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Posts posted by rhino

  1. The first verse quoted in piffle was John 10:10, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly."...

    Do I remember the beginning "accurately?"

    The first thing vp does is to add a word ... vp says, he didn't just say an abundant life, he says "more than abundant"

    well, no, he says "more abundant"... so if it was minus 10 abundant, then minus 9 abundant would be more abundant ... lesson one is .. vp's class is not about logic, just accept and submit .. if it is wrong, he will tell you...

  2. Boxing gloves are NOT optional.


    gloves should be optional ... this sounds like a butch and sundance kid kinda fight ... first rule ... no rules ... LOL

    But OK, you gotta stay in the ring ...

    Let's see, how can I pick a fight?

    "as I was moving ahead with the things of Gawd, as I thought they were the things of Gawd ..."

    see, he is already admitting he was a screw up! what really were those things? his sexetary?

    Is this what you had in mind modaustin? :evilshades:

    Piffle is all about vpw covering for his weaknesses ...

    OK, that might be a decent kick off

  3. Guess I need to get out more often. I've never heard of endive lettuce. :)


    I knew that horticulture degree would pay off eventually, but I didn't think of endive till after I saw the answer LOL actually, all I could think of was tulip let us ... or bud let us ... b utt let us :dance: now for the word study part of our program ... I guess the end of the leaf dives inward?

    wake up George, thou sluggard

  4. ....To say "Roman" is simply an inaccurate statement and discounts the work of the remaining apostles.... But, to clarify, I am referring to the universal Church.

    OK, thanks ... I'm sure I'd say a lot of inaccurate things regarding that church history. I was thinking of other splinters ... like I am of Paul, I am of Apollos ... but maybe that happened within your universal church under the auspices of your holy father. I was just sorta surprised you had jumped to that, but I haven't read much of what you have probably written here before. Party on! :beer:

  5. ... the Church teaches: "extra ecclesiam nulla salus" (there is no salvation outside the Church). ... Christ, the Light of the World, is the head of that Church and illuminates our understanding. .... So the statement holds true (extra ecclesiam nulla salus) for Christians who are raised in other ecclesial communities.

    Did Christ make that statement? Sounds latin! If it was a pope, then how can you claim he was speaking for Christ and the whole church? And who splintered from whom?

    You capitalize the Church ... and say IT teaches ... it seems you are equating Church with the Roman Catholic religion? ... Maybe I got lost somewhere in your discourse :)

  6. I don't think we can accurately & consistently measure this Lord gravity force with the formulas the Bible presents. We don't always get answer to prayers.

    Speak for yourself. You're just praying wrong. You're out of fellowship. You haven't been ABS'ing :blink: ... ummm lol Don't you have your magic eight ball ?

    Well, I agree about the Bible ... maybe parts are truth, and a wiser man than I could make it all work, and heal the sick etc. My Lord gravity is a little more absolute ... but you know, who ever thought man could fly without being a god? Maybe we just aren't understanding some chaos theory here! I just like to give people that believe it the benefit of the doubt. There seems to be a lot of good in the largely Christian basis for this country ... but how much of that is from the Bible is hard to say.

    Maybe I'm just arguing for fun, but I'd say experience doesn't prove or disprove the bible ... but experience (ours and others) is all we have really. Science is easy, but how do you really accurately and consistently measure how life works? If people can put a few things together and glean some truths from the Bible, maybe they are way ahead of me. Living well is maybe the best way to "figure IT out". Too much emphasis on translating estrangelo aramaic probably just leads to a false sense of superiority.

    Now, wine is in the Bible ... I believe in wine ... but more the jubilee year type drinking, not a little for my stomach's sake :)

  7. I was not aware of that. I'll ask Paw if we can delete some of the older ones.

    I think it's called "hot linking" I mentioned that when i did my first one. I noticed Bluze puts them on his site ... but I guess it is stealing the material then. I wonder what it costs to download 40kb about 30 times? Once it is in your cache, it doesn't need to be reloaded each time I think. It is mostly disdained when commercial sites or blogs hot link to someone else's streaming video ... that can get expensive I'd guess. I'm guessing the total cost of the game here is a couple bucks ... no one paying more than a penny ...just a guess though

    Deleting old ones would at least destroy the evidence. :) Avatars can also be taken from "hot links", but maybe they are kept on Paw's site after they are resized ... not sure ... But the way this program is set up, the way to add a picture is to add a hot link. It is perhaps more egregious to have the site set up that way than for an individual to do it on occassion. It is one site taking bandwidth from others for pics as a rule. With the traffic here it is probably not significant.

  8. Can you expand on that? I'm not sure that you need gravity to prove gravity...maybe I just don't understand your point. :beer:

    I don't think you can ever "prove" that the bible or "the Word of God" is actually from God.

    Does that experience make the bible any more "true" than anything else? Subjectively, maybe, but lots of folks have varying experiences. All "true" in their own context, but not to others.

    Ummm... I think my point was much looser ... i shouldn't have said prove, but "show" as Belle had said. I guess I'm thinking that if the Bible was absolute truth, but just needed to be understood, it would be like gravity ... just needing the proper mathematically exact understanding. I don't believe it actually fits at all exactly, but if it did, it would be the formula that always worked, if you could understand all the forces (objects?) at work in the situation. So the Bible would be the formula I guess. And life would be the two objects interacting. Maybe it is getting a little too string theory like ... which I totally don't understand, I'll stick with Newton :)

    But it might depend on what you believe about "the Living Word" ... becoming flesh, being God ... all that, to try to extend the analogy.

