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now I see

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Posts posted by now I see

  1. I think this thread started innocently enough, but it propbably will denegrate into the same pattern as previous threads about it...seeing as the website founder is a sincere and good intentioned person, and out of respect for Paw, then it's ok with me we don't go any deeper than this...

  2. Can somebody please shed some light on if it is dangerous for her to go to these people? Will it prolong her healing process?

    This web board is filled with people who have left twi, so it's not beyond the realm of possibilities that she could leave twi too.  That being said, whether she can make a clean break, depends on her and her willingness to leave.  How dangerous her interactions with her fellowship gets depends on her and them, with twi you're either in or out, could she weather being shunned and disparaged by them?  It might come down to that, they may single her out and interrogate her in order to convince her to choose between you and them, who knows, it sorta depends on her ability to make her own decisions.

    How strong is her resolve not to ever go back?

  3. I'm not sure why Mr. Wierwille declined to tackle Revelation; "academic challenge" or the prospect of having his work stand up to rigorous academic scrutiny never seemed to perturb him much.

    I don't think he worried too much about his "college boys" contradicting him. He seemed to have a pretty firm leash on that operation. After all, regardless of anything else he might say, it was implicitly understood The Way International, Incorporated belonged to him and, as the MOGFODAT (gosh, that's a funny acronym to say out loud!), he called the shots.

    I don't know about that Kevlar, one of those college boys started what brought down the ministry by writing a paper on adultery about two years after vpee's death...

    I think one of the reasons vpee plagerized and relied on "inspiration" so much for all his teachings and books was because he was so inept academically, he had nothing else to go on.  Because PLAF never got too deep into the book of Rev, and we know he plagerized that whole class, Revelation was a black hole to him.

    Just my speculative opinion...

  4.  I am not saying TWI didn't have a price tag. I just think it is unrealistic to write off a whole portion of ones life as "All bad".
    I know this is not directed toward me as well, but..

    I paid a tremendous price by getting my life path diverted by twi, and I will pay for it for the rest of my life... it is entirely significant that I was scammed into twi and was under it's influence from 1975 till 2006 when I finally discovered the real truth here on GreaseSpot.

    I know this wasn't directed at me specifically, but I had to respond. I think of it more like if one spent a good deal of their life as an alcoholic, or a drug addict. Would you ever look back at that period of your life with anything but a good deal of regret? The dopey, superstitious, icky religiosity that was WayWorld culture will forever taint the memory of that portion of my life. So, was my life all bad during my tenure at WayWorld? No, but TWI did NOTHING to add to it. It was a net minus, no matter how you look at it.

    Very good analogy of the drug addict.

    One experience doesn't cancel out the other. My bad experiences in TWI were PLENTY. . . but they don't negate the good times. Just like in other areas of my life. Sad times don't cancel out the happy. It is life. . . not always all good and not always all bad.
    But a greivous sham like WayWorld casts a pall over your life. Being suckered and used will always bother me. No matter that there may have been a sugarcoating at times.

    I agree completely with this sentiment.  That's not to say we can't go beyond the loss, we can, it is important to remeber the bad as well as the good,  this website serves as a cautionary warning about it to others.

    When you look back and realize that the focus of your life for 15 years or so was horribly misguided, how do you put a happy face on that and glean all those "good times"? I don't think you can and still mantain any sort of intellectual honesty.

    Do you have warm and fuzzy thoughts about the time you sold Amway for a few months? Or when you lost a load of cash on the slots in Vegas? Or even when you lost a little dough trying to win that big stuffed animal at the carnival? No? Why not?

    And that's what irritates some of us around here when others try to mitigate their wasted time in the cult with all those warm and fuzzy stories. If you try to tell us that WayWorld was really something - at least parttime - wonderful, then you negate OUR experience. Either it was an abusive, destructive, con or it wasn't. The fact that some of us didn't notice, or didn't mind, - or even enjoyed - the abuse does nothing to mollify the real "heart" of the cult...

    Perfectly stated.

