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Posts posted by ckmkeon

  1. Matthew 7: 15-20

    15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    Yeah I know what you mean I am trying to avoid you all I can. Now I am not saying you are one, no thats what I am trying to tell ya. You are the False Prophet you speak about. These things you talk about are your future.

  2. General Grievous: But the loss of Count Dooku?

    Darth Sidious: His death was a necessary loss. Soon I will have a new apprentice, one far younger and more powerful.

    Anakin Skywalker: Something's happening. I'm not the Jedi I should be. I want more. But I know I shouldn't.


    Obi-Wan: You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind until now... until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

    Anakin Skywalker: Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, justice, freedom, and security to my new Empire.

    Obi-Wan: Your new Empire?

    Anakin Skywalker: Don't make me kill you.

    Obi-Wan: Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic... to democracy!

    Anakin Skywalker: If you're not with me, you're my enemy.

    Obi-Wan: Only a Sith Lord deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.

    Anakin Skywalker: You will try.

    [they fight]

    Padme's dying words There still good in him

    Luke Skywalker There is good in him I can feel it.

    Maybe if you didn't get stuck on episode 3 you might have figured it out.

    Episode 6 He turns Good.


  3. Topic of I Believe the Way was good(at some point)

    As most of you who have read my post know. I believe that TWI at some point was good. During the time it was around I believe that VPW taught truth. I believe LCM had some good teaching (not many)

    "The Way" started off good but it spiraled out of control to where the corrupt TWI is today. Dr.Wierwille did his best and you can quote me on that. Yes he had error, doubt, and failures (LCM) but in all of that he did the best of his ability. I believe the early doctrines of VPW were true. TWI is very corrupt today I would recommend that everyone should stay away. The way I see it is that "The Way" turned to be just another church. Soon the way will teach the trinity, must be saved by baptisim, etc.. Just like "The Sinless Universal Place of Public Worship"(The Holy Catholic Church). That is from the Webster Dictionary. So on a last note TWI and VPW in the early years taught truth to the best of there ability

    God Bless


    Well now this post is horrible, whats next

    Topic of What Happened to the word

    I think we should get off the subject of what Dr.Wierwille did or LCM but we should do as the bible says to do . The Bible is bigger than any one man or ministry, when we believe the bible we can do all things. We need to get the knowledge of the word believe what it has to say and leave the leaders out of it. I would say start in Romans and end in Thessalonians and see what we learn just from that . Then after that start a fellowship and teach what you know to everyone

    God Bless,


    So come on guys when I got here I really tried to be nice and loving. I changed to defend the honor of my belief. So you really can't sell me on that I was bent on raising hell the moment I got here. Just the oppisite happened, but of course in your twisted mind you have decided to make you own truth.

    This is the third greeting I got from GS on my post What Happened to the word

    ckm, no offense intended, but "knowledge of the word" is what got everybody in trouble to start with.

    "Knowledge of the word"without a relationship with Jesus causes no end of pain and heartache. I think that's why we witnessed the train wreck of the way, inc

    By the way this is a matter of fact, proven by man for man. Till next time.


  4. Count Dooku: Good. Twice the pride, double the fall.

    Count Dooku: I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them.

    Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Anakin defeat Dooku himself. He may have fallen but not to the Count. With the fear I have none, I hate no one and I am angry for the stupidity of this post. There will not be a fall, in order for me to fall it would have to happen here at GS.


  5. Why doesn't ckmkeon go and hang out with the loosers still in TWI? Why is he here?

    It's a learning experience, everyone here are some great examples of complete disregard. Seeing that the only thing you have against me is spelling. My knowledge of the word has doubled since the last time I was here. Why you ask; Simply to face the evil to come, I will start right here facing it everyday. Then with God's help I will be able to withstand all evil staring the devil in the eyes. Bringing back the word of truth to everyone. Well I sure hope that answers your question.

  6. He's a teenager who was taught by his parents, who never saw vpw's bad side,

    nor twi's bad side, and concluded it had none.

    He was taught that, and no evidence will change his mind, so don't confuse him

    with facts.

    His entire impression of vpw has come second-hand from people who thought

    the sun shone out of his navel.

    His education-which has been short of a few things I'd have made sure he knew-

    has resulted in him making statements like

    "While Dr. Wierwille might have had a devil spirit I don't see why that really matters."

    Last time I checked I wasn't a teenager any more. Facts can't be changed with truth. The truth of the bible is far more important then any facts. This last part of VPW and the spirit, why should I care when each and everyone here believing the lies have a spirit also. Here is some truth for you,

    For it is written: You without sin, you cast the first stone.


  7. Potato -- check out THIS THREAD. :)

    Chris (Ck) flies his true colors here.

    Yeah I really like that one it's one of the best on here, but why stop there. We should look at the 12 other topics I started. Tell me why David, why did you focus on this particular one. Possibly because it fits into your theory the best way.

