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Posts posted by ckmkeon

  1. God allows the Devil to kill people in the Old Test when people sinned.Can you document one place where it says that the Devil killed anybody? Look up "slew" in a concordance and see how many times it says God killed people.

    If you're going to take the position that God didn't kill people in the OT, but "allowed the Devil" to do it, what's your documentation?

    Sure, I can remind you of John 10:10

    The THEIF cometh not but for to steal, KILL, and destroy. I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.

    The Thief (Devil)

    Kills and Destroys (murder)

    I hope the bible is enough documentation



    one more point . do you believe in a God that ALLOWS anything eles to murder KILL and destroy his children?

    your post indicates you do.

    I do not. MY God is love , always and he does not give permission to anyone to hurt his children in any way shape or manner.

    God is a just God .

    Jesus Christ is our testimony of Gods love , he is sitting on the right hand of the Father.

    How about NOAHS ARK where God himself made a covenant with Noah to never flood the earth again. God warned the believers of the Flood to come then the flood came and killed the unbelievers.


  2. Yeah - I was there...and it was pretty insane. People had lives and careers threatened. One clery said to me that I was no different than the VC. Quite the brotherhood/sisterhood eh? Chris Geer wasn't judgemental - he was/is insane. I left early, along with two other clergy from LA and reported back to folks what we had seen and heard - then told them they had to make their own decision. Results? Long before M&A was a catch phrase I was announced in a SNS that I was seed...funny that I got ordained and was later announced as seed...
    Chris Geer wasn't judgemental - he was/is insane.

    What record do you have of his insanity or that he was judgemental.

    To say he was insane is judging Chris Geer for yourself so we could say you are judgemental. The way I see it, is that only one can judge and that is God. When God judges he will decide if Chris Geer is insane. But I will think the very best of him (as it says in ICOR 13:5) thinketh no evil, he has served God to the best of his ability.


  3. ICOR 13:4

    (Charity) The love of God in the renewed mind suffereth long, and it is kind; (charity) The love of God in the renewed mind envieth not. (Charity) The love of God in the renewed mind vaunteth not itself, it is not puffed up.

    To suffer long is to edure whatever it takes

    Kind is to be nice

    Envy in to want something that is yours.

    Vaunteth To brag about what you have done

    Puffed Up The person should not be puffed up when talking to people


  4. since I made you cry in chat I will try to explain.

    If you want to me to read the bible and just believe everything it says.

    It says God almighty the very one who created mankind kills and tortures for fun .

    many do believe that as a matter of fact.

    do you?

    I do not, because I understand it to be a figure of speech Metonomy and hundreds if not thousand of figures of speech are employed in the scriptures. to tell a person to read the bible and get what god wants us to understand without a study of the many many facets it is about is just palin stupid and in the very least would discourage anyone from ever believing our Father is the loving precious God He really is.

    God is protrayed in the old testiment as a heathen mass murderer. shocked well then just read it but do not study it and you will see why I can claim such .

    figures of speech in thebible is amassive subject and without the knowledge of them no sane person would want a God as described in the old testiment .

    many issues will come up if yu really want the bible to make sense to you like the new books being written in greek yet referring to many many hebrew idioms .

    the list is long and without a consistent further study of language time, administration and most of all deep prayer the bible is a horrid book full of storys of mass murder and heartbreak.

    it isnt that easy CK. ( I honestly wish it was) after 45 years of the life the book has given me as far as knowledge and know how and peace and hope for a better future , it takes a heck of alot more than just read it and understand what God means. it takes study and research and a want to spirit willing to listen to His heart and Spirit.

    If your suggestion worked every person would be born again of Holy Spirit and God precious child , clearly you understand that is not the case right? It was written for His people , for those who chose to follow Jesus Christ as Lord.

    long enough.

    since I made you cry in chat I will try to explain.
    The only reason you did was because you said hi to everyone but me.
    If you want to me to read the bible and just believe everything it says.

    Yes the bible is the word of God which is truth.

