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Posts posted by ckmkeon

  1. Ck,

    Why do you only answer the "slams?" You never really anwer the questions of substance.

    All this doesn't look good for you. It appears that you are just interested in stirring things up and watching the feathers fly.

    Now THAT would be "rejoicing in iniquity," IF that was what you were doing. And that wouldn't be loving with the "Love of God in the renewed mind in manifestion" - now would it?

    Notice that I refrained from judging you. I only ask that you properly judge yourself.

    But while we are on the subject...

    Is it "thinking evil" to say that Adolf Hitler was a bad person? What of Saddam Hussein? Atilla the Hun? Herod? Pontius Pilate?

    Or is it just calling a spade a spade?

    Whatever you say here applies across the board! It has to by logic.

    I didn't know that saying "What" was a slam I did not understand the question.


  2. Yeah, "nice" verse

    I'm disappointed that you've chosen (or unable) to discuss any of this intelligently, but chosen instead to throw out one liners and regurgitated Wierwillisms.

    I have discussed what I believe I don't see the problem are you not getting it???


  3. Well he did (close his eyes) and he sent them (The prophets) I think you are limiting what God can do. I had the verse written down but I will get it to you shortly about the closing eyes.

    :confused: I am wrong that is the first time I have heard anything of that sort on here. You might as well get in line behind the long list that came before you and said that exact thing.

    :blink: God is not wrong the only thing I could say now would be a insult to you

    The reason I have closed my eyes is to the BS or hogwash on this site saying that big bad VPW, and LCM, and etc... came and got me what a bunch of sh!t.


  4. Brought that point up to him earlier: he never answered me.

    No I am sorry for not answering but I have decided that VPW did the best he could and I quote ICOR 13:4 Thinketh no evil. In the old testament God closed his eyes to the sins of Israel. So I have done the same thing with VPW, LCM, and TWI.


  5. So you were planning an attack...

    You didn't ask the question to find an answer, but to tell me off.

    As I said before, a person with such moral character as vpw cannot lead to Jesus.

    VPW did lead he was a good man he did the best of his ability to teach the word.


  6. Belle and Word

    I think both of you should stop drinking the punch, somebody has filled your minds to the brink of BS. The only thing we have here are two people who do not know what they are talking about. So you guys want to say the big bad Way or VPW or LCM were bad to me and they did this and this. The whole story is getting old VPW did not do anything to you neither did LCM or the TWI. The hogwash has started on this thread.


  7. ICOR 13:5

    (This Verse goes with the previous verse) [Charity] (The Love of God in the renewed mind)5. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil

    The meaning for unseemly is not proper then seeketh not her own to find something for yourself or Selfish. Then comes is not easily provoked to be angry quickly, and final but not least in this verse thinketh no evil now I have a example for you. I will only think the best of VPW and his teachings during his ministry. He did the best he could during his time. The same goes for Rev. Geer and LCM. They might of done horrible evils but they still did the best they could.


    P.S. That was my example of thinketh no evil.

  8. What I said was " I fail to see a vaild point..."

    My mistake I did indeed misquoted you. The thread is valid and the point is a experiment. So I fail to see why you can't see a valid point. This is to experiment a valid point that everyone can discuss. But I guess we are failing to make the point known.


  9. study the words of the bible.

    it cant get any easier to understand.

    Pond If it is so easy to understand why can't you learn it.

    Well you have just decided to take out most of the old testament because it does not agree with you. So what kind of bible do you have a Cather Bible. The book of Revelation has alot of things about how the world is going to end but I guess you just erased it. Though it is nice to disregard those sections that is the wrong thinking. The bible is here to show some things of the past, some of the things that we need to live a more abundant life, and things to come. There are sections in Revelation where God has no mercy on non believers. That whole part about being cast in the lake of fire comes to mind.


    P.S. Pond nobody knows what you are going to say next.

  10. I think it is good that coolwater makes her opinions known. The post by Goey says "I see no reason for this thread" is a wrong response. I think everyone is having a good time on this thread learning and discussing the scriptures. Now I am not going to say I have read every post but even if the point is for Coolwaters herself isn't that good by itself. But if it is not how about IITim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspriration of God. So my opinion is that I am glad we are discussing the scriptures. :)


  11. Coolwaters

    Well I have a answer for you actually there is 2 answers

    One we are in the age of grace in which Jesus Christ has paid for our sins

    Then my second answer is

    Romans 3:23,24

    23.For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God

    24. Being justified freely by his grace through the redemtion that is in Christ Jesus

    Hopefully this answers you question


  12. VP taught that the renewed mind was something you had to do with your mind, a fleshly discipline { mind over matter type of believing immutable law thingamajig}. Where one would Line their mind up with the Word, but we know the 1st century Church didn't have Bibles to renew their minds too. So, to me, it had to more.

