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Posts posted by ckmkeon

  1. He went-where? The Bookstore? The Way Woods? The OSC? Where, oh where, did he WENT?

    You "believe" that is what he meant? Don't you all talk?

    He graduated from the Way in 85. Hemm...can you be more specific? What was his "status" upon graduation?

    He saw VPW once a month? Traveled to Ohio every month, did he? Or did VPW just happen to pass thru?

    Sorry I have so many questions: just would like to understand you more, CK.

    First he did PFAL, Home studies, Intermediate, Advanced classes and graduated with a associate in Theology

    He did WOW in Miami, He lived in Rome city and did his advanced class in Emporia KS. I'm not sure of his status.


  2. I give equals to two, Chris Geer and LCM. Reason? Geer decided to wreck the ministry with a phony paper in a coup by using VPW's name post mortem. LCM reacted to that by eliminating as many Wierwille worshippers as possible and replacing his memory. To accomplish that, he ran the ministry into the ground. Had he stayed on a few more years, he could have bankrupted the organization.

    I don't have enough on Rosalie to judge.


    I really enjoyed Passing of a Patriach it should have been a wake up call for LCM


  3. Well, I love and am loyal to my parents as well.

    Problem is, my father thought that Franklin Roosevelt was the greatest human being to ever draw breath.

    He told me so many times.

    My mother, OTOH, thought that Roosevelt was just about the spawn of Satan, and was equally vociferous in her condemnation of him.

    What to do, who to believe? Gee, maybe, bright lad that I was, I could do a little reading and find out for myself, and develop an opinion all on my own, just like a big boy. You might try that out yourself, cmck.

    Sooner or later you're gonna haveto develop the ability to think all on your own.

    You know what I think is wrong everyone that got fired by The Way coming on here and making comments on how bad Dr.Wierwille taught. Sooner or later you should think on your own and stop reading the post here and making wrong comments. (oh by the way I am the dad)


  4. Ckmkeon,

    Ahhh, the old 'if its good enough for my daddy, its good enough for me' routine, ehh? That you trust what your parents told you about TWI overrides everything else anyone says about it, regardless of the testimony/evidence?

    Well, regardless of how loyal you are to your parents, and how well some folks think of you because of it, reality beats loyalty and trust like a royal flush beats a pair of twos. Ie., like hands down. ... Sorry pal, but that's the cold, hard truth of the matter.

    I guess you are the expert on everything TWI (NOT) How many times did you meet Dr.Wierwille, sorry pal you just don't know what you are talking about with being loyal and trusting what they are saying


    Well, it's good to consider your parents, and honor them. :)

    Hanging on to a mistake is something totally different.

    Who's mistake not mine or my parents


  5. Look it up in Websters each word by itself






    Tells me what it says

    The Sinless Universal Place of Public Worship


    Yes with each word seperated and defined it says that

    (The Holy Roman Catholic Church) The Sinless Universal Place of Public Worship


  6. huh? ckmkeon, how will you make lcm and twi say sorry? they should, but we know they won't.

    rumor has it that lcm doesn't feel he did anything wrong. if that's the case, the weeping and nashing on teeth he said the coputs will experience may be something he experiences himself. i'd hate to be in his shoes. that man was a false prophet.

    Why No hope for TWI or LCM


    (Short derail, here.)

    [Lovely countryside you have there, MDV.

    Now --- back to topic. :)

    That is very nice countryside


  7. What? You read that in a dictionary?

    Look it up in Websters each word by itself






    Tells me what it says

    The Sinless Universal Place of Public Worship

    You are calling a whole lot of people out and out liars, in defense of a man you never knew whom your parents met but briefly.

    That is very sad.

    Yes that is what they call trust, I trust my parents over everone here.


  8. Well gee ck, you are mighty young to know what was happening in the ministry when vpw was alive.

    Isn`t it kind of naieve to base a belief so strongly on a man whom you have never met?

    No I never met him, but my dad did He went to the Way and never had trouble. My mother went to the Way and never had trouble. They were both there when all of this "Alleged Stuff" was going on and you know what they didn't see it. I believe my dad who says he was a good man (VPW) taught to the best of his ability. Now you are saying that I should believe you or anybody or writes on a thread over my parents. Wait this is going to be a hard choice to make :asdf: I believe my parents sorry Rascal. You know what I am really sorry I didn't meet VPW. My Dad says he is a good man then guess what I am going to say. Thats right he is a good man he taught to the best of his ability. No I don't think it is "Naieve" I believe what my parents say. :thinking:


  9. So, now that everybody's done exactly what I didn't want ( a cross-examination of B.G.), can anyone speak to the question?

    I asked why VPW (or even [gag] Craig) didn't hit the airways for a faster accumulation of wealth. I used my first hand recollection of what VP said were the reasons were to not 'sell out', and then what I felt were the real reasons, that they could not stand up to scrutiny.

    I mean what I said and I said what I mean. Now go to your room! Enough!

    How do you know that they didn't my dad lived in Cincinnati and heard things on the radio for TWI. (In 1970)


  10. As most of you who have read my post know. I believe that TWI at some point was good. During the time it was around I believe that VPW taught truth. I believe LCM had some good teaching (not many)

    "The Way" started off good but it spiraled out of control to where the corrupt TWI is today. Dr.Wierwille did his best and you can quote me on that. Yes he had error, doubt, and failures (LCM) but in all of that he did the best of his ability. I believe the early doctrines of VPW were true. TWI is very corrupt today I would recommend that everyone should stay away. The way I see it is that "The Way" turned to be just another church. Soon the way will teach the trinity, must be saved by baptisim, etc.. Just like "The Sinless Universal Place of Public Worship"(The Holy Catholic Church). That is from the Webster Dictionary. So on a last note TWI and VPW in the early years taught truth to the best of there ability

    God Bless


  11. I really don't trust MSN monitoring my


    Do you use Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape??

    Microsoft Internet Explorer is operated by Microsoft as is MSN.

    Plus Google is owned and operated for money the more you spend the better page your results will be on for the keyword used.


  12. Finally.

    We got some honest truth out of you.

    You're right I'm older and much wiser. Bet your bottomed-azz dollar on that one.

    Ask your Dad.

    Do people really think of him as Moses and/or Jesus Christ? I'm not involved formally or informally in any organizations that have any dealings with him, so you're the expert on that one. But people say and do a lot of weird things so it wouldn't surprise me.

    The Google searches exposing Billy Graham. :unsure:

    Little by little, post by post. This is too slow, even for an old codger like me. When you get your thoughts together, and do all the Google searches post them. I'll check back after I have my cup of cocoa. :dance:

    I uesd MSN Search People think Dr.Wierwille was god, what do you think people believe about Graham??

    Except for thousands for Dr.Wierwille, Millions believe it for Graham


  13. With due respect, can you find some more credible sites than these two?

    Here are some more sites for you

    http://www.christianmediaresearch.com/graham.html "Grahams sellout Honored by thr British throne"

    http://procinwarn.com/billy.htm Billy Graham

    http://atruechurch.info/graham.html He is not a false prophet (beacause he is not a prophet) he is a false teacher

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5062501285.html Just another False Teacher

    http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Articles_V/billyLiar.htm Who can deny that graham is a liar

    http://remnantheology.blogspot.com Billy graham is a false prophet a servant of the beast

    I hope these help as credible as the Washington Post


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