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Posts posted by Lori

  1. http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofintell...edoyouhavequiz/

    Here are my results ---

    Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence


    Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes.

    You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time.

    You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it.

    Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds.

    You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer.

    This was mine, too, DM

  2. My "face melting" session was in front of the Limb Coordinators and their assistant fellowship coordinators after they supposedly confronted me the first time. ( This "first time" eveyone in our branch was confronted in a "special meeting", but no names were mentioned.) I highly question this. If they're not going to directly confront an individual one on one, what makes them think they can proceed to the next step? After all, who were they talking to?

    During this "face melting", the Limb Coordinator's wife told me she had me figured out the very first time she met me, "within minutes". She's the same person who asked me that very day we met if another believer in my fellowship was a lesbian! They went on to accuse me of many more things.....they humiliated me, degraded me, and verbally assaulted me with little or no foundation for what they did.

    The presumptuousness was so startling, all I could do was sit and wonder if it was really happening. These other people that were in the room were my friends. It was so embarassing! Of course, they weren't saying anything! I don't think they could believe it either.

    She "bragged" during this confrontation they were often sent to areas that needed cleaning up.

    It was so hurtful that I couldn't face her again. It felt like someone took a 9" dagger and stabbed me in the heart with no mercy. She's been known for a fiery temper, as she's done her "deed" with others, too. Often, in front of onlookers. She would make slanderous remarks even in teachings about other leadership. (some were still with twi and some weren't, and let's not forget talking about believers who just recently left) This was during teachings! She seemed to take the lead when it came to her husband. He just went along with her.

    We moved to Cincinnati, and got back involved with twi, only to find it wasn't much different here either. I was spared the harshness, though. My ex and I divorced in 2003.

    I just don't know how twi would allow someone like that to be "leadership", all the while hurting believers. (which is what she accused me of) TWI received at least one letter from another believer informing them of what this couple had done to him on a previous assignment. She even told me that! So it wasn't like they didn't know.....

    It's been hard for me to write about it. It's been 8 years, and it still hurts. I feel better about myself now, and I've come to the realization she didn't know what she was talking about.....

    I wonder how she'd respond if someone did that to her?

    Maybe someone did, and that's why she does what she does........

  3. It's horrible! I can't imagine how ANYONE could harm young children...It's so hurtful and disgusting. I agree, SV, the death penalty would save many broken hearts....especially if they have no remorse.

    Forgiveness, honestly Jonny, if it were one of my children, I don't think I could.

    I think you have a good point. Bitterness is an entrapment I don't like either. Bitterness poisons from the inside out, and keeps its prisoner in a hopeless dungeon instead of needed light to sort through things. I think understanding is a great key to forgiveness. If you can understand why someone does something, at least you can empathize.

    I'll admit I may have some growing to do, but I don't think I could understand the insanity of such an act.

    And yes, our experiences with twi pale in comparison to this even if we have been hurt. It's the same adversary, just a different day.


  4. Wonderful!?!?!?!?! :blink:

    I think most of the time, they didn't even mean it!

    Probably just a cover-up for how miserable they are!

    (You know, you never talked about what it was that was ailing you!) :yawn1::asdf:


  5. This week has been great! I've managed with the help of GSC to get in contact with some people I knew from way back. They're great people! These people made me laugh, almost hysterically at times....

    It has brought back fond memories, and talking with them briefly has given me an invigorated sense of renewal. Many miles have passed, as one of them said; and what we have today, is what we have. This person was very special to me. He was always a strong leader, and I had a huge amount of respect for him.

    My thoughts go back to another corps couple that were in my area within the last six years of twi. They had served on staff for many, many years... He and his wife were/are such great people. They were kind, very loving, understanding, and had so much compassion. THEIR confrontations were not anything like the typical abuse seen on a regular basis from other twi leaders. (Even though they endured the abuse.) They were honest in what they said, and had genuine concern for people. They were very much loved by all who knew them.....Well mostly all...there were those who didn't like being confronted...the Board of Directors.....Enough said.

    I'm just thankful that I know these wonderful people who have caused great joy in my life.

    They taught me so much!

    And so on we go, and we can do that for others too.........causing great joy!

  6. I admire you for wanting to get involved like that!

    I'll be lifting you.....

    Little boys love fatherly figures, and I'm sure it will be special for this little guy!

    Send us a picture if you can.

    Best to you, Oenophile! :)

  7. I was so concerned about finding a job before my school started back up.

    I was working in a job I had little or no experience, and my boss told me I am too much of a perfectionist. :blink: Imagine that! We both came to that agreement a week ago.

    I needed to find a job within a week because my school is starting up soon. (It would have made my job search much more difficult)

    Well I got this job with the hours I needed to go to school, the location I wanted (it's only 5 miles from my house), it's a customer service job (I love talking to people), and it pays more than I asked for.


    YOU'RE STILL IN BUSINESS!!! :dance: (Still healing - :cryhug_1_: )

    And thanks Rummy, and Suda!

    I can't remember if I told anyone else.

    So now, I'm off for the drug test! I've been a good girl! Hee Hee!!!

    It's been so fun talking with you guys both here and on chat.

    Love you guys

    Whoops! I probably posted this is the wrong spot!

  8. Hi Krys,

    I don't know alot about brand generics, but I know medications are expensive!

    I switched to herbal remedies because they were much cheaper. It seemed to work for me.

    However, I realize it might not work for everybody. (I didn't have any insurance at the time.)

    It really helps when you have insurance to pay for your medicine.

    Have you looked into programs that would supplement your insurance, like Merck?

    I've seen them advertised on TV quite a bit. I could keep my ear out for ya.

  9. Does kissing trees count?

    Yep! When I was little, I "DREAMED" of my first kiss! So I practiced kissing trees! It's no lie!

    And no, I'm not VP! ^_^

    Try wrapping yourself around a tree! Uggghhhhhh!

    "Barky, Barky" takes on a whole new meaning! :)

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