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Posts posted by ChasUFarley

  1. JustThinking --

    You just gave me a great idea!

    How about a version of "Present Truth" Adlibs?

    That could be a scream!

    "It is with (adverb)(advective)(verb)that we, the household of (proper noun), stand together this great day on (adjective)ground as we complete the (verb)the Adversary class that you have so (adjective) made available to us so that we can be (adverb)rooted and grounded on (possessive proper noun) Word, withstanding the wiles of our opponent."

  2. What about the term "love bomb"?

    Anyone remember that?

    I don't, but Hubby, who was TWI-1, remembers it. (He still uses it but it's in regards to the raspberries he puts on Kristopher's tummy when they're rough-housing. He yells, "Love BOMB!" and then plants a big, wet "phtttthhhhhhbbblaaaatttt!" on the squealing kid!)

  3. "Sing It, Dave!" came out in the early-mid-90's, but that was the last album that was released from an individual. After that it was all "Singing Ladies of The Way" and other Way Productions type albums. I don't think Mike Martin ever released an album of his own - I remember he sort of was lumped in with the "Singing Ladies". Then again, I don't think anyone could have stomached a whole album of his work - it would have been like listening to just Alvin Chipmonk for 45 minutes - no thanks!

    The "no more individuals" rule was more to purge the ministry of things done by people who had left that were still being utilized by those who were in. LCM wanted NOTHING of it. He changed the songs in the "Sing Along The Way" book, sent out long lists of Sunday Teaching Service tapes and Way Mags that needed to be distroyed from the limb library, and even art work that was done by those who were no longer standing with the ministry were taken off the walls and out of the bookstores.

    Interestingly enough, the whole push to the emphasis on the HOUSEHOLD was being sold to the innies. It wasn't so much about who you were to God any more or your sonship, but the household - almost a hive-like mentality. This type of thinking is typical of cults - and it certainly was used by TWI to the point where members were told they would DIE - no exaggeration - if they left the safety of the household.

  4. For me it wasn't just sayings that became cliche, but certain words. One poster already wrote about the word "bless(ed)(ing)". There's many others that have "lost their flavor" for me because they were soooooo overused....






    present truth



    man of God

    knowledge and wisdom




    higher ground

    and many more....

    I remember that on more than one occasion I was asked to make a card for leadership for some stupid class or function we had to attend. A bit of writer's block was stumping me on what to write for the inside of the card. My solution: a list of present truth buzz words that I could fashion into a greeting. You know the kind I'm talking about....

    "It is with abundantly abundant joy that we, the household of God, stand together this great day on higher ground as we complete the Defeating the Adversary class that you have so lovingly made available to us so that we can be strongly rooted and grounded on God's Word, withstanding the wiles of our opponent."

    (If that quote doesn't make some of you ol' TWI2-ers cringe in your chairs, I don't know what will!)

  5. "You're only hurt because you allowed yourself to get hurt."

    (Oh, okay. Thanks for the enlightment, jerk!)

    "Quicker than a Texan on a porkchop...."

    (Oh, stop - for the 10,000th time. You're killing me.)

    "....possessed quicker than a new boot in hell!" (What the heck did that mean? Who's in hell who wears boots, anyhow?)

  6. My3Cents - I didn't take it as "snide"-ness at all. I'm exploring that angle, too. We've nix'ed several subscrpitions (NetFlixs, magazines, etc.). If I can get my kid potty trained (he's long overdue... that's another $40/month)... So, no, I don't think you're being snide at all...

    WordWolf - I just checked - it's a no-go with Earthlink. Only their high speed dial-up is available... oh, thrill...

  7. Well, since posting this I've been doing some fact-finding... What I've found is sort of a bummer, really...

    DSL is available by the local phone company (LEC) ONLY - no other vendors in the area. It's not even a Baby Bell LEC at that - it's a po'-dunk lil' EXPENSIVE Co-Op that wants me to pay them $39.99/month for DSL. That's the same as I pay for cable. There's no installation charge but there is a six month contract - so if I sign up and find out they suck, I'm paying for 6 months of sucky service. The only benefit I've found is that DSL in this area is faster than cable (the local cable company also has a monopoly going, which is why I'm paying them $39.99+modem rental as it is now....)

    Other than DSL, cable and dial-up (not an option, really...) Is there any other way to get internet?

    (I'm trying to cut our expenses for when I'm out on maternity leave this winter - that's why I'm doing this....)

    Thanks for your help!

