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Posts posted by Lori

  1. Hi everyone,

    I need to find another job ASAP. (Something I can do part-time while in school)

    I was let go today. When I interviewed for this job I was upfront about my school hours

    during the week, and that I needed to leave by a certain time. They were willing to hire

    me with this information. However, the majority of their orders were coming in after I had

    already left for school. Obviously, this wasn't working out.

    Why they hired me in the first place is a question in my mind, but, I'm not going to wrack my head for answers to that one. After all! They should have had some kind of idea how long customer service was needed!

    So that brings me to where I am now. I'm confident I will find something, but I need your help.

    It will help me to know that my friends here at GSC are praying.....and seeing me in a

    part-time job that is good for me and my employer.

    Meawhile, I'll start my engines are take some action and get what I need...

    Thanks, and I will keep you updated.

    You guys and gals here are great!!


  2. I have felt like that, especially more lately.

    Nothing helps me like pulling out the word and reading some of my favorite stories.

    Somehow reading about how David or Esther handled some of their demons is refreshing.

    After that, I take some time just me and God, and I pour my heart out.

    It helps me to put things in perspective about what's bothering me. Sometimes I'll even write it out.

    What I've found is sometimes I just need to look at something differently. It helps me to gain a new perspective.

    And then I go and find people to socialize with, or play my keyboard for awhile, go sightseeing, do something fun.

    Like many of you, I have been lonely, too. I recently started going to school, so that takes up 3 nights a week. I have met people there and gained some new friendships. I have found people here on GSC to be supportive even though I really don't know anyone here very well. My kids and I have a great relationship, and we help each other.

    But I'm around the age of menopause also, and have needed anti-depressants. Recently I converted from prozac to herbal and finding it to be most helpful. There's another issue that arises this time of life, and that's thyroid. That will make a person feel tired, drained, and depressed. So, I'm also taking medicine for that.

    But there's always answers....

    and there are people who care.....

  3. Top, I remember that story. It was on a teaching tape! And yes, it had the same effect on me, too.

    This poor girl must have been so humiliated!

    Did they ever care about that?

    I say, NOT!

  4. what about "not standing anymore"

    Leads a person to think they're in oblivion, not protected, not in the household, blah, blah, blah, etc...

    What a bunch of ego maniacs to think twi is the only ministry that ever taught any truth!!!!!

    OK, they probably meant standing with THEM! Well I guess I can see that, but I was always thought it was a vindictive way to handle people both in and out of twi.

    Now I realize I AM STANDING and I sure as hell don't need them to do it!

    What about Romans 14:4?

    "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand."

  5. There was a short time I worked for a mortgage company as a telemarketer.

    We were given lists of names, numbers, addresses, and mortgage information pertaining to their current loans. I don't know how many times I reached people who were on the do not call list.

    I asked my boss why we were getting these names of people who requested to be on the "do not call list".

    These people were angry and rightfully so. His explanation left me groping in the dark. So I called the agency we got our lists from and found out it was our company's responsibility to filter out these names by connecting with a federal database. I brought this to my boss's attention, and he flat-out refused to take these steps even though people would have a right to sue.

    Needless to say, I quit shortly after!

  6. I really can't think of any legalism stories like the ones that I've read...This micromanaging a person's life boggles my mind. I can't believe that they were reduced to such controlling weinies.

    I left in 1987 when Martindale required that twig leaders start reporting (on a weekly basis), who was faithful in their fellowship and who wasn't....I flat out refused...that was the end of it.

    No offense intended...but to allow this guy to micromanage your lives the way he did!!!...Why didn't you just quit? I never would have put up with that crap. Get permission to attend a cake baking class?...What, you're kidding me right? My attitude was always...twi will get what I give them...nothing more. When they pushed me, I pushed back...

    In the early 70's, twi believers were smoking dope at twig, getting drunk in bars and doing what they damn well pleased...nobody ever had to account for themselves...it was none of their damned business...and they knew it! It wasn't until an evolution of mind conditioning and group think mentality that saturated twi..did the legalism begin to take root...they convinced people that they were responsible to THEM (twi leaders) for their actions...they began to live in the eyes of other people and they lost their way...so very sad.

    I agree Groucho!

    it was when LCM wanted total allegiance as he put it (during the leadership tapes 1 & 2)....and with the promise things would get to the prevailing word! What a lie! It makes me think of a verse in 2 Peter 2:19.....

    "While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage."

    Why did we follow this man and this corrupt ministry? We should have had brains to think with.......

    How sad!!!!! however enlightening........


  7. Thanks Rummy for clearing that one up for me. :thinking:

    I just learned something about kindness.....

    Not to stick my foot in my mouth... :rolleyes::nono5:

    besides my shoe size just got bigger!!!!..... :wink2:

  8. Actually excath - a fair amount of plain and simple kindness... plenty o' other snot too but plenty of kindness. Look at al the good folk here at GSC. All ex-way zombies but plenty of kindness to go around. I bet most of the people here were kind when they were in.

    Hey Rummy, I might have misunderstood you. Sorry, if I did. :redface:

    Lifted, thanks for your input. I appreciate it. :wink2:

  9. There's another book I enjoy reading. Actually, I haven't read it in a while,

    but it gives perspectives from male and female sides.

    It's called, "Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus".

    Most libraries have it. I liked it so much I went and bought a copy.

    I'd like to find a church or someplace, too, where I could call home!

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