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Linda Z

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Posts posted by Linda Z

  1. From that site: "This Halloween, what you as a Christian need to do is HalloWitness."

    Oh good grief. I understand if parents don't want their kids to dress as evil creatures...but give out religious tracts for treats to little kids???

    I remember the zealots who used to leave me those instead of a tip when I was busting my butt as a waitress on the WOW field. And the sad part is, I'm sure they thought they were doing me a huge favor.

    Linda Z

  2. I smell smoke. I think it's coming from the serious backpedaling going on in that letter. The other smell is coming from the BS involved in twisting JP's words (good observation, Napkin Lady) and trying to make Harve and his cohorts look like the good guys.

    (Interesting that old Rosielee pawned this one off on Harve, isn't it? As president of the organization, wouldn't you think she'd be the one speaking up? Hmmmm, interesting indeed.)

    Well, Harvey, since you've opened the dialogue, I have a few questions for you concerning some other situations in a similar vein as Mrs. Wierwille's care:

    1. What about Cora Mae Peters? What kind of consideration was she given when she fell terminally ill after decades of service to The Way International? Did you pay for her care in her last days after she was booted out of there? I heard you didn't. I heard it from someone who's in a position to know. So are you going to tell me you did? If so, can you prove it? Backpedal that one.

    2. How about Don Wierwille's funeral? What's wrong with this picture? The children of Dr. V.P. Wierwille had a time limit on how long they were permitted to stay at a funeral for their brother? A funeral, by the way, in case you've forgotten, which was taking place on the property of the home they grew up in?!?!?

    You should be ashamed of yourself, Harvey. Really ashamed. And so should Rosalie and Donna and the new guy on the BOD. You live quite well (and don't tell me you don't, cuz I've been in some of your homes) off the ABS of the people of the Way. But you'd better be careful. All that backpedaling could be hazardous to the future of your gravy train, don't you think?

    (Paw, I hope I was polite enough. I didn't cuss and I didn't call any names, but these people just frost my cookies.)

    Linda Z

  3. Dot:

    Just a thought, but I don't think it would hurt: If memory serves me well, you're in a large city that surely has a university. How about asking if their med school has an infectious disease dept. and, if so, find out if there's a doc in it who practices (as opposed to just teaching or researching). Someone like that might be better at identifying the problem.

    I imagine the alternative stuff you're trying can't hurt and might help.

    Praying for this to end for you,


  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom.

    If her condition is terminal, then I'd recommend contacting the local hospice people. (Her hospital or her doctor should have contact info for them.) Hospice nurses know more about pain management and making patients comfortable than anyone in the medical professions, as far as I'm concerned. They're also there to help the person's family during a difficult time.

    You're all in my prayers,

    Linda Z

  5. What a terrible loss. My heart and prayers go out to Ruthie and their children and family members, and to the many people whose lives Joe touched in such a wonderful way.

    Dot, I know how much he meant to you, and I'm so sorry for the hurt you're feeling, but I'm also thankful you were finally able to make contact with him before he was gone.

    Joe was one of the bright spots in rez for me...always loving and quick to laugh and ready to hug...so down to earth.

    You're right, exxie, how costly indeed.

    Love to all,


  6. Hi, HAP:

    Yes, they're still in Strongsville...my mom and sister just talked to Walt at a memorial service a couple weeks ago.

    I don't have their contact info, but I'll bet they're in the book.

    Linda Z

    [This message was edited by Linda Z on August 07, 2003 at 7:50.]

  7. Just a note to say I've been praying for you and continue to do so. I'm so sorry for your loss, but thankful you've had loved ones around so you could all comfort each other.

    Linda Z

  8. "our doggies sleep in the beds. it grosses me out..... and i love it....."

    Tell me about it. Last night Emma "cut the cheese," and I thought I'd die.

    "do you think in heaven we can have hairless dogs...."

    I don't know why they aren't all hairless now, as much as they shed!

    "... and ones with nice breath"

    Only if there are no kitty litter boxes to raid in heaven.

  9. Very interesting discussion, and interesting link, ExC. I don't agree with everything the guy says, but the stuff on dogfights was good.

    My Emma (40 lbs soaking wet but has that vice-grip terrier mouth) isn't aggressive toward other dogs when we're out and about, but when she's in our fenced yard, she growls and barks at everyone.

    A neighbor comes by to talk over the fence sometimes, and Emma sits there and snaps and snarls at her dog the whole darn time. And it's true, when she's really riled up I dare not reach for her collar to pull her back, because she doesn't even know it's me she's snapping at. Judging from the article on that Web site, I'm lucky she didn't rearrange my hand or arm.

    One thing I don't agree with from that site is not letting my dog sleep in my bedroom. She's very alert to noises and very protective of me. At the very least she'd let me know if anyone tried to break in, and she'd probably take an intruder's face off if he came after me. I don't think she'd be much help in a crate or in another room.


  10. Yesterday my mom went shopping and when she came home and walked in the house, she heard my dad talking. It sorta startled her. Dad's in his 80s, but he's not normally in the habit of sitting around talking to himself, so at first she didn't know what was going on.

    When she asked him what was wrong, Dad said, "I'm speaking in tongues for Ernie." Ernie is Dad's good friend who was admitted to the hospital yesteday to have a biopsy done on a tumor in his bladder.

    Bless Dad's sweet heart. All his brothers and sisters have died, and he's lost so many of his friends. The thought of him sitting there praying for his friend....I don't know, it just makes me reach for the Kleenex.

    I'm praying for his friend Ernie, first because he's a great guy and second because it would be such a blessing to my dad to have his friend recover. These guys really look out for each other. They're so sweet.

    So, please pray for Ernie and his good friend, my dad.

    Thanks, all you faithfully prayin' people. I know you're there, ready to pray for anyone who needs it, and I just love that about this particular place on GS.

    Love and thanks,


  11. If anyone ever had the joy of visiting the "Twig that was a Limb" in New Lyme, Ohio, you probably had the pleasure of meeting Ray and Vera Kaderle. Sorry to report that Ray has passed away.

    Ray was a simple, loving man whose faith and joy were evident in all he did.

    Vera and the rest of the family are in my prayers and thoughts.


    Linda Z

  12. From our dear Adios:

    "We have freedom of speach in this country. We don't have to tell our President we love him like those poor people in Iraq. Please try not to silence any voices, these are all the voices of the American people, this is why I love this country."


    Linda Z

  13. Socksness, glad to hear the Moody Blues still rock. I had a chance to go see them in Vegas about 10 years ago, but my friends dragged me elsewhere. I'm still ticked off at them. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Ah, Spirit. They were previously called Spirits Rebellious, if my memory serves. Did you guys know that the drummer was Randy "California"'s dad? I hung out at their house in Ojai once and used to go hear them play pretty often. Randy and his dad were friends of a friend of mine, so we always got in for free.

    Haven't pulled out their albums in eons. Maybe that would be good music to clean by today! Thanks for the reminder!

    Linda Z

  14. It's noticeably slower when I'm moving between threads or between forums.

    I appreciate your trying to make it the best for us. Maybe it's just my connection, but I do have cable access and I haven't noticed it lagging anywhere else.


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