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Psalm 71 one

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Posts posted by Psalm 71 one

  1. Garth, I remeber some of that joking, also--both aspects-- how sick!

    I didn't like Mr. Rogers til I had my own children and watched with them. (used to parody the way he would talk) But once I sat down and started watching, I was totally impressed with his way of bringing my child into the show, and his simple messages. There was no comparison between him and Barney (Gag!)

    Kit-- I love that quote "When a baby is born, he cries and the world rejoices. When a good man dies, the world cries, and he rejoices."

    How true!

    I too, hope he didn't suffer too much, and am glad he is now out of his pain and in his New Neighborhood.

  2. Alfie, Alfie, siiiiiiigh, ya know i hadta take away yer pretzels cuz you got em all soggy when you were cryin in em!

    Pirate, the Big Red Letters hold the key to who the Thread Killer is-- we just have to decifer them properly and they can't get into the wrong hands cuz there are CRAZY PEOPLE out there ya know! I'm NOT one of em!

    Now back to the released captive exercizer, who turns out to be none other than our own Steve! who wisely proclaims, "The Brick! The Brick!"

    Just then Zixar approaches and asks, "Pardon me, do you have any grey poupon?"

  3. As Cynic and long Gone argue over who has the biggest . . .


    and Zixar ponders pyramid pi and bows over his calculator, the HumVee appraoches the figure in the distance that has been excersizing.

    Psalmie urges the Madwoman to slow down, while she tosses several BIG RED ZEROes over the person and the ladies roll with laughter as they watch him try to do jumping jacks with his arms bound tightly to his sides.

    The Kindly Rev Mother Exxie then has mercy and releases the captive and reminds Psalmie and Madwoman that he may have some clues as to who the Thread Killer may be.

    The released prisoner turns to speak and they all gasp when they see who he is . . .


    Did you bring something with ya to KILL THIS THREAD??

    MY EYES! MY EYES! IT's in my eye! akkkkkk!

    Pssssttt! Long Gone! I'm working on it! but I won't be back til tomorrow afternoon!

  5. Dot, the advice ya gave about the people-grade food for dogs, I'm sure holds true for cats, too.

    With this dry food you are talking about, does it have to be refrigerated? Could i leave it in their dish for them to much on throughout the day as I do with their Iams?

    If we fed em table food, wouldn't the majority have to be meat? My cats don't like people grade tuna!-- not even the expensive white tuna! Go figure! Actually, they are both 11 months old right now, and beg a lot for food, even though their dry food dish is always full. Their food is Iams kitten and i guess it isn't filling them enough anymore. But they are REALLY picky about eating stuff we give em from the table. (Yes, adults and children alike throwing bits of our meat to the kitties as they beg-- spoiled brats!! LOL)

  6. The way to wash a cat is to place em in a clean toilet, push the lid down quick, sit on it and FLUSH!!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    OH DON'T WORRY! they're too big to go down the drain!! LOL

    (Okay, I never did it that way!! LOL)

    Dot, a male cat i had a few years agao, was a 22lb moose! he was fun to wash!! LOL! (ONce ya got all four feet pried off the edges of the tub at the same time) We were always completely soaked afterwards, he was funny!! HAHAHA!!

    His 14 lb sister was something else-- we eventually started taking her to a groomer-- and never asked how it went when we'd see their bandages!! icon_wink.gif;)--> LOLOL!!!

    (We actually called first and told em her personality-- and they would tell us whether or not they could handle her.

    I finaaly found a guy who could handle her-- he was faster than her while getting her outa the carrier (she would even bite US when we would try to get her out any other place than home) He was a God-send! And i'm sure he was thankful we only took her once or twice a year! LOL

    After her bath, she would be a bitch for about 24 hours, then she would go back to her sweet little self.

  7. My kitties are indoor only, Rottiegrrl so they won't chase your birds! PROMISE!!! LOL! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    I had declawed my last two cats, these i just never had the money lying around to declaw em, and now that they are almost a year old, i kinda feel like it would be mean.

    Cept the female can come running up the steps, grab either side if the bedroom door-jam and leap up and hang about 3-4 feet up. then she slides down-- ya oughta see what the door frame looks like! icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

    It's a good thing she's so cute cuz she's TOOPID!

    The male is VERY lovey-- loves his ears scratched and will rub against us and head-butt for lonng times! He also sits on my boys' school work while we are doing school-- the brat!

    I love my cats, too and wouldnt trade em either-- still want a dog, but know that will be a lot more work than the kitties. We had to put that whole idea of getting the dog on the back burner for awhile til my hubby gets a job

  8. Okay, I went to Parachat's home page, gonna copy and paste some stuff.


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    So my question to Paw, is, Is this gonna be the room you're gonna stay with? I would register if so.

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