    What I'm saying, which somebody already did say, it is God that does the renewing. It's all part of the walk by the spirit. One cannot renew something that's already dead, which is ones fleshly dead as a doornail brain. It wars against the spirit. No, I believe love is manifested by the walk in Christ, which is thee excellent way.

    Wouldn't you say that disciplines are a dime a dozen?

    One cannot renew something that's already dead, which is ones fleshly dead as a doornail brain.
    What are you talking about My brain is alive and well. It is not fleshly dead.
    but we know the 1st century Church didn't have Bibles to renew their minds too

    They had scrolls to look at.

    I am not sure what you meant about the fleshly dead brain but I am thinking that you are wrong. So your theory about the dead brain must be wrong because I can think and hopefully you can to.


  13. So -- by this do you mean that they were clergy in attendance at the meeting,

    or just a part of twi at the time??

    Now it's MY turn to not follow what is being said. :biglaugh:

    They were part of the TWI at that time.


    That's my question to Groucho. Geer was a frickin bus driver. What was up with that? What did he ever contribute to "the ministry?" Besides pimping? :evilshades: And making himself out to be some kind of all knowing guru to the guru?

    Maybe his talent was listening to VP gripe and complain. :spy: about the people HE PUT IN CHARGE.

    Sheesh, talk about dysfunction.......

    Well since you know he pimped I suppose that means you used his service. Or is that just more second hand info.


  14. Ck -- no sir -- you missed my point. I wasn't going *after you* at all because of your age.

    I would never do that. Oak expressed it better than I did.

    Let me try to re-state what I was trying to say.

    What I meant was -- we were around then, and had first-hand experience with the man,

    whereas your experience is from heresay (maybe your folks, maybe other people,

    and maybe it isn't even heresay), if they were there, but it still is not 1st hand experience

    (for you), like it was for those of us here who are making the supposed *accusations*.

    Someone here (I think it was rascal) mentioned Jesus calling the Pharisees for what they were.

    And it was mentioned that He wasn't being judgemental, but just calling a spade a spade.

    That is what we are doing here -- calling the cards as we have seen them fall,

    face up (current and past), on the table of life. Nothing more, nothing less. :)

    Hope that makes a little more sense.

    What I meant was -- we were around then, and had first-hand experience with the man,

    whereas your experience is from heresay

    So lets see if I can get this straight you guys all have 1st hand experience from 1986. 20 years ago you had first hand experience. Well while you guys go after each person one by one, I will use ICOR 13:5 Thinketh no evil, I will think the very best of Rev. Geer. I will think the very best of you and everybody on this thread. Rev. Geer taught to the best of his ability. I will defend Rev. Geer and VPW till my fingers turn to bone. They are both men of God that have or is doing God's will.


  15. Wierwille taught, in my opinion rightly, that you read what is written to understand what the bible says. Right in the verse, in the context, previous usage, all that stuff is pretty good advice on how to read and understand the bible.

    The word agapē undoubtedly means "love" in some fashion, but does it mean "the love of God"?

    I John 3:17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

    The phrase "the love of God" is (loosely) agapē theos; so if agapē is translated "the love of God", then this verse (redundantly) says "the love of God of God" or "God's love of God"; so why would the "of God" be added if "of God" is understood to be part of the definition?There's a few other places where it is phrased thus.

    I John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    If agapē means "the love of God", then how can men love darkness with the love of God?

    That's one reason why I think that he may be wrong.

    The second is the whole "in the renewed mind" thing (doesn't he add "in manifestation"?) - there is no scriptural, textual, contextual or grammatical reason to add "in the renewed mind" that I can see.

    So, since Wierwille taught biblical keys, let's use some of them in this thread. I'm willing (as are others here in doctrinal) to concede that Wierwille is correct when the evidense supports him, not just because he says so.

    This is one of the times when its "just because he says so". :evilshades:

    I John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    What a wonderful explanation of the Roman Catholic Church


  16. Ck -- with all due respect, weren't you born on November 7, 1986???

    You were just 15 days old, when this happened.

    We had a little more experience with the man than you did,

    when this was going on ;)

    You for some reason have gone after how old I am. With all due respect my dad is older than you he is 56 and my mother is 58 you are only 53. They have about 3 more years of experience than you. What do you think my parents were doing in Nov 1986, They were there during this whole thing. :)


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