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Posts posted by RumRunner

  1. Cheranne,

    These points are the hallmark of nearly every religious organization.

    Good point

    The main difference is that "cults" tend to be more legalistic and are that way presumably for the good of the individual and that person's standing with God. The cult creates the aura of having a special relationship with God, not attainable outside the cult, due to a better understanding of what God wants, than what is commonly accepted.

    I don't see those comments as differentiating factors - almost all religions of any flavor all push that belief system - same thoughts on the next paragraph.

    No religious belief system can be "proved" wrong, because ALL religious organizations are based on believing and behaving a certain way now to obtain rewards in the life after death realm, and no one's come back to tell us how it really is. We're aligning ourselves with what sounds the best.

    The problem with TWI was the use of fear and intimidation to control the lives of people, and the notion that the people using fear and intimidation tactics were speaking for God and acting on God's behalf.

    Ahhh yes...just like the crusades, like Joshua and Jericho, like a Muslim Fatwah...no difference at all. God is on my side and my side alone...

    People who join cults in this day and age, have the opportunity to do so with eyes wide open. If they choose to not do the research and ask the questions, or blindly trust, then that's really their problem. No one can plead ignorance with all the information that is out there.

    I do not believe that their eyes are wide open. There are certainly more resources available, i.e. the net, etc but a 16 yr old is still a 16 yr old - I've raised a couple of them.

    TWI was more despicable to us (GSC folk) because we were in, we got conned (something which people here seem to deny a lot), our egos got slapped down for the foolish decisions we made. But I see no difference between TWI and any other mainstream religion except that TWI was nothing more than a small footnote and the Muslims and Christians are global. I'm pretty much going with Garth - but maybe taking it farther. Please feel free to keep all religions away from me.

    Religion is not merely the opium of the masses, it's the cyanide. - Tom Robbins

    • Upvote 1
  2. They seem to fail the cardinal rule of writing: Eschew obfuscation.



    Come now - you've never heard of the IOCCC? (International Obfuscated C Code Contest)

    Here is the winning entry from David Korn - 1987 - still the all time winner.

    If you can solve this WITHOUT using a compiler you're probably a pretty good bit splitting with C. Don't cheat now...One hint - compile it yourself token by token and it won't be so obfuscated.

    main() { printf(&unix["\021%six\012\0"],(unix)["have"]+"fun"-0x60);}

  3. In 1978.....I saw wierwille go ballistic when three 8th corps had done some tangent research. Excuse me????

    Ah yes I was there and remember only too well. You see the cyclops was initially rather excited and let them present it to the in rez folk...stayed excited right up until they intimated (by making "corrections") that he had made a couple of mistakes in his research...

    O'Brien: Winston!!!! How many fingers am I holding up!!!!

    Winston Smith: I don't know!!!! I honestly don't know!!!!

    O'Brien: Good! Now we're beginning to make progress.

    Edited for a couple of typos

  4. Dooj you are having the same problems on this thread that I am. A lot of folks here really seem to know their movies. I watch trash or else stuff way off the beaten path. Trash is probably easy but already well covered; the other stuff ends up being not so obvious per the rules here. No doubt some folks here have watched the movie "The Professional" but what one line would you slurp out of that movie that makes it obvious what movie you were referring to?!?!?!

    Maybe WW and some of the other experts here secretly work for Netflix and started this thread to motivate us to watch more movies.

  5. I'm trying to figure out the purpose. Four hours of what probably was hard labor and 4 hours of "study".

    To increase their mystic power of believing...

    Free room and board and a certificate of completion in return.

    To increase their mystic power of believing...

    Did these people need experience in working on a farm?

    Yes. To increase their mystic power of believing...

    Was the farm actually self-sustaining?

    Yes through the mystic power of believing...

    How were the bills paid?

    By showing the mystic power of believing when "sharing" personal finances...

    Did people pay to get into the program, or were they subsidized? What happened if someone got hurt, or sick?

    No one who has the mystic power of believing gets hurt or sick...

    Did they have to provide their own health insurance? Did they have to sign a "hold harmless" agreement?

    Beats me...

    • Upvote 3
  6. Creosote is carcinogenic (=gives you cancer) and that's why it's not used any more.

    The other wood treatment to avoid for use in gardens is anything treated with copper arsenate. The preservative is so toxic that if you buy it in 8 foot sections there will be half a dozen warning labels stapled to it. Don't know about the U.K. but still commonly used in the U.S.

  7. Well done crew.- remember if Geisha is recaptured they will come after us with their WayFers set on disintegrate. Have the NoFer cannons set on full.


    Oh Shanta LaMaka See-tay

    On it Captain!! But in the event I am recaptured by the enemy. . . . I am posting instructions on how to build your own AFDB (Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie)


    This is the most effective protection in combating mind control.

