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Posts posted by Nero

  1. And - just so I know - what would be your solution to there being no "documentation" for people's personal experiences? Should the forum shrivel up and die because everything we've experienced needs to be submitted in triplicate? Should I have to prove everything that has happened to me? I stubbed my toe this morning - I'll need to submit that in writing to paw before I can post on the forum. It has to be documented before it become a fact... otherwise stubbing my toe is just an opinion? Here is a link to the document. Where do we draw the line?

    If I was actually taught something good while I was in TWI - what if it wasn't in one of the classes? Do I have the right to share it? Will I need to document that as well?

    Or is it just a pet peeve of yours that everyone talks about a bunch of stuff they have no documentation for? Is this just a vent? Or do you want everyone who doesn't share a similar view to be quiet? Not an accusation - but a question.

    Right unless someone has some sort of provable information it can not be passed off as fact, by definition Sorry if the meaning of the word gets in the way of someone's agenda. But that's the way it is. It's speculation until proven and should be referred to as such until such time as there is adequate proof of fact.

    So would my notes do for you? Or do you need something from TWI? If I can't find them I'm sure they wouldn't mind me sitting in on another marriage class. Although I feel it would be another few hours wasted from my life.

    Or do you just want the "It's okay to slap the ladies around" notes? Those I know I won't be able to get.

  2. I think that was where TWI dropped the ball: loving. I still believe that TWI knows a LOT of scripture and that they, at least some times, apply it correctly. Where I think the problem is, is that they don't do it in love. At least not as much as they should.

    You can speak the true and accurate word till you're blue in the face, if it's not rightly divided and it's not spoken in love then it probably won't do much good for anybody.

    The DEVIL quoted scripture at Jesus Christ. Was the quotation accurate? Sort of. Was it rightly divided and spoken in love? Absolutely not.

    Where I think the problem was - was they didn't use "the word" correctly at all... not because they weren't being loving - but because they were taught wrong wrong wrong. My friend was a great example. I know she thought she was loving me by being an absolute cow and talking about my "believing" with my dad.

    You are right - there were less loving people than the ones that wanted to help.

    All I disliked was when people thought (they still do this btw) I have a need and bug the crap out of me about it and try to help me even there is nothing there for them to fix and I've told them so. Their Jebus-signals were telling them otherwise I guess.

  3. Nero the things you posted and the ones below are not the same there is a big difference between a biblical concept and teaching abuse. Being submissive is not equal to abuse. I'm submissive to my boss but not abuse. In fact it can be a great relationship where ideas are sought and exchanged. sometimes the submitter has the better idea, none the less the boss has the final say.

    I thought I replied to this - but didn't. I do know the difference between the two (I know you weren't implying that I didn't)- they never told us submitting = physical abuse in my camp either.

  4. I am grieved:

    Because I lost my childhood to TWI.

    Because I was taught so many rotten hateful things when I was young.

    Because there are still people who aren't in TWI anymore that champion the organization and trample on those who's time there wasn't the best.

    Because I lost my friend.

    Because I think I might be losing parts of my family becase they are upset about my views about TWI even though I've only told them how I felt just once.

  5. Like I said - do you want my notes if I still have them? Or do you want me to ask someone to put it in writing? I just want to know what will satisfy you.

    Do you think everyone who comes here everyday that has something bad to say about TWI is lying? Just a wondering.

  6. Why what are they going to do take away your bookstore privilages? Christians bound by Fear?

    Yea Of course were veepee worshipers because we stand for fair and balanced facts not someone told me that they told them that theie twentyfith removed relative may have said so and so. They think... Tom all that ice is freezing your brain :wink2:

    Facts are facts opinion is opinion

    I was speaking from my own personal experience - not from a relative's point of view. Although I definitely could tell you what they told me - I think it's best to leave it to them to speak for themselves. I think there were quite a few others on this thread with first hand accounts as well. Potato, rascal etc etc...

    Facts are facts. The fact is - I was taught that. So it's true I was taught that. It's not an opinion.

    Opinion is opinion. I hate the way - that's an opinion.

  7. You do realize that different regions did have different things they said to different people? I find other people's accounts are often not like mine - but I don't doubt they were told such things.

    There were a bunch of people coming in from different walks of life and different religions... so they brought their crap with them.

    Some of us got the "if your husband beats you - it's your fault" lecture. I didn't get this one.

    Some of us got the "you have to be submissive lecture - but your husband should be nice" lecture. I got this one.

    And your wife and friends probably got the "good/decent" lecture were they weren't told your husband is the god in your life.

    For example:

    I was told by some people that abortion was okay - here are some scriptures.

    I was told by another fellowship coordinator that abortion was bad.

    Just depends on the person... and the person teaching.

  8. I disagree with you there. Loving is a decision and it it your job. If you look at it one way, loving is your only job. (I lump loving and forgiving in together, I see them as very closely related.)

    I understand that you were hurt, badly. And I sympathize with you. Myself and my family went through much of the same thing.

    That was exactly what I was trying to address though. Give God a chance here. Like the old song, "He's the healer of broken hearts..." You receive the benefits of forgiving them.

