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Posts posted by Abigail

  1. Thanks for clearing that up Rafael, uh, I think. lol So now I'm back to my uncertainty about the origin of VPW's "ministry", though I have little doubt about the long term effects of it.

    However, it is a relief to know I was not so totally blind and hungry that I missed something as blatant as that red flag.

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  2. Cya,

    Why don't I master PFAL? How about for starters because I simply have no interest in "mastering it". PFAL is not God, nor The Word of God. VPW is not Jesus Christ, the son of God, nor in my not so humble opinion, a representative of God.

    If God wants to teach me something, He is perfectly capable of doing so. I don't need you to tell me what to do, neither does God.


    Oh goody, as if there weren't enough religions and denominations within religions, now we can have different denominations of TWI arguing over the interpretation of VPW's works too. Just what the world needs.

    So here's my question for you.........

    Why don't you focus a little more on your own life instead of telling us what to do?

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  3. I saw the post regarding Howard Allen and the pool game. I asked Kaisersushiverbalkint84 about it because he has spent about 10 years playing in pool halls.

    More than likely, given the time this story supposedly took place, the big gambling game was straight pool (14.1 to the purists). The game involves shooting all the balls until the cue ball and an object ball are left on the table. The object is to make the last ball from the previous rack and continue shooting, which is how you get 15 balls.

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  4. When I first saw this post, I thought most of my Thanksgivings were pretty much alike and there was not one that stood out above another.

    Then I remembered Thanksgiving of 1990. Usually Thanksgiving is spent at my cousin's house with all of our extended family present.

    However, during this year my mom had been diagnosed with cancer and she was nearing the end. We all knew it was probably going to be her last Thanksgiving and we were praying she would hang on through Christmas.

    Shortly before Thanksgiving she ended up in the hospital and it didn't look like she was coming home again. We made arrangements with the Doctors to let her come home for a few hours and made a huge Thanksgiving feast at her house. It was our last one with her and I am thankful we were able to pull it together.

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  5. I think they can influence our emotions, for some that may be spirituality. For me, it is a part of it.

    Does that make it bad? I don't think so. It's all up to what you do with it. Sad music can help me cry when I need to. Angry music can help me rage when I need to. Happy music can help me celebrate when I need to. and so on............

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  6. Funny you mentioned TWI and music.

    When my oldest was born, his dad told me I could no longer listen to anything but Ministry music when I was around him (which was all the time). I love music, it is very much a part of my life and self-expression. Ministry music never did appeal to me much.

    We went rounds on this issue, ultimately to leadership, who backed him up. Turned out my twig coordinator had once pulled a similar stunt with his wife.

    Ok, regards music, tv, influence on kids.

    My kids are 3 and 5, so I definitely do some censoring of what they see and listen to because they are not old enough to process the information and discuss it with any logic or understanding.

    As they get older, they will have more and more freedom to choose what they watch and listen to. I figure by the time they are pre-teens and most certainly teens, it will largely be up to them to choose what they want to watch and listen to. However, as a parent who wants to be involved in their lives, I will likewise watch and listen to what they are taking in. This way, if I feel it necessary, we can sit down and talk about the messages sent through the things they are viewing and listening to.

    Can music have a negative influence on kids? Sure, I suppose most anything can. What makes the difference is not censorship, but parent participation.

    p.s.....babies don't understand the lyrics to songs, so listening to Led Zepplin isn't going to harm a baby. Studies show they prefer the rhythm of rap though.

    p.s.s....nothing wrong with teaching a baby to sleep through the daily noise of living.

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  7. are not D cups with size 3 bottoms, even if they do have implants.

    I don't get the uproar over a VS fashion show. Don't any of you women wear lingerie anymore? Doesn't it make you feel more attractive? Is it degrading to a woman to feel like she is attractive?

    Showing off a beautiful woman is not degrading to women. What is degrading to women is stereotyping them. ie, assuming if a woman is pretty she must be dumb or if she occasionally dresses sexy she must be easy.

    Assuming a man won't be interested in or attracted to a woman who is less than model perfect is degrading to men. Yes there are men who only want one thing, at least for a short time in their teens and early 20's. Most men grow out of that and want something more than a pretty girl to hang on their arm....or other body parts.

    BTW Rottie, I may be wrong, but I am betting the information Mr. P-Mosh posted came directly from a Learning Channel show regarding human sexuality. I saw the show and that basically was the scientific explanations they gave. They also did spend some time on cultural differences in what people find attractive.

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  8. This is a vent as well as a prayer request, so please bear with me.