    I'm not the sharpest light bulb in the drawer, but I think you need gravity to "prove" it. The formula is just theory without the measurement of the objects. Actually the formula is just a measurement of gravity anyway, not a proof that it exists, I'm thinking ... well, I'm trying to think :evilshades: And gravity is actually just a word referring to a force (OK, that's just another word) It's all so esoterical really ... :confused:

    But the "fact" that we can accurately & consistently measure this Lord gravity force with that formula indicates that the force does exist. So to the extent a person is able to understand the Bible in a way that it accurately and consistently measures life ... The Word indicates that God exists.

    indicates it for that person ... if "The Word" is God, then "IT" exists regardless of any measurements ... like gravity exists without our definition of it. I liked that verse .. by God all things cohere .. science just measures the forces, no inkling of how or why they exist, and no explanation of how or why life exists ... just some measurements ...

    OK, the two little gerbils on the treadmill in my brain have been running full speed for a couple minutes now .... I need a break :dance:

    the green part was after resting the gerbils LOL

  9. Well, Linzy, if it's an urban legend, I heard it from the horse's mouth.

    Is VP the horse? Or momma? or the kid? Those are my only guesses ... Enquiring minds want to know :)

    edited ... now I'm confused ... you heard about the defrocking from the horse, or the horse told you about the kid? In any case, it's cool you knew a talking horse .. that could be a great TV show LOL

  10. I subscribe to Ancestry.com, which has extensive newspaper archives online. I did a search and found many mentions of VPW, from 1930 throuigh 1985--from the Lima paper, Sheboygan paper, a couple Van Wert papers and a few others around the country. I scanned through all the articles last night. The only controversies I found were the backlash about his nailing the theses (or whatever they were called) to the church door in NK and the cult stuff.

    WOW, that's cool they have all that ... but I wonder how far back the Van Wert records are really searchable. Surely something else happened to a Wierwille in the area ... though you did say controversies. His defrocking would seem a likely item, even without the gossip side. Maybe court records of child support payments? LOL Let's see, I guess Jimmy Baker is too old to be VP's progeny ... OK, here's a good rumor to start ... lcm is really VP's bastid child :evilshades: I change my offer, a case to whoever can hack the archives to put that in :dance: Well, he isn't a great fit ... let's see ... not JL, nor Ralph, not Vince, not Chris ... oh heck ... maybe they are all his kids ...

  11. Actually, as I remember the Uncle Harry rule was that the only thing worth going in debt for was a house.

    College has gotten so expensive you almost have to borrow .. not sure it is worth it anymore sometimes ... and used cars are fine if you can't pay cash for new. Some business requires debt I would think ... I've never been in debt ... and I can live on MUCH less than $50k/year :dance: but kids are expensive, I missed out on that ...

  12. Hey there Bill -- I already did check it out. To gain access to archives, it takes $29.95, and I am not THAT interested.

    If anyone else is, HERE is the link to do so. :)

    Howdy David ... :beer: That looked like for the whole US, and I'm guessing only contained archives that had been put on disc. I closed it cuz of some pop up that got by my pop up blocker :)

    Somehow I doubt Van Wert has their 1938 papers digitized or searchable. Maybe.

  13. If someone is interested enough, it could be checked out I guess by going through the Van Wert newspaper archives. Problem is though, I don't have an exact date. It would take alot of time and research to figure this one out. But, if it is true, it should be in the biography, dontcha think? I mean, it has huge ramifications.
    I'll buy a six pack of Bud Light for anyone that digs this up in the Van Wert library ! Any other rewards? :dance:
  14. It seems to me that there is no way to show someone that the word of God is the will of God without using the word of God.

    I'm just unwinding with a beer here ... but I'd say maybe you have to use gravity to prove gravity .... so if someone really could make the "original texts" fit like VP claimed, that would be fine by me :) But right, the blind faith thing can get silly ... blind atheism faith can be silly too maybe ... :beer:

  15. Us too! The independently wealthy in our area were promoted around and held up to us as examples of living debt free - but most people did not know that these couples had huge inheritances and trust funds. :evildenk::realmad: Dirty rotten scoundrels misleading us and making people feel like crap for not living up to the impossible standards set by TWI since "they" had. :rolleyes:

    Makes me wonder about the two corps that "believed" for a ride to LEAD in a plane ... they hitched at the airport :rolleyes: ... yeah right LOL

  16. Composition. First semester is basic writing; second semester is argument writing.

    I love argument writing.

    love, niKa

    Groovy ... I lean toward argument in my writing, just for sport sometimes :evilshades:

    ... but I could use some instruction, but as it is I just argue without any class! :biglaugh:

  17. Of course, had Rich McBride gotten his last shot off a tenth of a second sooner, Illinois would have won by two. George

    I haven't seen the replay ... they reviewed it quite some time ... Did you see it? Was it the right call?

    edited in later ... YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING!!!!

    it was definitely in his hand though.....

    I found that from an Illini forum ...

    So now there are 6 Big 10 teams in the top 25, with Iowa the lowest, but first in the Big 10 after beating the snot out of Michigan. LOL ... I think Illinois should be more like 16th ranked, or number 6 when Dee is hitting more than 45%.

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