    I think it all depends on how big a price you paid and how significant it was to your life, some had greater burdens to bear than others.

    Regarding what Bolsh said about childhood, I know some extwi high ranking reverends whose children won't even talk to them because of all the bullsh... they put them through as children...

  5. I think the book of Revelation was academically too challenging for him, and would too easily dislodge some of his "foundational" teachings if he set some of his "college boys" onto the task of researching it.

    What else would "the teacher", lol, be afraid of?  His ego wouldn't allow for some college boy in the Research dept to show him up.

  6. I checked too, and couldn't find and san diego papers carrying the story, and all the similar articles based theirs on the WND as their source.

    Even though we live in America, I happen to live in a gated HOA community, and I don't get to do what I want with my home because there are HOA rules that don't allow for that, unless I want consequences, I can't even park on the street here after midnight, unless I want to be towed!   :asdf:  And, there are city statutes that won't let me do everything I want either, unless I don't mind the consequences.

    There are ways to fight city hall, but paying fines for ignoring their statutes is not the smart way.  :doh:

  7. I tend to agree on this one, people get mighty touchy about parking when those hosting the meetings every week don't go out of their way to make up for it and proactively make sure no one is being bothered. Especially in high density areas in so cal. Someone had to be bothered enough to sic the city on them, but there's not enough information here to make a qualified interpretation of what exactly the origin was from this article.

    The complainer might have been an athiest or from a different religion who objected to home meetings in principle, we don't know. The article never says what the original complaint was except it violated city statutes for business/church in the home. They should comply with that, as much as one man's home is his castle so is his neighbor's home, with the block being their kingdom.

  8. but lots of the folks (the rank and file joe believers) who had "good times" in the 1970s or around then are imposing their memory of life onto today. Whatever happens today doesn't matter. They had a good time in 1977 or whatever. They refuse to move on and demand that today's teens and twenty something see twi as it was in 197X, and obey. The good times and good feelings are the standard. Reality is not.

    I see wayfers/ex-wayfers reflections of good times as more of a power trip than anything. A way to not take responsibility and blame the next generation for the lack of "believing power" or whatever.

    Sounds like immature adults lording over people with a hefty dose of guilt and shame as manipulation.

  9. Yes, it was oatmeal, I have heard oat bran works too, although I have never used that.  The slug eats the dry oats or cornmeal and then it swells up inside them and kills them.  That is why it is good to put it on at the end of the day, so it stays as dry as possible.  They also avoid the edges of crushed egg shells, so they are good to sprinkle around, and I've read that they don't like mulch since it's fermented like beer is, it doesn't agree with them.  

    They also don't like pine or cedar, some people spread pine needles or pine cones around their gardens, or cedar chips.  I personally have bought cedar oil from ebay to deter different pests from entering my home and used it mixed with water in a sprayer, and sprayed all around the house inside and out.  It really works as a natural insect and bug deterent.  It makes your house smell like a log cabin for a day or two though!

  10. Regarding the posts about the slugs, I don't garden much now, but I used to, and back in the day we used the beer method too and were quite sucessful in eliminating slugs. Also, you can scatter eggshells-as they cut themselves on the sharp edges and avoid the eggshell areas, or scatter dry cornmeal or oats, oat bran on the ground at the end of the day, or do the same as the beer and place them in a low, flat dish, and the oats or the cornmeal will kill the slugs, since they expand after they're eaten. Not as brutal as the salt, but you don't have to clean out the dead slugs from the beer either, and it's natural, no pesticides.

  11. Just wanted to add my 2 cents here, I came here not intending to make friends, I really only came here for information and clarity, my past with twi was a real puzzle with many missing pieces till I started reading GS.  I've received what I came here for, the information I needed, I'm not sure I'm looking for close friends-lets hang out friends from GS, it's not out of the question, I suppose it could happen as a byproduct of posting here, but it is not what I'm necessarily looking for here, and I don't think GS is gonna necessarily provide that..you know?

    Funny though, I've corresponded with almost everyone on this thread thru private message, chatroom or email at one time or another....

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