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Posts posted by ckmkeon

  1. Lorna and ckmkeon

    Hey, I'm not the one who claimed that I could do "all things".

    Yeah, yeah, I know what's coming now, more parsing of words and mindless spin. "It's all things according to The Word, George! (you ignorant, unbelieving boob!)" and such like.

    Yes, The Bible has tremendous meaning, but the meaning can't be understood in light of what the words actually mean, but in what the meaning that God meant them to mean, and not necessarily anything resembling reality as we know it, but in the reality that faith reveals to us, or should, anyway. That is, if we have it interpreted right. But we just know it's true, don't we?

    Whatever blows your skirt up...

    I will go ahead and claim it I can do all things in which christ has strengthen me


  2. Actually,

    Billy Graham doesn't concentrate on bringing people to HIS organization.

    If they're led to Christ and work with their LOCAL churches,

    that's FINE with him, and is MUCH preferred to them not being

    connected ANYWHERE.

    Now, twi has always been "It's US or NOBODY".

    Billy Graham has also been in the public SPOTLIGHT,

    the glass goldfish bowl , for DECADES.

    The internet has had LOTS of time to expose twi,

    and LOTS of time to expose Billy Graham.

    There's lots of site exposing evils of twi.

    How many can you find "exposing" Graham?

    He's been found "blameless", which is a requirement

    of leaders.

    Sexual scandal?

    He won't even allow himself to enter an ELEVATOR

    alone with a woman not his wife.

    Want me to compare that with the twi standard on sex scandal?

    He doesn't need to concentrate on bringinig people to himself people think he is the next Moses or Jesus Christ. I Have found 2 site exposing Graham so far and I will contine looking for you. He is a man everyone has error and is not blameless unless he is God, God is the only one blameless and without error.


  3. Whoa, talk about waybrained! :asdf:

    Billy Graham has reached millions with the gospel. And maybe some of what he preaches isn't 100% accurate, but at least he teaches a message of Christ which can help people get saved.

    His millions of people makes him millions of dollars. I would say it isn't 10% accurate, "He teaches the message of christ (Billy Graham)" so does every church. TWI thinks they are teaching the message of christ


  4. I don't want to debate about Billy Graham: but he and his ministry have lasted decades longer than VPW, and his son is carrying on. For good or bad, money or not, millions listen and have been blessed. If you compare his ministry with, say, Jim and Tammy Baker, there's no comparison.

    You sound like you are repeating the TWI party line.

    The reason millions listen is beacuse Billy Graham has incorporated himself with the churches. People do not like change. Look at the work habits that we do, we learn one or two things and follow that everyday learning nothing new for years. Billy Graham does that (keep the old ways) and says he has something new and it is the same old stuff.


  5. veepee couldn't carry Billy Graham's jockstrap...

    Billy Graham's Teachings are a waste of time. The only thing that seperates "The Way" and Billy Graham is the sex and the lies of TWI. They both now are in it for the money the more money the better they are taught.


  6. Look, Evan, you're dealing with a 19 y/o kid who probably has never had his personal theology challenged using Scriptures as the reference. He's in my prayers that God will open his eyes...

    I have had more "challenged theology" using scriptures than you will have in your entire life. :realmad:

    Why should I listen to you??

    Are supposed to be a prophet or something?? (SAINT MARK the next Moses) :biglaugh::biglaugh:

    Are you going to lead me out of VPW Teachings??

    I pray that God opens your eyes,

    When was the last time you used the scriptures??


  7. Wow, that is very very sad :(

    No repentance? No apology, NO asking forgiveness?

    Craig simply needs to find his error and everything will be hunky dory???

    Oh my word, I wonder how GOD feels about people who use his scriptures and their authority as Christian leaders to hurt and destroy ...and what HE requires in order to be forgiven and grant restitution.

    I feel so bad for the idealistic youngsters who believe these lies :( Yet another foolish generation to become enslaved by means of their big hearts and unselfish idealism.

    I think that this is one of the most discouraging posts that I have ever read.

    I did not say that when he gets back that he should not repent or apologize what I said was he needs to find his error first. Nobody can apologize or repent if the person does or does not not know what he has done is wrong. The first thing is to find the error through the bible. Then forgive and repent.