  8. For anyone who is looking to be homogenized into some groupthink...this is not the website. :spy:

    Heh heh heh - well if some had there way it clearly would be - but thank goodness Paw ain't a group think kind of board owner.

    • Upvote 1
  9. It's OK - greed stopped the original alien invasion - it will fail again. Be careful though - if you have any of your old name tags then your thoughts are being relayed to RibbonShark and V2P2. Geisha will you please fashion some aluminum foil hats to protect us?

    Anyone ever note that aluminum spelled backwards sounds like a planet you'd find rich people on? Munimula...you decide...

  10. I dunno. I keep coming back to the thought.. they've sent a boy to do a man's job..

    why is this..

    confront us "vindictive" god rejectors with da "love of god"..

    it's just my impression.. looks like the same thing, all over again..

    Maybe it's his interim assignment - if he can't convert us he can't finish his second in rez year - he'll be reassigned to the horse farm cleaning out the stalls - and then making WOW burgers for dinner (sans hand washing of course) for the rest of his life - that is until kicked out for being too old. I mean, after all, nothing against horses - heck they taste just as good as beef, but it was never Cyclops' goal to train horse stall cleaners - he wanted Fortune 500 CEO's - you know - kinda like the Loud Clearly Magic Forehead.

    Edited to add the reference to Loud Clearly Magic Forehead

  11. There is only one solution to this national, yea international tragedy.

    We must build the fountain of living ale along with the Wiener Over the World auditorium. A bronze statue must be raised and will be named the eternally erect wiener.

    Memorial books will be published; Jesus Christ was not a Wiener (nor a Wierwille); Wieners are not God (good ale is); Receiving the Wholesome Sauerkraut Today; Chilies Should Be Plentiful; Serve the Dogs with Chives Now...and others.

    Finally all people with good wieners and buns will be invited to the special coach of wieners - affectionately and actually known as the weinermobile.

    For questions simply write to:

    The Wiener

    Box 12 oz package

    Cardboard Boxville, USA


  12. WORSE. they said mashed.

    You desperately need to read Tom Robbins, "Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates"...especially if you like irritating stupid people I can also highly recommend "Still Life with Woodpecker."

    • Upvote 1
  13. I love blackeyed peas for New Years day! My mother always served them, good for luck? or was that money? :)


    Heh - the cabbage was green money, the blackeyed peas was silver money, and I can't remember what the corned beef was for.

  14. Sign in hardware store window:




    (Who didn't know that?)

    N.S. I promise - My daughter and I were walking through a mall - signs

    a) over Mervyns before they bellied up - "Now Hiring" - but under the sign - "Mervyns"

    Uhh - Now hiring Mervyns, Is that like now hiring Smirfs? What about blonds? What about horse lovers?

    b) over the pool store - "Professional grade chemicals" - uhhh - is that like pharmaceutical grade LSD?

  15. Well now who doesn`t have a sense of humor?

    FYI, I didn`t call YOU stupid, I called the statement you made saying I didn`t like Grouch Stupid :) Either you were mistaken or you deliberately lied...shrug either way it was not accurate.

    Love ya babe

    • Upvote 2
  16. Well now that really IS stupid..I LIKE Groucho and enjoy his posts ...lol :)

    I guess I don`t think much of a teacher of any kind of style that propounds that kind of crap. I have competed in open tournaments as have my kiddoes. The tae kwon do students big dramatic movements are generally able to be countered by the shorter more direct karate techniques...shrug...

    Either way, The martial arts students around these parts have mutual admiration, respect and understanding of one another and their specific styles, as well as what makes each of them unique and effective.

    Dooj, lead with my chin or not, I post what I think, and in spite of your numerous assertions of embarrassing myself, it would be less than honest to alter my posts or opinions or style to suit you. Why not let me post my thoughts?

    Can we limit our comments to our opinions to the subject at hand rather than why one anothers points or opinions should be invalidated?

    "Can we limit our comments to our opinions to the subject at hand rather than why one anothers points or opinions should be invalidated?"

    So why did you post your additional BS above Rascal? Call it a even - well except that TaeKwonDo always kicks Karate butt - now go back to you regularly scheduled program - and if you want to call me "STUPID" again do it in a PM wench.

    • Upvote 1
  17. We were told the number 6 million was exaggerated but not that camps didn't exist. Maybe this is new wine in an old something. Or was that old whining about empty bottles...? Anyhoo, point taken.

    Unfortunately, I wonder how many will grow old even outside of TWI. Many were hurt badly, lost family, careers, etc. Those things can cut one's life short.


    Close but... when I was in rez we were told to read these three books, The Myth of the Six Million (which would agree with what you posted - a delta in the numbers), The Hoax of the Twentieth Century - which did indeed try to dispel the whole thing, and The Thirteenth Tribe - which had nothing to do with WWII - just tried to prove that there are no more Jewish people left

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