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1 john 3:1

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Posts posted by 1 john 3:1

  1. Had Churchianity for years and hated it. I would imagine that most at doing just what they want to do, fellowship with a small group. Still makes sense to me and it's what they did in Acts. Anyway for us has nothing to do with "fear" as someone put it, has everything to do with getting to know each other in a deeper way and moving the Word.

    As far as doctrine, I don't believe any church or fellowship has it all but we still prefer to stay away from people believing the dead are alive and the trinitarian stuf. The rest is a walk by the Spirit of God anyway. I believe most of us here know enough of the Word to help people rather than go from church to church looking for what? :wink2:

  2. baylie_two.bmpbaylie_newcomb.bmp

    Please visit the prayer room and click on Baylie's link. She has gone from being all 'tubed' up to just a little oxygen. Her story is in the prayer room & she can use yours.

    We are seeing miracles with this little believer's daughter and wanted to share. Please keep her in your prayers. Sorry if this is in the wrong place but they need your prayers, God is at work big time and I just had to post.


  3. Mark:

    Wayne Clapp at the Indiana Campus (dean for many years) had a Master of something degree and was pursuing a doctorate, but I don't think I recall him actually teaching, just getting his freebee education courtesy of the slave corps.


    I believe Wayne was a Harvard Graduate. Wayne not teaching, I think you must be mistaken about that. Rev. Clapp is an awesome teacher.

  4. New note from Grandma & Julie,


    I haven't talked with Julie yet, giving her and Don time with Baylie in recovering. However, here's her update from Baylie's website:

    Good news, everyone!! The doctor just came out and said that it went perfectly! Her heart has a normal sinus rhythm and they're just finishing everything up right now. He said that the size of her hole was approximately the size of a nickel or quarter. Wow!!! Just imagine how hard it was for her to be breathing this whole time. We'll hopefully be able to see her in the next 30-60 minutes. Thank you all again for your prayers.

    I add my thanks too! And thanks most of all to our loving Father.




  5. It really sucks than any believer's child has to go thru this. The up side if there is one is that they have seen so many signs, miracles and wonders. We just want this baby whole and right now! This is devilish bs. I remember all that little Joey went thru and I can't wait for the return.

    Thanks guys for caring.......I don't know what I would do in the same situation. Probably hold a bedside vigil.

  6. Vickles you are doing the right thing. Just hang in there and God will put you where you will bloom & prosper. There are CODI (NOT COSI) mortgages that are good right now. The interest fluctuates but it's tied to the CD & savings rates not the prime and they are still pretty low & have a low history.

    World Savings is the best one, they only tie it to their own CD's & savings rates. You pay about 3 pts. over the cd/savings rates. about 7 %. The beauty of this is that you only pay on the unpaid bal & each month it goes down so the next payment is on the balance. You can e-mail me if you like for more info.

    No matter what the interest rate is the payment is the same and only goes up 7% of the PAYMENT each year for 7 years. It's also bi-weekly so it's paid in 24 yrs instead of 30. If you payment is 800. a mo. the next year is 863.00.

    God's blessings coming down!

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