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Posts posted by smarter

  1. The "revvie" deal was pervasive throughout the Way, leadership and twig members alike, although it was worse with Corps people. It seemed like once someone learned a little of the Way's teachings, it went to their head and arrogance ensued. They used the "revelation" spiel to try to get you to do what THEY wanted, and who knows, maybe they believed they were really getting revelation from God. Either way, it was as if they believed only they were getting revelation from God and not the people with whom they were dealing. There were plenty of Way people who weren't above spreading some story about me which was a flat out lie. If they were really listening to God, then they would have known better.

  2. It doesn`t take pfal to see a baby brought back from drowning. My friends 2 yr old was found submerged and unresponsive, and it had been far longer than ten miniutes......and they nobody in that group were grads. Yeah ...thank God, it was miraculous....but not due to anybodies operation of particular formulas or prayers.

    Some times they make it, sometimes as in the case of my husbands baby brother ...they don`t. Special knowledge doesn`t seem to be a factor.

    The thing that I see in hind sight is that so many many people took that class became arrogant in their *knowledge* We had ALL the answeres to life and Godliness donchaknow?

    The results were sporadic, at best.

    It was nearly 20 years later before I saw God start working again ...and that was when I admitted that I really knew nothing.

    Knowledge puffeth up ...I get it now

    All of that knowledge and all of those scriptures learned and all of those principles operated didn`t help prevent people from becoming incredibly evil, nor inspire them with the heart of a true christian to love one another.

    We knew the word, we didn`t HAVE to act as a christian. It was ok to destroy and consume one another like ravening wolves....

    If people would only realize how true is the last part of this quote. Some people obtained a LITTLE bit of knowledge and then acted like God gave them the right to be total bastards.

  3. One of the first and most subtle steps in my "surrendering" process was health food. The person that witnessed to me had said that the Way was about learning Biblical principals, not rules and regulations. The fellowships taught about our freedom in Christ. Meanwhile, I was already being told what I should eat, if not for my own good, then for the good of the planet.

    Since the Garden of Eden, people (or spirit beings) have always attempted to get control over people by saying that it's for their own good.

  4. I saw them at a Rock of Ages once afterwards, I'm guessing around 1980 or so. I haven't seen or heard from them since. For some reason I'm thinking that they went WOW to Wyoming. That's about all I know. Sorry I don't have any more info.

  5. I thought Pat's middle name was Ann(e), but it might have been Elizabeth. Pat, I don't know if you visit Greasespot Cafe or not. If you do or someone knows your location/email, please leave private message and share how you have been these 27 years. Sorry if I have embarresed you. Just want to know that you are happy.

    I knew Pat when I was in Greenville, NC 1977-1978. She married Ron Crutchfield from Sanford, NC. Both were/are fine people, as least when I knew them. I, too, hope they are doing well.

  6. You know you're in a cult when........

    You eagerly join their leadership training program, thinking it's to learn to be God's best by training with God's best, only to find yourself working menial jobs, falling asleep in mind-numbing classes, and eating food you wouldn't fed your dogs.

    You actually look forward to piling on every piece of clothing you have to stand on the freeway in the freezing cold with your thumb out to hitchhike to another location that you must be to in a certain amount of time or face the wrath of leadership.

    You find yourself abducted on the way to one of these blessed locations and having unspeakable things done to you, only to refuse to file a police report because you have to get to where you are going or face the wrath of leadership.

    You return from this experience, only to be told by leadership that you have failed due to lack of believing, and they will decide whether or not to kick you out. You then spend the next year and a half on pins and needles, never receiving counseling for the experience but instead feeling like God's worst among God's best.

    You finally near the end of this training experience, only to be told two months before graduation that you are truly worthless and have no business being there, causing you to run away in shame and leaving all your belongings and "friends" behind.

    You then spend the next twenty years surviving and attempting to build a life (albeit one outside the protection of the household) all the while knowing you're a worthless piece of crap as a human being-they said so, so it must be true). You make no close friends and build no lasting relationships-after all, who would want to be involved with damaged goods and a worthless piece of crap?

    You then discover Greasespot Cafe, and discover it was all a lie-and now you don't know anymore who you are.

    Yes-the joys of being in a cult.

    Topoftheworld-----My heart breaks for you. I guess you realize by now that the true worthless pieces of crap are the sadistic bastards that made you feel that way.

  7. I had actually been gradually withdrawing for some time before 87. I felt traveling to branch meetings and limb meetings, etc. had become a big waste of time. In 88 the local coordinator paid his own way to meet with Ralph Dubofsky and relayed the details to us. I throughly enjoyed smashing that PFAL '77 commemorative plate.

  8. That's f***ed up!

    You know you are in TWI when you are talked to like you are dirt by people who think they are more spiritual than you.

    You know you are in TWI when these "more spiritual" people spread a lie that you took advantage of a girl in Charlotte, NC---even though you were in Oklahoma when said incident in Charlotte took place.

    But that's OK---God told them.

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