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Posts posted by Nero

  1. I've heard of them before and seen them in some of their comic books. I guess it would keep the watermellons from rolling around - a very neat idea.

    Geo - the sugar water into the strawberries idea is great. So yummy! I didn't realize they did that over there. :3 There is a chocolate store down the road from my house - they make chocolate covered strawberries. The owner injects the strawberries with some sugar soda water and dips them. When you bite into them they fizz - it's a neat little treat.

  2. I guess to address the original topic - I think it's all fine and dandy to forgive someone. Forgiving people for offences right? Not letting it stay inside forever?

    I've been talking about my probs slowly with you guys and my other friends I know personally (outside of twi) about what happened to me while I was in TWI - it has been a real healing process.

    I still haven't talked about everything that happened to me though. Why? Because people on this forum tell those who were raped they are liars, deserved it, it was for their own good or they need to get over it and sweep it under the rug. I can't imagine how that could feel. If people can't have compassion for others in that sort of extreme situation - how can they have any compassion with me? My best friend couldn't - she acted like it wasn't a big deal. My own mother is starting to act like that too. They still have their blinders on.

    The way they have treated me has only shut me up more. Which is probably what some of the posters here are going for? I think one day - when it's all out - those posts won't get to me as much. And maybe once it's already been said I'll be able to say it again and again without worry.

    But on forgiveness...

    Do I forgive the people who tormented me? Yes. Why? Because I don't have to deal with them anymore. Because I finally got to talk about it and people understood. That has been amazing. The things I haven't admited? Those are still eating at me - but I am confidant that when I share them that I'll start feeling better about it.

    Now, if the people who treated me badly showed up today at my door acting the exact same way... would I be all happiness and sunshine? Heck no. Will I say great things about the people who treated me badly? No. If a topic comes up and someone talks about what happened to them - and I just happen to have a story that is similar I am going to share it. It doesn't mean I'm letting that offence build up in my life. It just means I am sharing a story that relates to their own.

  3. OM, just how is it an "insult" to pretty much quote another poster, or ask them questions regarding things they've posted before?

    If a poster has admitted to something that's "insulting" to a normal person does that mean they're insulted when someone asks them about it?

    I also do not consider it a "personal attack" when a poster is "calling a spade a spade".

    I mean, I find most of your viewpoints "insulting" because I happen to call you on them does not mean I am insulting you.

    It's personal and insulting because they don't like being called on their insane posts - like we are just supposed to go with it without question.

    Like it's okay for someone to mentally abuse you for years - sweep it under the rug.

    Like it's okay to clock a woman if she is bugging ya.

    Like it's okay to slip some chick date rape so her attacker (er... I mean... savior) can loosen them up sexually.

    All of it is blame the victim.

    I'm guessing Danny is just an anoying fly. Someone had to either swat him or run off the forum and cool down a bit and come back and talk about it. I guessing he picked the swatting?

  4. WG - I find that creepy as well. My parents never told me when I should be ready for sex - thank goodness. They always told me to wait until I was married though. @_@

    They really took that whole "dating around" thing to heart though. I couldn't freaking date anyone seriously without them jumping on me about "being serious." I was young! I needed to date other people even if I was in a happy relationship! I remember them bringing the class up.

    It always bugged me a lot that people who spouted all kinds of junk to be commited to someone - said the exact opposite when they needed it to work for them.

    Maybe that's why I've always been so confused about most things - everything always seemed to contradict itself.

  5. Well, actually, I remember this being in the class in the mid 1970s.

    In fact, VP said that if you do this without your spouse, it is an indication you are having marital problems.

    Where did he come up with this stuff? He thought it was bad for people to do themselves without their spouse - but it's totally fine to go out and have sex with anyone? Wow.

    Why does the original sin always have something to do with sex?

    Couldn't it just be about the knowledge of good and evil? My goodness.

  6. Nero, the bibles left in hotels by the Gideons are there for the taking. They don't mind if you do... it's what they're hoping for.

    Really? Last time I was at a hotel and found one - it said "Please do not remove" along with the address of the hotel on the cover.

    It might have also been the area I was in - hm.

  7. What kind are you looking for?

    I have a few at home that never get used. :biglaugh:

    Call Belle for a free Bible eh? XP

    I am looking for a leather bound one if I can find it. Maybe I'll check ebay?

    I collect books like crazy and read the crud out of them. I always try to get them in hardbound or leather bound if I can find them. I love leather because it feels good, the book falls open easily and its difficult to mess them up. All of my paper back books end up getting so beat up I end up buying them in hb/lb editions.

    >_> Hmmm...

    Maybe if I stay at a hotel sometime soon I'll just snag one of those complimentary bibles they tell you not to steal. Just to tide me over? I mean - anything not nailed down is free game right? J/K

    I saw a leather bound "Lord of the Rings" book the other day. O_o I had to restrain myself hehe.

  8. OM - I get where you are coming from - but we always have to show some restraint. I've been a part of so many forums and I've seen baiting before. I knew before Danny said he was baiting John - that he was baiting him.

    I might not think John is the best person in the world - but I don't think he had to take what Danny was saying to him sitting down. I don't think anyone should have to take a personal attack on their character with silence or appology. However, he could have handled it better. He could have built himself up, he could have demanded an appology from Danny for saying that. I dunno - anything but what he said. All he did was lower people's opinion of him again.

    This is just my opinion - but I don't think Danny was assassinating John's character - I think he's done a great job of doing himself in already.

  9. One thing marriage has taught and life words are powerful.

    What is in you heart will come out.

    Print is not easy to erase. If you say(write) it bam there it is.

