliest memories can be fun, telling, and interesting, for sure.

    I'm thinking maybe...that is, perhaps, the pills were GreenLife. They might be remembered as spitoutable, even now...lol...since they are natural grasses compressed.

  10. I have a couple of these thwack-your-forehead stories...here's two...(another involved the federal government and the protective witness program, so I'll refrain from that one...lol)

    Both of these "small world" encounters happened this past week. Last Sunday, talking to a couple...ask them the usual questions..."where are you from etc." Well, small town in Ohio...and "yes, I know Wapakeneta, the Neil Armstrong thing and such...

    "Maureen," says they, "are you an ex-wayfer?"


    "Yes," says me, "I was a part of that outfit for a good portion of time."

    They weren't snide or rude or anything but pleasant as they told me about Ambassador One and its upkeep...the fella owns a plane and always found it interesting how The Way managed to keep its wings.

    I couldn't talk to them as much as I'd have liked to at the time, but we did have a nice chat. Then, they were joined by another two couples..."Hey, Maureen here is an ex-wayfer."

    One of the other fellows then tells me about his uncle, who was a Delco (car parts) service man in NK...that once, just after his wife of 40 years passed away, something happy entered his life...it was an invitation to visit HQ with a young woman who came in needing parts for her ailing auto which was parked amid hundreds of other cars at the ROA.

    It was my car and I was the young woman. ROA '73. James Sailor was the name of the Delco man...he really helped me out. Apparently, he was impressed somehow becuz it remained a pleasant experience that he related to his nephew, and that his nephew related back to me over 30 years later. I only met him twice...once while at the Rock, and a second time when he came to a Sunday nite hillside thing at HQ. We exchanged letters for a while.

    It is a small world...after all.

  11. I did, I do, and thank you!

    Now quick...someone call CNN...for I, Matilda, the chronic cyper-spazz, have found and successfully accessed the PT thingy. Ha!

  12. the subject at hand is mouths...but it's a hand to mouth sort of transtion that brought it up to begin with...I make no apologies...all derailments are monopolized by certain of the Reading Railroad's riders.

    Here's to Loretta Swit (Hot Lips), Liza with a Z Minelli and the finely drawn collagenics of Jessica Rabbit...and Bob Dylan, who apparently knew where the answer was all the time.

  13. duh-huh...dya think?

    yeppers to that, o punctuation man...only cuz talking about blow jobs and other social inpairatives out in the open is so hummm...out in the open, I guess.

    words are my life...lol...well, today anyway. icon_smile.gif:)-->

    Here's to Cheetah getting all the bananas peeled

  14. quote:
    It has been my understanding that pulling into so many ports actually increases maintenance costs of equipment, as so many more things get broken. The over-all operationability of the fleet goes down from the monkey-wrenching.

    ...thus, the outbreak of broken-down, blind seaman...too much monkey-wrenching...

  15. Gloria Zaglool was a top-drawer performer, and easily a notable B'way performer for those in the know back in the day. I don't know if it was TWI that was altogether responsible for curtailing her NY work...maybe...think she was 10th or 11th Corps.

    Other dancers were Armani and Seda Azarian, Watson and Terri Price. Those might have been professional casualites courtesy of TWI, but I'm guessing.

    When I was called in to audition for SNL, Gloria directed me to Terri Price, whom I had never met before. She was a dancer...it was 42nd Street,I think...Terri picked me up at LaGuardia, took me to her place in Queens where we drank great groups of coffee and told wondrous tales of the "Word moving in the Arts." We laffed and joked and had agreat time. I remember being greatly encouraged by her. Then she went with me (via the subway)to Rockefeller Center where the auditions were...afterward, back the same way. It was the greatest time. (NYC was alot like Chicago...on speed...lol)

    I toured nationally for a few years (back when the earth was still cooling) and all my road trips were dotted with fellowships and terrific people...I'll never regret any of that...and there were lots of dopey names to throw around, believe me...but the best folk were the regular folk and there were signs, miracles, and I wonder often how I survived it all...lol.

    In Chicago, my hometown and where I worked in Theatre for years, "stars" (they were to me...) would come and visit me at SCT. Seda and Armena were in Evita then, I think...

    There was/is much bona-fide star talent that swam thru TWI, in any number of fields. I hope all are well and recovered, if, in fact, they ever knew they were in peril.

    Truth be told here, one of the biggest things that irritated me then, and still now, is just how silly people are about people. It's one thing admiring and being a fan, but such adulation and people worship always made me burp.

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