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Posts posted by Steve!

  1. I'll try, but I too am so used to that other thread and don't know how specific to get..."reproove" me if I do it wrong...

    War hero's reunion with his long lost father turns out to be less than cordial when conflict between the two arises".

    That description is exactly in keeping with the purpose of this thread!

  2. "Have you done stuff like that before? "

    "Stuff like what? "

    "Like killing people? "

    "Yeah. But not for a long time. "

    "So, who were those guys? Huh? Why were they trying to kill you? Why'd they blow up my g0dd4mn apartment? "

    " They were there to kill you. "

    "Why would they wanna kill me? "

    " You tell me, kid. You're the criminal. "

  3. In the meantime, is anyone else following? I do this because when I'm up, I like to at least know that someone is trying or thinking about my clues.

    Well, I'm following, but I ended up Googling the answer. I have not seen this movie, so I never would have gotten it anyway.

    Maybe it's time for a more obvious hint?

  4. This one should be somewhat obvious -

    "Don't you think you could "accidentally" manage to leave me behind here? On this planet, that would be punishment enough."

    "I can't do that, Harry. But I will appear as a character witness at your trial... if you think that'll help."

    "They'll throw away the key!"

    "Oh, that sound of male ego. You travel halfway across the galaxy and it's still the same song. There ... are you going to eat or talk?"

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