  8. There's been many discussions about homeschooling on GSC. Our son, Kristopher, is going to be old enough for nursery school next year. The small town we live in has a nice public nursery school and we are considering enrolling him in it. I also want to consider the benefits and drawbacks of homeschooling.

    So, to those of you who are "in the know", I'd like to know:

    *Why did you choose to homeschool or not?

    *And did you feel you had a choice?

    *How did you choose a course of study (or whatever it may be called) for your child(ren)?

    *How did you children adapt to it? How do they cope with it now?

    *Do you have any regrets or anything you would change about homeschooling?

    I look forward to your responses!

    Thank you!

  9. I'm at a catch-22 with my job - I'm very good at what I do and well appreciated by managment but I really don't enjoy it. I dread most of it, as a matter of fact, but I'm suited to it.

    (It's not suited to me, in other words.)

    I've started my own desktop publishing business on the side recently and things are looking up. The extra money is nice and I like the chance to be creative. So, that's my outlet.

    My home life is my life - my work is just another job. Nothing beats going home to play with the rug rat and read a dozen story books before bed with some warm milk!

  10. Sorry I didn't make it guys - I wanted to and was there in spirit. I was a bit under the weather and just couldn't do the ride. It sounded like a great time and the weather was the best for it.

    WF - Pretty web site - I love the earrings (clam shell) and the wool - what are your prices? Beautiful work!

  11. It wasn't said that you HAD to get out of debt to have certain privileges. Of course not.

    However, if you wanted to, say, attened the Advanced Class Special, you had to have debt that was just in certain categories - like a mortgage (but you had to be working on selling your house), child support (a requirement to pay), or taxes (another requirement to pay) and that was about it.

    Oh, yeah, I almost forgot....

    ...plus, leadership had to assess your situation and okay your attending the event.

    But other than that, no, you didn't have to be out of debt.

    You just had to be willing to let them stick their noses so far up your foot that they could tell what you had eaten for breakfast!

  12. I also left for many reasons, like many of the others posters on this thread.

    The main reason was that I was tired of being treated like I wasn't a responsible adult. I felt I was being held back in many ways - from my career to my social life. It was smothering me. I felt I gave it my all for years and years - it was never enough, was it? They always wanted more. It became a nonreciprocating relationship. The Word that was being taught was stale, the fellowships were plastic, and the love of/for God seemed to be dead.

    I left because I felt I had no real future with the ministry. I carefully explored my options and still came up with the same answer. That was that.

    I may be crazy, but I ain't stupid!

  13. What is their "vision" these days?

    I mean, the Word is Over the World, right? So, what's the point of witnessing?

    Better yet, WHAT can they witness? It's no fun trying to promote a class that doesn't teach Biblical research or how to interpret the Bible, but one that's an embarassment! C'mon! I mean, the class, assuming they're running the films of LCM yacking his head off, is a farce! At least PFAL was more goal-oriented in how it was taught... it made it easier to witness it.

    So, you're part of this shamful cult with no vision, a horrible past, lots of junk out about it on the internet, and an embarassing class to promote....

    Yeah, if I was outside the walls of that "Zion", I'd be thanking my lucky stars I wasn't on the other side.

  14. I don't know the name of this one - or if it even has one - but if you like stout beer...

    1 draft can of Young's Double Chocolate Stout

    2 oz. of rasberry lambic (a fermented fruit and beer concoction from Belgium)

    Pour about half of the stout into your mug, add the lambic, add the rest of the stout. It has this chocolate / raspberry taste that's out of this world! Great winter suds!

  15. I'm a former business anaylst for Liberty Mutual info systems. My job was to audit our people for compliance (it was very interesting seeing what every remote user had on their harddrives, letmetellyou!).

    In some of the dealing with MicroSucks, such as with my company, MS can also require you to upgrade all users if your old agreement with them has expired. Once that expiration date hits, per the contract, your company can owe them $$ for each day each user (even if they're out on vacation!) has MS's license sitting on their desktop. If you have more users than licenses, then you pay for the licenses - even if the licenses aren't assigned to a user.

    In short - read the fine print. It sounds like your company is small, but what happens when you sign employee/computer user #11 onto the payroll? Can you purchase a single user license then? Or do you have to buy another bulk of licenses? What about the expiration of the license - will be you required to upgrade?

    Be careful my friend, nothing with MicroSoft is quick, easy and CHEEP!

