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1 john 3:1

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Posts posted by 1 john 3:1

  1. I know of a couple that went there until about 18 months ago. The couple had no contact from them for 18 months or maybe a bit more. Suddenly, out of the blue, last week CFF showed up at their door when the couple wasn't home and talked to their kids telling the kids they were possessed and they had come to deliver them from devil spirits. They had the kids totally freaked out after a couple of hours. The parents came home and threw them out of the house. As they left the told the kids that their parents were being "total bitches". Then they called the kids on the kids' cell and tried to get the kids to meet them someplace. What a bunch of arsessss. Naturally the kids will still think of some of the things these folks said to them and ideas that were put in their heads. Hard enough to deal with kids growing up in this world without an outsider that isn't even welcome barging into your home and trying to stir the pot.

    Sogwop this is bs! I do not believe you. Sorry but this one is way far out and on your authority? CFF showed up at their door? CFF WHO! Come on and stop the crap...........gimme a break. John & Wayne would not sanction that nor condone it either.

  2. Though not directly affiliated with CFF I have at times met together with the group here for joint events. We have had several of the CFF teachers come here including John ,Wayne and Research Geek Catcup's husband who posts here . I have had none of the indicated problems with any of them, the last weekend we had four fellowships get together a "geer group" from Chicago a "CFF group" and a couple of independent fellowships. Geek came out from Ohio to teach as well as some from Chicago. We all stayed together for the weekend at the camp cabins and there was no hint of any cross group problems. We had a party and dance in a hall that we turned into a fifties diner and we had Sunday fellowship in the diner with coffee and rolls and a lunch following. Something is lacking in this story above it seems to me.

    I agree with you Dove, John & Wayne do not tell anyone how to run their fellowships but make themselves available if the needs arise & yes the coordinators are responsible to see that the doctrine is on the Word to the best of their ability. They are both the best and do their best to bless God's people.

    And from Heartman

    "This has been very interesting and I am sorry I brought it up. I usually only read here and dont post. I only know what has happened here in the southeast. But all of the responces that I have seen have some truth in them. Dove you are correct and I wish we could all just get along and move the Word and help people be there best for God. However it appears that will not be the case. I guess at some point as the groups grow and begin to get more people they will have to come to the point of US and THEM. And so it goes, we have Methodist, catholics, splinter groups and ex wayfers.............I know all of the players in this sad drama and none want to hurt anyone and all believe they are helping everyone and talking and walking for God---so who is right and who is wrong? I guess at the gathering we will find out."

    Heartman, perhaps what happens in the south east should stay in the south east. This is exactly how rumors get started and after all it's you opinion of a situation that apparantely you were not even directly involved with, you just "heard" from what you said.

    I don't what you intended to do here but personally I would put more creditibility to what I see and hear myself than any rumor being spread by someone with a ficticious name that we all use here.

  3. My wife and I have had great help from CFF the past year. Tender treatment, good teaching, gifts of healing, etc. My belief in God's goodness and ever ready supply was re-established. I was never taught by CFF to go to "the household" to get my need met or take a class or any other TWI equivalent work to get deliverance. :dance:

    No allegience was requested. At their Family reunion in August, people were exhorted to find a LOCAL

    fellowship or CHURCH in which to function. No long distance "membership" program. In this Monday's

    newletter folks were encouraged to participate a local fellowship or church where they were blessed or to

    start their own fellowship/church if their current group or leaders was not satisfactory to them. :)

    So in my context, maybe the "spies" were sent, maybe someone just took it upon themselves to spy in the name of CFF, maybe the "spies" were invited. Maybe it never happened. If it did happen a logical point

    my wife raised was when someone represents a business or church as an affiliate, the "name" group wants

    to know if their affiliate is representing them as they want to be represented. That said, going into a

    meeting with the motive of "being a spy" for someone else is wrong.

    My and our experiences with CFF are recent and VERY helpful. No group is perfect nor does one have the

    whole truth, but some are much closer to the truth than others. I think CFF falls into that category.

    And FYI our local fellowship is not affiliated with CFF, but several people listen to their tapes, classes, etc.

    We do not solicit money for CFF.

    I/we are not recruiting for CFF, but I am standing up to say any comparsion between them and TWI is

    like comparing citizenship in the US to Russia or China

    I have to agree with you Pipes, I have never heard any of the bs that has been spread here and I have been involved with CFF & many other "loving" splinter groups. If the doctrine being talked about is way out in left field, then I would not want to fellowship with that group either and perhaps they were trying to get a grip on what was being taught. I don't think that's strange. For instance if someone started teaching something very far out about healing and it became "spiritual" in my mind according to what the WORD says, not VP or any other minister, I would not want to have anything to do with them either, so perhaps they were protecting the Body of Christ with what they know of the Word. So let's not run off with rumor here and start spreading garbage that we know nothing about. I would lean on the side of cutting some slack here.

    I am sorry that some of your had bad experiences here and are glad to hear that things are going well now and you have healed. None of us are perfect and we all give advice at times that we believe God is working in us and who knows, maybe we all make the same mistakes.

    It's so sad when there is division and no I have not rec'd a letter about anyone. There is one believer who is teaching some far out stuff on healing (which according to the Word should be simple) and yes I don't have to agree with what he is teaching, since it's not documented in the Word. And I would be the 1st person to explain to someone that I do not believe his doctrine is from the Word and then show them why.

    It was explained very lovingly in a SNS tape that this person does not fellowship with CFF anymore and I don't find that "legalistic" in any way. Oh well............

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