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Posts posted by bfh

  1. Aww, come on Trefor, I know you can do it - it's really not that hard.

    Let me tell you, I suck at Pictionary - that's why George is keeping his clues so simple.

    But, hey, I'm doing it anyway, and I'll get better.

    I know you are a smart person and I'm sure you could throw up a clue.

    George put together a "How to play the game threads" that's pinned at the top of this thread and it tells you how to get images.

    And, it doesn't have to be anything fancy.

    See my next clue:

    one image


    Come on Trefor - play with us! :jump:

  2. How about trying a new game?

    You can use any clues you want, anytime you want to identify a TV show, as long as it's your turn.

    The TV show should be fairly obvious from the clue(s).

    For instance, you could use:

    • A one liner, such as "To the moon, Alice."
    • A pictionary clue
    • A line or lines from the theme song
    • A sentence describing the overall plot - like in the "What's this movie?" thread
    • A list of secondary characters.

    Plus, if you use a one-liner for your first clue and nobody guesses it, your next clue could be a pictionary clue.

    Please, no long dialogue quotes. I envision a faster-moving, easier game.

    And, like the other games, only the person with the correct guess can post the next clue.

    Here's a clue to get started:

    Here's the story of a lovely lady

  3. New Flick:

    My name is Legion. For we are (long inhale) many.

    The thing about legends is... sometimes, they're true.

    Forgive me father for I have sinned. I have sinned a lot.

    Thank you for telling me I'm the devil's bounty hunter.

    Have mercy.

    Sorry. All out of mercy.

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