    I guess thats part of repent. Change wow there is some work involved.

    I would think Jesus Christ did all the work and we are saved by grace BUT

    just by saying a few words doesn't really cut it. We have the work of changing.

    Not by our works for the salvation part but works as far as changing our sinful ways.

    So very true!

  10. One thing marriage has taught and life words are powerful.

    What is in you heart will come out.

    Print is not easy to erase. If you say(write) it bam there it is.

    I guess thats part of repent. Change wow there is some work involved.

    I would think Jesus Christ did all the work and we are saved by grace BUT

    just by saying a few words doesn't really cut it. We have the work of changing.

    Not by our works for the salvation part but works as far as changing our sinful ways.

    Amen brother! I couldn't have put it better myself.

  11. roy, I think sometimes I forget to just go to the Word and re-read it. On Pentecost their tongues were understood. How cool that must have been. How often I forget to keep things simple. Thanks!

    Me too! I think my view of the Bible was so warped at this point I didn't see much use in it. After listening to Roy and WW - it has really made me want to just shut everything I've ever learned off and just go and read up. I know I was taught so much junk in TWI with them mixing around verses to fit what they wanted them to say. It's just been nice - it's like looking at the same thing with a new perspective.

  12. This thread is like Greasespot gems - only it's dedicated to some of the most disturbing things ever read. It can be about some of the weird things were were taught in TWI or what people have said under the influence of TWI.

    So... if you can think of anything - go ahead and quote! =)

  13. I remember reading the "clocking" thread but I haven't seen those last two quotes yet. That is so freaking creepy. That goes down in the books with Oldie's post in the "Is it possible" thread.

    Maybe we should make a thread dedicated to the weirdest, most disturbing things ever said here? It would be so much easier to referance some of this stuff.

  14. Oh I know! I'd hate to give those jerks another chunk of money to further their evil cause.

    I think I am just getting frustraited trying to find one. I haven't seen my Bible in like a year and I can't seem to find one online (when I type in Bible) usually I get lots of books about the Bible... but no Bible. T_T And when I go to the bookstore it seems the same - or its a crudy-papery-going-to-fall-apart-on-me-again Bible.

    I'll take a look at your link - hopefully I'll find something. :3

  15. (sorry if someone already did this)

    If you are taught that you are one the most accepting and loving churches on earth... yet you hate: the gays, anyone who thinks differently, anyone who's in a different religion, anyone who was once in your religion but now out... the list goes on...

    ...you might be in a cult.

    If...(since discovering life w/o twi)

    ...you still spend years after "leaving" your so-called CULT, wasting your time on the Internet, with the same Cult people you lived with, when you were IN the Cult! :asdf:

    ...and still trying to figure out what happened? :confused:

    That actually got a giggle out of me - although it hasn't been a few years yet. :biglaugh:

  16. Nero is a character from a game I played. He and his brother Weiss were (along with other people) experimented on and kept in a secret military facility. They were there all their lives.

    Nero is an evil character - but I don't think he knew any better.

    I picked him because I was raised in TWI - and while I'm learning more everyday - I didn't know any better either. I also like his muzzle. I have often felt like I couldn't speak my mind and sometimes I still don't here because I am afraid to. I think it's slowly wearing off.

    The avatar I used to have up was of his brother, Weiss. Today I decided to put a picture of Nero up as my avatar. XP

  17. I sort of feel bad for asking – but I figured prayer couldn’t hurt in this situation.

    Please pray:

    1. For my dad to get into a case study for people in coma/veg states. We have to wait another two months. Please pray with us that he can hold out and keep doing what he’s doing until then so he can be accepted.

    2. For my mother. She is moving in with my sister a state away. She needs to get a job so she can move out of their house as soon as possible.

    3. For my brothers. They are moving out on their own soon – one is pretty young and doesn’t make much - but they are looking into apartments. Please pray that their landlords aren’t slumlords and that they’ll be okay.

    4. For my husband. He’s had so many things go wrong with his job that was out of his control. He is a truck driver too – so if you could pray for him to be safe and aware that would be great.

    5. For my friend – her mother is very sick with pancreatitis and pneumonia.

    6. For me and my husband – so we can have a place to stay. We were going to buy a house – but we think that deal is falling through now…

    We were staying with my parents while we bought our house and waited for it to close. We wanted to move to Chatt TN (two states away) because my husband works as a truck driver and I would see him more than once every two months if I lived there.

    But as you know my father has fallen ill. Even if my brothers and I tried our best we couldn’t begin to try to pay for this place. My uncle has offered to pay the mortgage for my mother’s house for 6 months – but only if we vacate it soon so it can sell it a bit more easily.

    I was originally asked to leave at the end of December. I thought it would be fine because our house would have closed before then. The owner just got back with a request for 5k more than we can give at the last second when she seemed to be ready to take our offer – so… neep.

    Then my mother asked me if I would leave before Christmas. Yikes!

    My boss is a pretty decent guy – I told him about it – so he said I could house sit for him from the 20th-31st with my pets while he is in NY visiting his family. So it’s just back to us needing to leave at the end of the month again... but it's a bit more serious because no matter what - the morning of the 31st I will need to have my butt packed into a car with my pets and be ready to high tail it out of there!

    Please pray we can find a place to stay that will accept our pets or that our stupid houses closes hopefully a little before Christmas. >_<

    Thank you to whoever prays for me. I don't think I can pray for myself in the state I'm in right now.

  18. You're welcome! But I just realized I didn't say the word "free" on the thread description line. =( So maybe people won't check it out? Doh!

    Oh Belle - I see a sheepie in there! Yay! =) Just like my Momo.

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