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Psalm 71 one

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Posts posted by Psalm 71 one

  1. GT, I just looked here, under change my profile avatar and it is in the stock images under "flashbacks". I clicked it to put it back as my avatar, but it didn't "take".

    I'm going to DL to this computer and maybe I'll be able to upload it at Exwayvision.

    Well, so far, so good. I got the piggy back here!

    I also emailed it to myself, and saved it here on my son's 'puter.

  2. OOOOOH! spoke too soon! I can play over there, too!

    GT, I don't have a copy of the image. I had it on my own computer, but that gave me a BSOD awhile back and we haven't been able to get someone to fix it yet. (I'm hoping I haven't lost all my pictures and saved documents!) I've done a search for free animated images, flying piggies and so far, I can't find the same one. I'll still be looking.

  3. Darn! So far i can't find the same piggy I used here! Might be the flying piggy will change in appearance!

    Also, i can't post over there. I'm thinking TrustAndObey has heard too much about me and my flying piggy attacks. ;)

  4. Chatty Kathy AKKKKKKKKKK! Lookkit my hair! It's PURPLE! oh yeah, I LIKE purple! But with the RED? hmmmmm

    Ductape I'm afraid for my piggy--I think it's been kidnapped!

  5. AHEM!



    SPLAT! chocolate cream pie, pumpkin pie and banana pie

    SPLOOSH! Buncha chili. . .

    (wonder what the new place will look like after the food fights?)

  6. Wow! I came in here to post some sort of update and got sidetracked by all i have missed here. Especially the closing down! SAD!

    Dunno if anyone will see this, or if you all have moved to the new site. I haven't registered there, and don't know if i will do the Facebook thing or not.

    I have to apologize first, for not coming in to post. Things went from bad to worse sine I last posted, and it was just too hard to post. Needless to say, the job my hubby got didn't work out--nor did the next or the next or the next. We were going under, taking big lungfuls of water, so to speak. We lost our phone and internet for awhile, and when we got it back, I cut way back on phone calls, emails, etc--how could i post how it got? We've gotten behind on rent by 3 months, twice, lost heat twice, lost electricity once, have a home equity dispute from the loss of our home over a year ago--being taken to court for it. (we were served with a summons to appear in court, my hubby answered, 3-4 months ago, and now we haven't heard anything else-- WTH?

    We still acknowledge God is in charge and is taking care of us--these are more "inconveniences" than anything really worth worrying about. But i have to admit I found myself questioning God more often than having a restful trust in him like in the earlier years of this testing.

    My hubby lost that job, and this trying time started 4 1/2 years ago.

    In October, our friends of 9 years moved away. And we realized we'd closed ourselves off quite a bit--they, and one other couple were the only local friends we had. The second couple followed them, and just moved this week.

    So that chapter is closed to us now. (We remain friends with these folks, via long distance)

    Thankfully, we had started branching out-- we'd visited a church a couple times. Hubby and I were/ are still wary about joining a church, but we also feel we need to make local friends. So far, we're liking this church well enough, and sort of making friends--not the come over to dinner or lets play scrabble-type friends yet, but maybe that will come in time.

    By this time, hubby is back at a grocery store job, which he hates, and had was getting an average of about 10 hours per week.

    And in early December, my hubby followed up on yet another "good" job--the ones that remain just out of reach. The kind that he gets through one or even two interviews that seem to go so well, just to get a phone call that says, "sorry, we're going with someone else". So, he got the call for the first interview, a week passes, he gets the in person interview, which went well, and they tell him they'll have an answer by thursday. This was mid Dec.

    He gets a call telling him, "thanks for your time, but we went with someone else." siiiiiigh, same-oh same-oh.

    Three days later, they call back, with a job offer. HUH? The salary offered is way better than we'd been getting, but still not enough to pay all the bills. And while it's a sales job, it's straight salary, no commission. So Hubby calls back and explains this and asks for a higher salary. (Oh, great, he's shot himself in the foot!) The guy tells him he has to ask the president if this amount would be okay, and another 4-5 days goes by. Call comes back, "Mr Psalm, meet us for lunch this Friday and we'll discuss it".

    So, long story short, he gets the job, at a halfway point in salary between what hubby was asking and the original offer. It's WAYYYYY more than he was making at the grocery store, but it will pay the bills, just without a lot of wiggle room. It's okay! we can actually pay for something without threat of it being turned off! lol! And i've learned how to stretch a dollar pretty well, so we're finally crawling out of this hole.