    On my way to class tonight, in the parking lot, I walked past a car with a girl standing by the passenger door. She was crying and pleading with her boyfriend to let go of her book bag so she could go to class.

    I walked a few more cars down then stopped and went back. I wanted to pull the guy out of the car and knock his teeth in but I didn't. I asked the girl if she needed some help and she said no. I asked if she was sure and she said yes.

    So I walked away, slowly enough to see that at least my interruption caused the boyfriend to let go of the bag so she could go to class.

    All through class I couldn't stop thinking about her. I kept thinking I should have stayed anyway, should have said something more. I was hoping I would run into her again, but the odds were seriously against it. My class is a 3 hour class, most classes are two hour classes.

    So, kicking myself for walking away like that, I thought maybe if her car was still there I would leave a note on it with my phone number.

    I got out of class 45 minutes early and on my way back to my car, there she was, at her car, still teary eyed. So I stopped and told her I had been where she is and she hugged me.

    She told me things weren't always so bad and it had been a long time since he had done anything like that. She also told me "he has only really went off on her once".

    She told me she believes she can love him enough to change him. She is very young.

    I told her most of the time, people have to change themselves, but I understood she loved him. I gave her my phone number and told her she could call me if she ever needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, I also told her I would not try to talk her into leaving her boyfriend.

    Please pray that N learns to lover herself more than she loves him. My heart aches for this young girl, I have walked in her shoes.

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  9. Verb and I are about 4 hours outside of Chicago. We've been wanting to make the trip, this could be the perfect excuse. There are other fellow Greasespotters we could meet as well, if things pan out.

    If we could coordinate dates that would be cool. It will largely depend on Verb's work schedule, he tends to work two weekends on then have two off.

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  10. Welcome to the cafe!

    No, it isn't a bed of roses on the outside. Life isn't a bed of roses anywhere. The difference for me is, on the outside I have a lot more freedom to make my bed the way I think it should be made. If you can do that within TWI and you are getting more good than bad from TWI, why leave?

    GSC is largely made up of ex-Wayfers but there are also a number of people who are still involved with TWI. Here we vent our anger and grief, share our stories and tears. We laugh, cry, love each other and sometimes hate each other.

    Welcome, have a cup of coffee on me.

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  11. Last I knew he was in Michigan and still in but that information is a few years old. I will ask my ex-husband if he knows if they are still here.

    To every man his own truth and his own God within.

  12. Hopeful, thanks for sharing! I was the dreaded middle child, which in a normal family is not always the best position to be in. My family was NOT a normal family! I played the role of the peacemaker. Always trying to get my mom and my siblings to stop fighting.

    Now to the next question at hand.............

    Yes, I think I am usually liked and respected by those I like and respect. However, I intentionally do not spend much time with those who do not like and respect me. Life is too short to waste it spending time with people who cannot see the value I see in myself.

  13. can I comment? hehehe I will anyway.

    I have been learning in my communications class a little bit about the factors which contribute to how we see ourselves. One of these is how other people respond to us. Perhaps more accurately, how we interpret their response.

    Another factor is what other people tell us about ourselves.

    However, I think it is important for us to be able to look within ourselves and decide for ourselves if we love what we see. It can be a difficult process, especially if we see a lot of things we don't love. We then have to sort through those "unloveable" characteristics and decide which ones we can accept as a part of our imperfect humanness and which ones we want to change.

    Basing our self love solely on outside sources can become a self-destructive cycle. If we don't love ourselves we will tend to surround ourselves with those who will reaffirm the belief we are unloveable.

    BTW, for the record I think you are loveable.

  14. I understand this to mean am I worthy of love.

    My answer here is yes, I am loveable.

    I suppose one could also look at this as am I able to love?

    Again, I would answer yes.

    And again those would be the intellectual answers. On an emotional level, the degree to which I feel I am worthy of love and the degree to which I am able to love are directly related to each other. On my average and good days, I am more capable of both. On the days that are not so good, I am less capable of both.

  15. I know you have taken a lot of grief for being a VPW apologist or whatever. I have not read many of your posts so maybe you are and I have missed it.

    I do gather that you still believe in some or perhaps a LOT of TWI/VPW's doctrine. I am about as far away from TWI doctrine as I can get. However, if its what works for you for now, great.

    I could not and would not fault you for having a belief system that works for you any more than I would fault any other Christian, Jew, Muslem, etc. I may disagree and argue points with you, but that is another matter.........

    I thought your post was funny and I think it is great that you can have a sense of humor about the whole mess.

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