  16. Belle -

    I've been taking some time to think about your post and the two categories you mentioned. I would like to interject this: Someone who is mentally ill and is looking from relief from their symptoms (cures, answers, etc.) - looking to MOGs is not out of the ordinary.

    (Don't take this as my going off on you or anything of the sort - I agree with your statements, but I think your statements are better applied to someone who is in good mental health. I don't think they really could work for someone who was not.)

    Ever wonder why there's so many different types of psychotropic drugs on the market? Because there's so many types of mental illness and so many side effects from these drugs that drug companies are still working to develop new ones. Interestingly enough, many of the old drugs, such as lithium, or some of the old treatments, such as shock treatment, are still found to be effective.

    It is almost excepted by medical professionals in this field that mentally ill patients will skip, overdose, stop or experiment with their medications. Many patients feel that since there are no "answers" or "cures" that this is perfectly acceptable.

    So, when medicine fails them, they look elsewhere. Some go to alternative medicine, some go looking for spiritual answers.

    To the mentally ill patient who discovers TWI, who teaches even its newest members that mental illness is DEVIL POSSESSION - viola! They suddenly have an answer. They are taught that when they receive holy spirit that they are made whole - isn't that what they were looking for with the other treatment they've been seeking?

    But then they're put in the hands of "trained leaders" who, as you put it, seem to have their best interests in mind. These leaders know nothing or very little about the real illness these people may suffer from - I know of no instances where a twig coordinator asked someone for a copy of their medical records - and they offer them "counsel". The leaders are playing with fire.

    I remember when I took the advanced class for the first time - I believe it was in 1991 and it was VPW's class on tape - it was driven into our little heads that we are to NEVER tell someone to stop taking their medication - that's for them to decide. HOWEVER, leadership had no problem melting someone's face, as some have posted about on this thread, for seeking treatment from a medical professional because of their or their family member's mental problem. They wouldn't have told a diabetic that he or she was wrong for needing to take insulin - why would they tell someone with depression not to take zoloft?

    In a nutshell - they didn't want to appear weak, no matter the individual, circumstances or situation. Additionally, those who thought they'd found answers in the beginning of their relationship with TWI, placed their trust and allegence with TWI & its leadership. They were in a desparate situation and had a few answers - but not exactly what they needed for true physical wholeness. I'm sure in some cases, that these people's loyalty cost them their jobs, families and even their lives.

    Sorry this post was so long - I lived with someone with untreated mental illness for a long time. I've had some time to think about him and his illness - tried to understand why he was who/what he was. I hope he's gotten treatment, but I know he was trying to get back into TWI, so he may have done the "I'm healed!" routine - which I heard a million times...

  17. After taking his first PFAL class, my first husband, who had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, was convinced the Word had healed him. He was on medication but went for a blood test to prove he was healed after he had thrown out his medication(s). (I wasn't in his life at this time.)

    Of course, anyone who knows about psychotropic medications will know that those medications take quite some time to get into your system - they also take some time to leave your system. He had some labs drawn about a week or so after he stopped his meds and everything was within "normal" range.

    However, behavior modification is low on the list for successfully treating these types of disorders. Like someone who has a weight problem because of a thyroid problem, someone with mental illness is missing some of the proper chemicals needed to function. Additionally, some mental illnesses are a result of a coping mechanism that the brain sets up to get the body physically through some trauma. In my first husband's case, he had been molested as a child.

    To put it simply, it was hell living with someone who could be your best friend one moment, and then your worst enemy minutes later - and you had no idea why. There were times when I knew the man I was talking to was not my husband - he was someone else. I could see the "personalities" change. I tried to explain this to leadership - I was told I was thinking evil and had a lot to learn about being a good wife. When we went to marriage counseling it was never - NOT ONCE - recommended that he have a mental evaluation.

    People who were "healed" of an illness were often trotted out for witnessing or testimonials, especially when it was time to drum up a class. They were a useful tool to TWI, from time to time. However, people who had any problems - even problems they couldn't help - were shunned or eliminated. No weakness, you know.

  18. If they got rid of the dictators, then why is the Queen of the Dictators still the Prez? Why are Greg & Lori Bolc#alk still in Gunnison running the WC? Why is Jeff & Diane K@r@$ still region coordinators of New England?

    All I can see they've done is move LCM out of the way because he cost them the most money and promoted everyone else. RFR got herself a little lapdog of a vice prez and promoted her favorites where she wanted them.


    You can put some lovely, lacy Victoria's Secret panties on to cover up an @$$hole, but there's still @$$hole there under that sweet covering...

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