    I know it's been awahile, but there's the update--told to an empty cafe?

    echo echo echo

    anybody here? :rolleyes:

  7. Shellon, your family still has my prayers. Good for Kelly in being so persistent! Dunno if she's found this site-- I'm guessing she has, but here's a support group. http://www.umdf.org/site/c.otJVJ7MMIqE/b.5472191/k.BDB0/Home.htm I know I've heard of Mitochondrial Disease, but can't remember where. I know this is a tough diagnosis. We will definately be praying.

    The inducing an episode thing sounds really scary--maybe you can be in the hospital parking lot when she eats whatever triggers the episode-- with the Dr --or even someone in the ER knowing what's going to be happening?

    Here's another site with a whole bunch iof feed back from people who've tried various remedies-- Kelly may want to read up on these-- again, she's probably already found this site, but just in case, here it is:


    I'm sorry for the typos-- this window to reply in is tiny and won't let me scroll to fix!

  8. It’s been awhile since I posted an update here. My hubby started a real sales job a couple days ago, so I guess we could close this thread as answered prayer. I may post a new request later concerning this job—or getting a new one to replace it. This is as a salesman for a lawn service company—they are notorious for quick turnover of sales reps. BUT it is way better than the grocery store! He doesn’t go to work til noon most days so it will leave him the possibility to interview as necessary at other jobs.

    Our rental home is nice. It took awhile to start unpacking it because the first ten days I was running back to the old house to pick up the stuff that the truck couldn’t get. (we got too small a truck). By the time I added up the gas I spent to drive back and forth (72 miles one way), we could have gotten a second truck and done it all in one load. Live and learn.

    Then, I got bored and decided to injure my hamstring—just for the heck of it ya know! (OWWWW) and then got the flu. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to feel well!

    We didn’t have heat for about a month at the new house. Yeah, same ole same ole—since the old house didn’t have heat, it didn’t seem right to have heat in the new house dontchaknow? (Actually we had a very dry propane tank and we were required to have a minimum order, which we couldn’t afford at the time) We had a lot of space heaters and it was okay til we got a 20 degree night. We also didn’t have a refrigerator for that same month—but the cold outside took care of that for us—we just used coolers outside.

    It was funny, we got the heat and refrig around the same time, and felt we were RICH! LOL!

    We are fairly settled, some odds and ends boxes to unpack stacked in the garage. Somewhere in that stack is the toaster—it’ll be nice to have it back! We love the place. Ben and I feed and water the neighbor’s chickens and get eggs for it. We’ll also be watching his incubator and later the chicks. It’s a blast! The neighbor is also getting pigs and we’re going in with them—and we’ll be feeding the piggies. (He works long hours and can’t get to the chores, so we begged to be able to do that) We won’t talk about the reason he’s getting the piggies! YIKES!! It’s so nice to live near farms and stuff—no more developments! YEAH!

    And this might sound weird to say, but I get to decorate my home! Seriously! All the other places we’ve lived in, my hubby has decorated—and while he’s very good at it—everybody who would see our home, would say it was so nice. It WAS nice—it just wasn’t my style necessarily. Here, he’s backed out of it and has done well to really let me choose the décor. So it’s a whole lotta country! Lotsa wood and vintage stuff hanging from the walls. I’ll take pictures, but I need help posting them—my pictures load off my camera in really large format, and I don’t know how to downsize them.

    Anyway, I guess I’ve taken long enough to get to this post and this post is long enough too, huh?

    Thanks so much for all the prayers!

  9. Twinky, I'm sorry it took so long to reply--I had to wash all that sticky marshmallow and s'ketti sauce outa my hair!

    We're doin good--we move in about ten days, and life is good! :dance: (I hate moving and I love moving at the same time! LOL!) I don't know how often I'll be here, cuzza packing but I miss you all! I'm gonna have to poke my head in at chat once we're settled in.

    Now. . . shhhhhhh! don't tell Krys about this big bowl of soggy salad with ranch dressing I'm about to tip over onto her head. . .


    OH yeah!!!

    Here, Krys, ya need some chocolate sauce to go with that! POUR!

    I'll sneak out and let this thread get back on topic--sorry Shellon!

  10. Well, it's getting whirlwindy around here-- the lease on the place I mentioned above starts the 15th of Nov, we have til the 30th to get out of this house. Pray that some of the items we need sold will sell--we do need the money from them to rent the truck. We're having trouble rounding up help-- we can't afford movers, so it's a 50yo woman, a 57 yo old man and a 16 yo teen that'll be doing most of the work! A couple of Isaac's teen age friends volunteered to help, and people we work with at the food pantry offered to help--BUT the day we could get the truck is food pantry day. (We're getting the truck from one of my vending route accounts-- they were able to work out a really good discount-- but that was the only day) And the teen friend's help is on the back end-- unloading the truck at the new place, since they live up there.