    (Qutoe from David

    where would i be without SIT

    Hmmmmm most likely dead. It is the one thing that keeps me sane in this world today.

    Mabey I am a simpleton for believing so, but I still see it (SIT) as my one ROCK-SOLID CONNECTION with the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ.

    It does give me comfort, I know I am praying for others when I do it in their behalf, and NOOOOO -- it is NOT prerequisite to receiving rvelation.(What a crock that was!!!).

    If you want to know more about length of interpretation, etc. etc. etc., then go to the new CES site, Truth or Tradition.

    Last time I looked, there was plenty there about this very subject. )

    Well it seems like your true colors come out in this post. Just depending on how you spin things everything can come out in your favor. Why don't you look at my thread "Why can't we seperate TWI from the word."

    So its been nice chatting but I have better things to do. So try finding something that really shows my colors.

  8. *produce evil images of twi*???

    Um, I believe the word *witnessed* would be more apropriate :(

    No, no you produced it, made it up, made yourself see it, constructed images, witnessed came into mind when you believed what the devil showed you. So in this case witness is out of place. The more accurate way of saying it is I decided to fall to the devil and believe the crap he hand fed.

    Just thought I would help you figure it out.


  9. Patrick and Sarah,

    It is great what you are trying to do but these people here have stone cold hearts. They believe that the sun rises and falls on them. The people hate and destroy all thoughts of good. They produce evil images of the TWI. The thought of greatness in the TWI is a breath of fresh air in this dense fog of disruption. The people here thrive on the hatred of TWI. They are driven to hate, so I am glad you are here, you are welcome but don't expect a happy crowd. They trample on the first thought of that and kill it till you think no one agrees.


  10. Well I don't think the girl in this was trying to be mean, I am not even sure if she knows what she is saying. When I see it it looks to me like it has been cut and pasted so many times it would be like Bill Clinton saying he had sex with Hillary and Monica at the same time. Someone just knows how to work the computer. With the computer and clips like that you can make anyone say what you want. The only parts that are real is the cursing and for a girl that age, I would hate to be around her 10 to 15 years from now. All I am saying is someone really manipulated what she said.


  11. Well the "man" is watching me here, that would be greasytech, They have me on the watch list. Soon I will be on the mark and avoid. Does this sound familiar, How do you know *Greasytech) that I didn't have the consent of the maker of the quote. So I will be watched closer just like the Gestapo.


  12. When we are looking at another thread we see that people are deciding that Dr.Wierwille is or is not a apostle, but my opinion is that if we look at the definition of lord and of apostle in the dictionary we shall find out which is tue.


    3. powerful man: a man who has considerable power, authority, or influence over others, e.g. a business tycoon

    4. master: a master, ruler, or head of a household, or a woman's husband regarded as her master (archaic)

    Now if we look at the 4th definition of Lord it shows us Master, when Dr.Wierwille was around he would have been the master of the teachings. Now let us look at the 3rd where it says the man has a influence over others.

    Now I know and you should to that he had a pretty large following. So if he is not a apostle, which the meaning is


    1.promoter of idea or cause: somebody who tries to persuade others to share an idea or cause

    an apostle of free trade

    2. prominent Christian missionary: a prominent Christian missionary, especially one who is responsible for first converting a people

    So Dr.Wierwille's title should be Lord Dr.Wierwille an apostle. These two different definitions show that both of them apply to him.


  13. :offtopic: This is off topic but you guys have proven my theory to be true from my site on myspace. My opinions are attacked by 3 or 4 to 10 people at some times just because you don't like it. Though I am glad you have done it because I was trying to prove you come after different thinkers. When you did you fell right in to the theory becoming a fact. The facts are you hate the people who still believe in the truth. So thank you, :offtopic:

    I still believe that Dr.Wierwille was sent by God to teach us the word.


  14. You know what is a better question how can you call somebody that if you don't even know what it means. How stupid is that

    Quote( Well the problem is that ck isn't a OLG, but I don't even know what that is)

    When you are going to say someone is or is not something you better have the materiel to back up your theory.

    The Answer I got

    Quote( You better ask Mike to explain it, I am just trotting by.

    Well trotting by is a answer it was not the one I was looking for. Now that I have learned what a OLG was, I wish I could have been around during that time to be one.

    The last thing I am going to say is that if you are or are not going to call someone something, you better have the info to go with it, trotting by just won't cut it.


  15. The problem is that ck isn't an OLG.....

    Doesn't Proverbs have something to say about arguing with a fool.....??

    Yeah I don't see any fools, but I have made correct statements in the doctrinal section. Since I am not a OLG and what the hell is that, why does it matter. If you go and look at my GS Cafe post at my site you have just proven a theory.


    P.S. The truth will not be shut down it will brighten everyone's life.

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