    It says God almighty the very one who created mankind kills and tortures for fun.
    God allows the Devil to kill people in the Old Test when people sinned.
    the bible is a horrid book

    Why would you say that?? The book is also full of hope.

    It was written for His people

    This is right starting in Romans going through Thessalonians is written to his people of the new testiment.

    Jesus christ paid for our sins when he died on the cross. Therefore God does not pass judgement till the end of time. If you think God will show mercy to the unbelievers at the end. Maybe you should read Revelations and see all the things that will happen. People die in the end all the time because the devil will have control, with the antichrist. In which Thessalonians has described how we (the believers) will be saved from the wrath to come.


  5. and just exactly do you know about the rc church ck?

    and don't tell me about priest molesting kids.

    it happens there and in every other denomination too

    the rc imo does more charity work in the world than any

    other sect certainly more than twi

    They do Charity work is this the reason I should check out the RC church. When monitoring the church one big fat guy (the pope) in Rome gets all the money. The molesting is apart of the church like mud and dirt. The people of the church are like robots the priest says something and everybody answers him. Then it happens all over again. There are certain times where you are expected to stand up. One other final thing that makes me sick in every RC church I have been in there are 5 crosses in the room and you are expected to believe in 3 crosses. See The church knows the truth but if they told the truth the money train would stop.


  6. well I have reading the bible for 45 years.

    and every since pfal and twi and then the off shoots I do not know if I am able to leave " it" out of it.

    cant figure out how anymore.

    like a mad angry echo in my brain seered in the skin and membrane.

    I have tried .

    not very successful .

    every single time.. o never mind , good luck to you to late for me.

    Let me try to help just read the bible and believe what it has to say.


  7. Where was the advice???? I looked at the post and didn't find any.

    why not get back to the topic and quit the squirmishes - you're derailing your own thread..

    just some advice...

    You are right.

    The Question was who was the worst leader. My answer was Pope Benedict my advise is to stay as far as you can from the roman cathoilc church.


  8. WOW, I'm just reeling from that awsome verbal assault! What a comeback!

    You might as well have said, "I know you are, but what am I?"

    Where did you learn how to wage war? France? :biglaugh:

    Dooj, don't confuse the poor boy with facts. He's so brainwashed, he won't hear a word you say. :confused:

    Hey, I'd love to stay and listen to more of your crap Zippy, but I have to go work. If you can think of a better comeback, I'll come back and play more, but honestly, your getting real boring.

    I wasn't creating a comeback I was trying to give you some advise. Well if I am so boring then why come back and play?? Why don't you go to work and never come back because your getting boring. The only reason you are here is to argue.


  9. The Nazis? the Communists?

    How so?

    Got something for us all to read on that?

    Jesus was sort of communal, and so was Paul . . . I dont count that all bad as I am undecided about Jesus' political and social leanings although I am pretty sure capitalism and personal gain were not his top priorities when he spoke his mind and lived his life.

    What kind of connection to the Nazi's and Communists did (does) Benedict have?

    I don't have information to read but while listening to FOX News and CNN they reported that as a young man he fought against the allies with the axis powers. Not only did he fight but he was promoted to Lieutenant during the Nazi rule in Eurpoe. I have done nothing else to verify this information.


  10. I COR 13:3

    And though I bestow all my good to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned and not have (charity) the love of god in the renewed mind it profiteth me nothing

    Let's say you had $10 million and you gave it to salvation army on Christmas Day that is a example of "I bestow all my goods to feed the poor"

    Let's say you gave your $1000 a week job to work for $350 a week and you help people this is a example of "Though I give my body to be burned

    Then without the love of god in the renewed mind it profiteth me nothing

    So you can do all these things to help people and then without the love then there is no profit


  11. How about learning the Bhagavagita instead? What's wrong with that? Or maybe the Koran? Or the Tibetan Book of the Dead? O maybe the sayings of Bhudda? Or maybe...

    Why would I want to read the "Koran" I would turn into Saddam or Osama


  12. CK? CK?

    Are you going to tell us your take on Pope Benedict?