    From Rascal "How does God feel about people who use the scriptures and their authority as christian leaders to hurt and destroy"

    The Catholic church does it everyday :confused:

    God is hurt when this happens but we live in the age if grace the time of judgement will be at the end of time.

    When Christ comes back


    Ya, let them get LCM back and watch Everyone leave. (imo)

    Are you kidding? Even "innies" don't want him back, they only want more "excitement".

    Would you go back ckmkeon?

    Theres nobody there now who do you think is going to leave??

    everyone has left already


  8. I like this thread.

    If the Way were to rise to a smooth running ministry according to the Word, I think they would do well to rename the group and file all required legal papers to change corporate entity. The internet is to heavily loaded about the Way International.


    I first want to welcome you back (To GS)and I agree there is some negativity here. The Way is stunned they have no idea what to do they are just playing it by ear. The problem is that VPW called LCM to be the leader but as we know LCM is not the leader. In order for "The Way" to start running smoothly they must find a way to get LCM back. Then he needs to find his error and start teaching the word. Now I hear that Rivenbark has made all new classes from foundational to advanced they would have been better of teaching the doctrines of VPW.

    God Bless


  9. I don't understand the criteria for voting - worst at what? VP, LCM and RR were or are acting Way El Presidentes. Chris Geer wasn't, although he ran the European Way into the ground in his own day. The Pope- whole different deal, unless you consider the Way a church, which they don't. They all 5 have managed large land holdings and assets. Worst at money management? Worst as teachers, pastors? Worst in body hygiene?

    Worst at what? Leaders is vague. Can someone define leading? Is it just being in charge, the boss? Worst at being the boss?

    All of the people were leaders VPW, LCM, and Rosalie The Way, Chris Geer The Way of England

    , and the Pope The Roman Catholic church all are leaders of a christian church


  10. I didn't vote either, nor will I.

    And I do have a question ~~~ (if I may) ~~~

    What does Pope Benedict have to do with *leading* twi???

    Ya lost me on that one there. :)

    I wanted to bring in another leader of a christian organization that is why I brought him ( The Pope) into it

    That is my mistake I just talked to my parents they said they left "The Way" in '88 :redface2:

    But some people stayed longer than that (1993 my first statement)


  11. Hey thanks for sharing that - gosh me, I'm pushing 50, can't hardly believe it.......

    but that would make sense then, you were raised on alot of early doctrine or VPW doctrine.......in your home fellowship by your parents.....hey thats cool........I got into the way in 1975 and out for good in 2000. I was just a year younger than you when I took the PFAL class. Now I am starting to sound old, better stop lol

    The fellowship never fought over to stay with the Way or not. The fellowship (my dad being the leader) left "The Way" and nobody disagreed. I have read post of fellowships split (half going to follow what "The Way" taught) (and half following the teaching of god's word). By the time I learned the word "The Way" and the bible were already split. My sister was not so lucky she cannot tell the difference between "The Way" and the bible. She thinks both are the same. (My parents left "The Way" in '93)


  12. Hey ckmkeon - I see on your profile that you are only 19 years old........were your parent's in the ministry and/or have you been in the ministry most of your childhood? Really just curious. Seems you would have been more in the era of LCM than VPW - I believe he died the year you were born?

    Your right I would have been in the era of LCM, but both of my parents were in the 9th family corp they both graduated in the last year Dr.wierwille was alive. Matter fact Dr.Wierwille signed the degree and LCM handed them out. After LCM took control both of my parents left the way completely to run a local fellowship teaching the basics of VPW's teachings


  13. The dark side, huh?So Craig was Anakim Skywalker becoming Darth Vader. This should belong in Just plain silly forum or the soap opera returneth. :unsure:

    Why? We are talking about leaders here that have been turned bad or were already bad. So they used "dark side" in there post why does that matter? "By the way it is Anakin not Anakim"


  14. care to point out where?

    looks on the money to me

    Im also not catholic

    so much for your research skills

    I said I don't care how many women said Chris Geer drugged them it is still not true

    and your post was "I don't care". That is not what I said,

    that is taking a quote right out of the middle of what I first said.

    "Just like the catholic do"


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