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GreaseSpot Cafe


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Posts posted by bowtwi

  1. What I like about GreaseSpot After Hours is that it was here, over these last ten years that we became a strong group so I like the inclusion of GreaseSpot in the name.

    Waydale was fabulous, but totally different.

    There are so many good possibilities - I'm glad it's not my decision.

    I'm a little Grease Spot

    Short and stout

    Sock it to me, Baby

    Let it all hang out!

  2. hmmmm, I'm not 100% sure, but wasn't the roast with the cops in TN and the snipe hunt in KY?

    I'm thinking those were two different years. (I have been wrong a time or two before so I'm not saying I'm positive,

    but I'm thinking maybe...)

    And I'm thinking it was Rascal's friend's kid that was lost on the snipe hunt, not one of Rascal's very own.

  3. My sinuses are permanently cleared due to the "pear juice"...

    That joke went on and on, didn't it?

    Sudo had some other priceless moments that weekend: trying to drink as much as he could while allegedly pouring out our booze as ordered by the cop, and the infamous pole dance

    Ha! I'd forgotten all about the pole dance!!!

    But I'll never forget when the cop said to pour out the beer or go to jail, all of us and sudo stood right there in front of that cop and everybody and started chuggin!!!

    Thanks to your wise intervention I didn't get banned from all future weenie roasts for pouring out the par juice... redface.gif

    Don't feel bad. People mistake me for Fabio all the time. Or is it Don Knots? I get the two mixed up.

    Hmmm, now that you mention it... I don't recall ever seeing the two of them in the same room at the same time...

  4. Hmm...well...as the only person remotely resembling an "outsider" around here. I'd have to say:

    First of all this is an amazing site for information about TWI, and it performs an invaluable public service.

    It was was this place that revealed to me that TWI was a cult and that the leadership was corrupt. I was completely oblivious to it until about a year ago and most definitely would not have known otherwise.

    So hopefully all the thousands of posts everyone has made will continue to be available on the internet for future audiences.

    Because I know I'm not the only friend or family member of a Way person (current or former) who became interested in what "The Way" was all about. And we learned a lot of things here at GS.

    So to Paw, and all the mods, and all the people who contributed to this web site (including the thousands who were here before me who I never knew), and also that dude (the Rev.?) John Juedes...thank you, thank you.

    I have to say - you're one of us, now, soul searcher, and I hope you and anyone else who has contributed to the info, fun or general entertainment around here will grace us with your presence at the fb page as well as wherever we gather when these doors close...

    We may not be as much about "outing" twi these days, but that's only cause there's so little left of it around to stumble onto...

  5. I don't think so, Twink - I think GreaseSpot Cafe has accomplished it's mission.

    And now look how many of us that weren't free to be friends back in the day are now free to do as we please and friend whom we please.

    I'd say twi shot themselves in the foot with their little mark and avoid game. They had control over so many of us while in - now that we're out and free, they can't control us. (The dumb butts!)

  6. I tip my glass to each of us for making it out of twi alive and for finding this cafe. You're all a special kind of something or other to me.

    I, too, have made life long friends here that I intend to stay in touch with forever and ever, amen.

    Party? You betcha! New Year's Eve? I imagine I'll be here for at least part of it.

    I do think someone will open a site if the GSC actually closes.

    I can't imagine there not being a place for us to gather.

    Thanks for ten good years, paw - you'll be a tough act to follow.


  7. Good times, good memories.

    I remember very well freaking Sudo out when I called him by name - and he couldn't imagine how I knew he was him. (It was on account of my memory of his avatar right here on GreaseSpot, no big mystery.

    That joke was the funniest told joke I ever did hear. (Not to be confused with the funniest joke, just told the funniest...)

    I also remember my first words to Pawtucket that weekend. I said, "Oh, I wish you'd slept in my bed last night!" What I meant by that was we didn't arrive until the wee hours of day two and the bed the princess and I had rented went un-slept in that first night.

    I also remember thinking we were all going to jail and I hadn't even drank a drop, not even of Littlehawk's famous par juice! That entire episode with the TN state park cop remains one of my funniest camping memories.

  8. Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout by Shel Silverstein %3Cobject%20width=<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEEj1VKq-t8?fs=1&hl=en_US"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEEj1VKq-t8?fs=1&hl=en_US"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEEj1VKq-t8?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">">

  9. God first

    ... i try from time to time

    but no church will take me as i am

    churches just to want control

    give a reason to buy that book

    with love and a holy kiss Roy

    Roy - I recommend you give First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) a shot. I've been not only welcomed, but treated with godly love and respect - even when I stated that I would never be a member. Today I'm an elder and this is the first church I've known of that actually has no set doctrine. This is a thinking person's church. If you lived in my town I'd gladly come pick you up every week for Sunday services and Wednesday night dinner, which we offer for one dollar if you have it, or for free if you don't - (someone else will throw in a dollar for anyone who doesn't have one of their own). We're certainly not perfect, but we err on the side of love.