    God's been faithful to meet our needs as they come, so i can't start stressing now, but it sure would be comfortable to know everything is lined up! LOL!

    Oh, yeah, and hubby's transfer to a Kroger up there fell through--so he needs a job up there!

  11. (Surprise, surprise! I'm here!)

    The way I would define friendship, I'm not sure others would. I am a "people person", so I have lots of "friends". In my vending business, I have people I really like, and we chat a lot while i am there. I call them Friends.

    But I've never been to their homes, nor they to mine. If they were sick and needed me, I'd be there.

    I have friends that I've been friends with for 8 years. I'd say we are close. But I've discovered they can't handle weakness--they tend to get occupied and unable to be together in person--although they pray for us and call to see how we're doing. I've learned that about them, and still call them my friends.

    And the friendship is strong during the "good" times. We share a lot of secrets with one another-- and I trust them.

    I'd say my closest friend is my sister Lois. Yes, I'd hold her hair while she's puking--in fact I cleaned up where she missed--she's my sister! She's the one I call the most often on my long distance. I'd do just about anything for her, and she for me. (Anything in our power and what our hubbys allow). We share the deepest secrets, the silliest giggles--and yet she's a 12 hour drive away! She's a scatterbrained airhead-- oh wait! that's what she calls me! LOL! Our hubbies do not understand our friendship, because we also irritate each other! But really don't fight over anything. If she's done something that has irritated me, I need a bit of space, and then I tell her--same thing with her towards me. We are comforatble with each other. we could share anything and trust the other to not tell anyone else. So I guess that is my definition of a good friendship. I probably have 3 of those. My hubby is one of them--although he irritates me more often than my sister--I guess it's 'cause we live together! If i lived with my sister, I bet we'd irritate each other more often too! LOL!

  12. Kit, you are so right, the dry times are when we go deeper with God. I couldn't understand the peace we were having at the worst of times.

    It's hard right now to get my quiet time and it's getting noticeable in my inner self--dry in a different way. Not in a good way. We are in a whirlwind of activity, starting to pack, getting ready, and then doing a yard sale. I need that quiet time with God, or I'm gonna feel like I'm in a desert.

    He's still faithful, though. The yard sale went well-- we got rid of a lot of big ticket items--and a few things SOLD that we were just sure we were going to have to Freecycle. We have heat through some space heaters that friends loaned us (not looking forward to the bill!)

    During the yard sale a lady got out of her car, carrying paperwork stuff, and I figured, "here it is, the eviction notice". But nope, seems there this program called Cash for Keys that some banks do to avoid the cost of evicting someone--and keep the evitees from damaging the home. (We would have never done that anyway) We agree to a certain amout of time, and they PAY us to move out in that time--the quicker we can get out, the higher the pay. We have to sign to commit we WILL be out, then a realtor comes and does a walk through to be sure we've left the place broom swept and all things that are supposed to be there are still there. (People take away kitchen cabinets, toilets, light fixtures, etc! Isn't that wild!) And then we get a check. The shortest amount of time is 30 days--we agreed to it and we are going to be paid enough for a first month's rent and deposit! So our move out date is Nov 22nd.

    Also, we may have found a place--he is perfectly okay with the dogs and the cat--AND the turtles! He has a renter next door who has chickens! There are things I wish it had--a basement to store the furniture we can't fit in the rooms, a deep enough tub to soak--I'm gonna miss that big time, and gas cooking (I'm definately gonna burn a few things til I get used to electric). But the pets will be with us, it has a huge kitchen, and thankfully a dry two stall garage--that will help a whole lot with the storage. He's a Christian, we could tell before he said anything. He's really laid back--an 'ole country boy--he actually reminds me of my Grampa--same personality. We didn't sign the lease today because I had two other appointments lined up for Thursday, and I would always be bothered if I didn't go see them.

    I wish it was Thursday, I want to get this part wrapped up so we can say we have a place lined up--and it's costing a LOT of gas money to drive all the way up there to look at places. (It's an hour and a half away--still Atlanta, believe it or not--talk about urban sprawl!)

  13. Thanks, Zshot, I truly appreciate the prayers!

    We went looking at places yesterday. Whew, in our price range nowadays, it's a whole lot less house for the money! It's a bit discouraging. We could find more house for the money-- wayyyy out in the boonies. We may have to go there-- but a much longer drive to everything. Not our first choice!

