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Posts posted by firebee

  1. Someone helped me pick out a puppy icon_smile.gif:)-->

    The breed fits my lifestyle and that is awesomely cool.

    I will tell you what puppy I pick up only after I clear it with my source. Not trying to be sneaky about it, just protecting a friend,

    Thanks for all the great advice. I am giddy and excited, not bad for a hair-club candidate who ISN'T the president icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  2. If I have to modify my life, I can do that

    Change is not that big a deal

    She made me feel warm and loved, and even when I moved, that little pit bull looked up into my eyes as if to say "you are comfortable, please stay". That was awesome, and even inspired my thread on "you are awesome"

    [This message was edited by firebee on January 13, 2003 at 14:20.]

  3. Steve! you knew I'd catch you on the name thingie icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Yea, I want a puppy

    A good friend of mine just got a young pit bull and when I was over there visiting, this little pup chewed on me, gnawed at my sneakers and then slept on my lap. Even when I moved, she just curled up tighter when I sat back down.

    I fell in love, pure and simple

  4. I had a cat a few years ago. It was my besttest friend..........luved it when she would curl up at my neck and purr

    I did the dog selector thingie.........that was a hoot......poodles came up as my answer, but I reaaly don't like poodles and I don't know enough about breeds to make a good selection

    BTW........the property laws sound like they could apply to a child or spouse as well.......lmao

  5. What's a good breed that would do well in an apartment environment? When work gets rolling, I am gone for 12 hrs at times.

    I want a smallish type, that is playful and easy to maintain...........and doesn't mind licking a crusty old mug like me

  6. Mike

    I have tried to, tried to be patient as well as understanding of your positions and feelings.

    Don't blame Abigail or anyone else for the length of time this "mj412 debate" has raged on. You could simply get off of the subject yourself and resume the thread as you started it.

    Post away to your hearts desire.......just keep people's name and or identity out of it, if in fact you know the truth of who they are.

    THAT individual at whatever time they choose may or may not reveal themselves. Until any individual "reveals" who they are, it IS NOT up to anyone else to compromise............in speculative terms or otherwise.

    Post on dude........

  7. Mike you said:

    She was taunting me, so I guessed who she was and tried to remind her of how she contacted me, how we had a good time corresponding, and then she disappeared. I told the WHOLE story of what happened because she was alluding that MORE happened.

    I didn't want to confront her, especially in front of others, so i gently remind her. As gently as I know how in an antagonistic atmosphere to an antagonist.

    The rest of your post speaks for itself.

    Then this:

    .....And I never did get my permission to post.

    Are you reading before you post? Scroll up a few notches..........and i'll also repeat what others have said.......Post on Mike, post on

    I think you're taking things too personal and getting way to personal

  8. Boy has this thread taken a turn

    Mike I know OCD and that person wouldn't harm a fly. Quite the contrary ask a matter of fact. Have you ever heard the statement "give the shirt off their back" ?

    That is OCD in my book.I also know that OCD is very loyal to friends and family. If he knows that any of those he cares for are in any danger he will do whatever needs to be done to protect loved ones........that is admirable.

    And like Oakspear said:

    What's your point here? If MJ is Sxxxx, who the H*LL are you to put her real name on this board? If MJ isn't Sxxxx, New York's a big f---in' state, do you really think they're going to run into each other? Sheeesh.

    Mike you are getting a little over the line IMO

  9. Rafael............

    I hope you know my above post was made in jest

    There is plenty of wiggle room for this particular topic in Acts, but not much wiggle at all in the list that started this thread.

    VPW some made outragious statements and claims in PFAL, some of which hurt and harmed innocent prople.

    VT I'm glad you said that, it is very true

    2 or more people can have different opinions that they hold to be truth yet still be doing the will of the Lord.

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