    I am all ears

    I believe this pope (Benedict) is more corrupt then Pope John Paul II, this pope has ties with the communist party and the nazis. My opinion is that the pope will be left here when Christ comes back and he will then turn into the antichrist. I believe that the pope is the antichrist waiting for the return that is my opinion. Since most believers are catholic or believe in some of there teaching most people will follow him without question.


    Well, it's abundantly clear that your clueless, that's for sure!


    Ditto!! Well, it's abundantly clear that your clueless, that's for sure!


  13. I was wondering the same thing myself ck. Have you heard this "translation" from anywhere else besides veepee/TWI?

    The Aramaic Interlinear Version say "The love of god

    The Greek Interlinear Verison says love

    "For example the KJV would say "and have no charity I am nothing

    The Greek version says "and have no "love" I am nothing"

    ICOR 13:1B"

    Websters Charity- Love for one's fellow men

    I have used VPW work and research as a base but I used the

    Geneva Bible, the Websters Dictionary, and the Greek and Aramaic Interlinear text to support his research.


  14. I COR 13:2

    And though I have the {gift} of prophecy and understand all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not (charity) the love of god in the renewed mind I am nothing.

    You can have all knowledge of the earth and you could tell the mountain to jump in the sea but without the love of god you will sound like a sounding brass or/and a tinkling cymbal. It would just be alot of noice. Even with all the knowledge and prophecies


  15. I Cor 13:1

    Though I speak with the tounges of men and of angels and have not (charity) [the love of god in the renewed mind]. I am become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.

    The only way to get people to god is with a renewed mind and the love of god. At one point LCM had this love and I have hope he can find his way back. Without the love of god in the renewed mind you are as sharp as a razor when you talk about God. Dr Wierwille said "Without the love of god you are just a noice in a band" You will never make harmony with winning people to God. What I am saying is to win people to God not to the TWI, right now the TWI is corrupt. So what I have done is start a fellowship with the doctrines of VPW and the PFAL class. The plan is to read each verse day by day and give the meaning to the best of my ability

    God bless,


  16. The way I see it is that LCM learned so much about devil spirits he got consumed by the spirits he taught about. The way I see I still have hope for LCM and TWI to find there way back to teaching god's word. They need to apologize for there faults and then keep on teaching. :)


  17. Something is just not right with this thread. I just have to wonder why ck always talks about how good twi is then post with a tounge in cheek of how good it was and yet how screwed up it is(SNS). This is NOT a slam against you ck but it seemes that chunks of information was thrown into your first post. Me myself am just not taking the bait.

    When I talk of the TWI being good is when VPW was there. I believe the TWI is just like any other church today. The money is more important and the person is second or third. I went to the service fully suited and sat through the whole thing


  18. A WAR ZONE?

    Bring it on son! I was verbally cutting little punks like you to shreds when you were still just a gleam in your daddy’s eye! Albeit, from the ignorance you display here, that “gleam” was probably from all the alcohol he consumed while he was conceiving you.

    Your still wet behind the ears, don’t have a clue, don’t know sh!t from Shinola. Here, I’ll give you a clue. Follow the family mutt around for a day. See that stinky brown stuff that comes out right below his tail? That’s not Shinola, kid!

    Hey, there's a heck of a lot more I'd like to say, but it would just get me moderated. And a little boy like you ain't worth it.

    Hey, you brought it on. Let the war begin!

    Let the war begin!
    Have you been sleeping :sleep1: ? What do you think is going on?
    And a little boy like you ain't worth it.

    If a little boy like me is not worth it why did you even make a post?

    Here, I’ll give you a clue.

    I didn't know you had one because I don't see it.


  19. :offtopic: I like pizza (off-topic remark to see if I get insulted)

    Oak I would hate to do this to you because we chat all the time but why can't you stay on subject? Whats with the pizza did you order papa johns while writing this post? Maybe if you like pizza so much why don't you send a e-mail to papa johns. They might even send you free coupons


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