    I know this has been brought up a bunch - and I hate to do it again because you are a sugar - but this isn't a Christian website. =( I'm agnostic... so I'm not going to go forgiving a bunch of hateful bastards and love them because your God says so.

    Even though I'm agnostic - I don't usually mind a prayer being thrown my way - as my duel-religion native american teacher said: it's good to stack the cards in your favor. XP

    I think you'll do well on here though - you are very sweet - and your tone isn't attacking unlike most people who still love twi.

  9. You guys are really missing my whole point. I couldn't care less about Danny's daughter or how she became his daughter or whatever; I'm saying how does it feel when someone takes info YOU posted on here and twists it into something unflattering? That's what Danny did and apparently he STILL doesn't get it.

    No one needs to twist what you say - I've seen no twisting. What you say is twisted enough on it's own.

  10. True true potato - I forget sometimes about that. There are still people in there that are just rotten and they aren't our brothers and sisters. They don't want to change - they think they are right - and they are still in TWI today doing the same junk and being praised for it. They think it's loving. Whatever.

    They are rotten rotten rotten.

    There are a few good people in still - but when you actually realize it - it's like a shock.

  11. Rascal - you are probably right. Some people don't listen - or do and just simply will not believe you no matter how many times you or other people say it. =( Some of my friends and family have been like that unfortunately. I'm lucky enough to have a cousin who has went through similar stuff - so it's been nice talking to her.

    Okay, Okay, but you haven't told us...How was the SEX!! :dance:

    You are such a dork Bumpy! XP


    This is life we are talking about...life made heartbreakingly difficult by having to adhere to these assinine teachings and rediculous standards....These burdens and abuse laid on our shoulders to bear silently and without protest if we desired to be in the center of God`s will.

    This stuff was real, it was painfull and you want to minimalize it with flippant remarks about how was the sex??? Fella, I don`t understand why you are deliberately creepy to people.

    God and the scriptures were the tools used to place us into bondage. They were the tools utilized to ensure compliance against ones will and better judgement.

    I think this was an outrage ....certainly not a joking matter.

    I wouldn't take Bumpy too seriously - he says that kind of stuff to everyone about anything.

  12. Nathan - you are a sugar cube. :3

    I also interact with a few people still in twi - some of them are nice. Some of them aren't - which I was saddened by because a friend I've had for over a decade really couldn't let what I believed in now go.

    I don't have any grudges against anyone in particular. I don't hate them. I just don't like the things I was taught growing up - or the way I was treated. Maybe it was different because you are a boy? My brothers were fine too. Or it could have been the limb I was in as well. It wasn't a good place to be for a gal.

    Talking here has been nice - in fact I'm not very angry anymore or resentful - which is always how I felt in TWI.

    I remember thinking the same thing about learning about God's word once upon a time. I couldn't go to a church meeting without thinking that. Now I have an open mind about things. The only thing I think I learned from TWI was how to use the bible against other people when one wanted something done. Then - used to excuse their own cruel actions. It happened quite a bit around me - although I never practiced this myself.

    Welcome to the cafe! No doubt Belle will be here in a bit to take your order? :3 I will give you something to drink in meantime. Coke okay?


  13. I don't remember ever remember getting pamphlets or note pages handed to me about how to treat my husband. I think if anyone sent out an official document stating literally all of the junk they ever taught us there would be more eyebrows raised.

    A few things I was taught:

    Guys - treat your wives well and they'll be good for you. They didn't go into detail about what they should do to be nice. They said to listen to your wife - but you had the final say.

    Chicks - God > Your Husband > Your kids > You. Be submissive to your husband. And I quote: "Some women never are submissive enough to be married. If you cannot submit to a husband, then you shouldn't get married ever." Yes... taught that. I was pretty blinded by twi - but that never jived with me. Which was why I never wanted to marry anyone who was taught such things. Ugh.

    All - Don't get married to anyone outside TWI - it just makes things harder if you don't agree on everything.

    They usually had informal sex/family classes were speakers would talk about their marriages or how to have a good marriage. No leaflets or anything. You must take notes. I have them buried around here somewhere.

    Since you can't take our word for it. What kind of documentation do you need? Notes with a date in a sealed envelope? Or a laundry list of wifey doctrine with the TWI president's signature on it? I'm not MA so I might be able to get it. XP

  14. I would contribute if I remembered what was in the original MAL pack.

    From what I recall ... there were guns and lotsa millet. And wool sweaters.

    Just in case of a zombie attack... or in case you had to shoot your oven because it wants to eat you! Damn the technology!

  15. I remember all the old shows where the man slaps the woman when she is angry or hysterical. I think we still see that in some cartoons now – someone is hyperventilating and their friend slaps them. They thank their friend for smacking them.

    That doesn’t work in real life. If you want a real life example I can give you one.

    It definitely doesn't relieve any tension.

    I think you are just trying to get a reaction out of people at this point. If you aren't abusing your wife there is no way you believe what you are saying.

  16. If I would have said it better it would have been clear that I've said too much rough stuff and not near enough gentle stuff.

    It works best for me to not justify my mistakes, especially by quoting bible. For me that seems to be jumping from being a jerk, to being dangerous.

    Ah - sorry about that. :redface:

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