    Then, we've lost our heat in our house--and it got down to freezing last night. We don't see the point in spending money on having someone come out and look at it--we're gonna be out of here soon enough--and there's no "landlord" to call even though it's not our house anymore.

    I expect an "Indian Summer" to come back and the house temps will be a lot more tolerable soon enough, but it's abit chilly right now--I got it "up" to 61 degrees by heating up the oven and boiling a big pot of water on the stove. We have a fireplace we never used while we lived here, but we don't have enough wood to keep a fire going nonstop (In order to not lose heat up the chimney).

    This is really testing us. Do we still love God? yeah, we really do, and we'll follow him even if we end up in a really disappointing house with no heat or whatever. But this is much harder to go through than the months preceeding this--and it's harder to maintain a peace.

  14. Well, it's over. I went to the sale and there were a billion places they read through. (maybe not a billion, but close to 100). There were more to be called after ours, listed by another lawyer. Ours reverted back to the bank-- they wanted 122,000--quite a bit less that we owe--but a miss is as good as a mile, ya know?

    For anyone who's never been to a foreclosure sale, this is how this one went-- I don't know if it is the norm or not. The county official had a huge stack of papers, and told us he'd be "calling" only the sales from Such n such lawyer, and that he'd be calling the sales from so n so lawyer later. There were quite a few people there--lawyer types, probably hired by the homeowners? then regular people-- probably like me, there to see what happens to their home, and then there were sharks--people there with their certified funds ready to snap up a deal--someone's else's misfortune being their gain. These sharks definately fought over the houses listed at $50,000 and less.

    Ours was called--as were the majority, with no bids and went back to the bank. But what a commotion--after the official read off just the addresses, then he handed half of the stack to another guy there, and they both proceeded to read the legalese for every foreclosure--ya know, the deed number, plat number, points of the property at their latitude and longitude, yada-yada-yada-and-on-and-on-and-on. And both were reading at the same time-- at the same volume! Every once in awhile a lawyer came out of the courthouse and read one of his own--at the same time! So at one time there were four "callers" DANG!

    Anyway, I had to just sit in my car for awhile afterwards--it's done--it's dead.


    We're homeless.


    How exciting.

    We don't know how long we have til we have to get out--we have heard as little as two weeks and as long as six months. The lender themselves don't even have any consistency. We hear one thing from one person there and something completely different from someone else. I'm convinced if I call four different times tomorrow to get a move out date, i will get four different answers.

    We're okay--I'm a bit numb. My hubby has cried, I can't right now.

    We went off in the room and prayed together, and poured out our worries to God. One thing we do know still. God is always good. This will have a purpose, which we will understand one day. And even if we end up in some dinky little two bedroom, one bath duplex with loud neighbors, we still can love and serve our Lord. And love each other!

    I can say that with conviction, even if I can't say it with feeling right now. I always do the numb thing til I can really grasp something.

    We still covet your prayers, and thank you so much.

  15. We're a week from D-day--er S day? (ya know sale day). Hubby and I are having a harder time reamining calm in the midst of the circumstances, ya know? (I'm trying to be funny!)

    We're still in the house, since we hear conflicting answers as to when we will have to get out. (As short as 2 weeks and as long as 6 months! SHEESH!) So we're waiting til they actually tell us--and hoping they don't just show up at our door telling us to get out in 15 minutes!

    So we truly appreciate the prayers!

    BTW, I Do pray for the prayer requests you all make-- I usually don't have time to post, and sometimes can't even read the whole thread, but get the initial request and pray for you all. I know we all have such trials to go through-- and can only get through them by God's help.

  16. Rocky thanks for letting us know about Dot--glad to hear she's fine. I hope your cousin wasn't delayed too long!

    Mike, I know you got slammed in your neck of the woods! I read about the two year old--what a hard thing to go through! I have been praying for them.

    We have several roads that are going to be closed for quite awhile while they rebuild the washed out parts. In dallas there's a sinkhole big enough to hide a tractor trailer--it's pretty wild to see! Do ya ever check Pauldingdotcom website? Lotta pictures posted there!

  17. We made it through last nights storms fine--a little water coming into the the wals around and the room below the fireplace, lost power for awhile as well as phones/cable, but we're fine. Lots of roads are blocked or washed out, may have trouble getting around for a few days, but we're still okay.

    How are the rest of ya?

    Mikey? Your area got hit pretty hard too--are you and family safe?

    Other Georgians? Dot? Robes? Who am I missing? Raise yer hands and let us know you're okay, please?

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