    I haven't read this book either. I think I will.

  10. I'm glad you got that out of your system - that can't be healthy for anyone to carry around, even for an atheist in a thread on a Christian principle.

    I do choose to forgive you for a few reasons. One because I do believe that God will forgive me as I forgive... Two because you did no damage

    to me and you did come back and admit what you did and three because I enjoy you in my world. I don't expect you or anyone else to think all

    things the same as I do. I've got a ways to go, but I've come a lon-n-n-g-g-g-g-g way, baby from my twi days when I would have considered you

    a challenge to win over.

    Please hear me when I say that the things I believe, I believe for ME - I share them for others to consider, but I would never insist that YOU

    even agree with me. I just ask for a friendly discussion. I'm over heated debates and yes, I do avoid them whenever possible.

    You have no idea what I deal with regularly from my own precious son who was falsely accused of vile and horrific things by lcm on a SNS.

    He was 13 years old and his entire social structure fell in around him - to this day he's never heard from one of his former way friends

    to find out if they ever did believe or believe now that he was guilty. No doubt they all believed he was, at least at the time.

    You think I haven't had to fight like hell to even be able to maintain a talking relationship with my most precious very own son who has

    gone from believing that God was intimately interested in every thought he had to asking "wtf, God?" and why didn't twi leadership "just ask God"

    what did and didn't happen? I'm now in a pastor position and my son made your above post look like a welcoming party. You have NO IDEA

    the fight I've had from my nearest and dearest about whether there even IS A GOD and then sometimes he's sure of God.

    And frankly, the point of this thread to me IS moving on, learning better ways to live and deal with life's challenges.

    Whaddaya say we catch our breath and have a beer - first one's on me (and no, I haven't deleted you as a fb friend, nyuk, nyuk) :beer:

  11. bowtwi

    Send me by email your home address and soon as I can will send you free of charge a CD copy of He Gave Me Love My email is ferrellsong@yahoo.com

    Have a great day and God Bless


    Hey Ted,

    I got an mp3 copy from Whitedove this afternoon and he's going to send me a cd in the mail so unless you've already mailed it out I have no need of it now. He sent it as

    you do, free of charge.

    He also reminded me of this site: http://www.cortright.org/bbmusic.htm

    If anyone is interested they can write Whitedove at itiswrittenbksp@msn.com for more information.

    He listed Dean Ellenwood, Good Seeds 3 CD's, Leon Hanson Someday Soon and Still Got Him, Sal Arico Watching and Brian Bliss' double CD is $22.00.

    Again, Ted, thank you! And it's so good to cybersee you again!

  12. Ditto!

    And not being 'forced' (ie., coerced, religiously browbeaten, 'reproved', etc.) to forgive, ... but deciding when, if, and by what conditions you might forgive someone offers _you_ a lot more control and freedom over your life than any 'renew your mind and forgive' wannabe dogma could _ever_ give you, even if said wannabe dogma (supposedly) comes with a 'but you'll set yourself free!' "gaurantee".

    And I say that IMNSHO. :B)

    Ya know Garth, I answered your question respectfully and thoughtfully. I didn't poke fun of your choice to not believe in God or the Bible or anything, for that matter. I'm confused as to why you would have so much interest in this thread on forgiveness - as it applies to the Lord's prayer, which as I recall is what the point of this thread was in the beginning when I first started it.

    Nowhere does it say nor did I say that you or anyone else HAS to forgive or any "wannabe dogma, blah, blah, blah as you so described it...

    The forgiveness that this thread is about is the forgiveness that we Christians ask for when we pray the Lord's prayer. Remember this part? "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors"?

    Your insistence that you know better about Christianity than Christians who are trying to study and learn better is really wearing on my patience, for one.

    I have never come into a thread of yours about your atheism and tried to poke fun at you although, believe me, I really could if I were so inclined.

    This was a really good thread, very refreshing and now you've dumped big stinky piles of crap all over it.

    Knock it off, will you please?

  13. I went there too and enjoyed a couple of the songs she has there and didn't enjoy one I was hoping to. Ah well, can't win 'em all.

    Does anyone know the lyrics to "He Gave Me Love?" and how to buy a legal copy of that song? All I can remember is that I loved

    that song and just that one line - "He gave me love" keeps playing in my head.

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