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Psalm 71 one

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Posts posted by Psalm 71 one

  1. really, Firebee? the kittty in the ladle showed up? icon_confused.gif:confused:--> BUMMER! all I saw was the box with the "X" in it and figured it didn't work, so I deleted it! and i don't even know where I found it now, I clicked through so many pictures!! I'll never get to sleep now after laughing so much!! LOL!!

  2. I still laugh at that bear falling on the ice every time I see it!!! LMAO!!!!

    DARN! I had some special spaghetti sauce to throw at Firebee, but the image link didn't work!

    Here's another funny animal pic-- hope it shows up.. .


    [This message was edited by Psalm 71 one on February 02, 2003 at 20:34.]

  3. Well, I didn't mean to leave ya all hanging like this! I thought maybe Ron woulda come in and given us more info by now!

    I'll try to tell more here, but I don't know how much info is too much. . .

    Ron's Sweetie is not a Greasespotter--has never been TWI (smart woman!! LOL!) They knew each other years ago-- before Ron got involved w/ TWI and recently "re-met" and discovered how much they had in common. The friendship grew from there (yes, this is why ya haven't seen him online much!) She's very intelligent, loves the same things he does, is a Christian, and will fit in just fine with Hillbilly life!!! LOL!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    When she and Andrew met, they hit it off immediately. I've "met" her by phone, she's really sweet-- I think they'll be really good to and for each other.

    Ron, c'mon in here and tell us more!!

  4. Well, I guess you will know it if ya read this thread!! haha!!

    My favorite hillbilly, ArkieRon called me yesterday-- HE'S GITTIN HITCHED!!!!

    I'm so happy for him!! Now there's gonna be even more hearts breaking at the greasespot cafe, like when Steve! and Cindy made their happy announcement.

    I woulda posted this a yesterday but my puter was not hooked up, so I hadta wait!!! Maybe Ron will come in and give us some more details.

  5. SC-- That is great about your new kitty! Cats are great!! They are lower maintenance than a dog-- aaaaaaaaaaI expct to have a "rude awakening" when we get our dog some day!! LOL! But I love the companionship of a dog--it's unconditional-- unlike a cat!! hahahaha!!

    I'm surprised the vet told you the color was calico-- I have always heard that color as "tortoise shell" (for a cat, "brindle" for a dog) I thought a calico had mainly white as the background color, and the color is in patches, whereas Torties have mainly black as it's background color and the color marking is kind of spattered all over the cat.

    (As a side note-- we put our kitties in a local pet store's "amature cat show". My yellow male one "best in color" (cuz he was the ONLY yellow kitten!! LOL!) My calico was one of two in her category-- they were judging on unusual-- mine is gorgous-- the perfectly marked calico--and CUTE-- she has Hymalayan in her background. But she got beat by an unusual kitty--one I woulda thought shoulda been in the "tortie" category, because she had a solid color background, not white. This one was very pale grey-- what I think is called "lilac", with the yellow and brown spatterings of a tortie. She was very pretty!)

    I wish you years of enjoyment with your new family member!

  6. This was a great thread to read! I'm still looking, too. We still haven't really decided whether or not to get a puppy or an adult rescue. An adult that has been trained, is most likely over the chewing stage, probably calmed down a bit. That is really appealing! But the possibility of it having been abused and then turning on one of my boys-- YIKES!

    A puppy would be so fun, so cute, and my more timid son would get a chance to grow used to it before it grew to full grown size would be good. But-- higher cost, with all the shots, spay/neuter, etc, and of course all the training mishaps, etc! I have to sign off now, it's getting late, but I am going to check out these sites you all left for Socket Creep to check out!!

    BTW-(Sorry SC for going off-topic a bit here)

    RottieGrrrl those Corgi Pups were long gone-- that was an old ad at the grocery store. The people sounded nice and didn't say they had others on the way or anything, so i guess it wasn't a back-yard breeder! But the Corgi sure is a cute dog!

    Socket Creep, that Boston Terrier sounds like a nice breed, also-- we have to stick with a small breed, too--although for cost purposes, I think we are gonna get a mixed breed, anyway. I AM alergic to my cats, and it may be a good idea to look into dogs that are less allergy-irritants! LOL! (which brings me back to a POODLE!!! AKKKKKK! Two of my sisters have toy poodles-- and while they are cute and very intelligent, BOY! they are yappy little critters!! (An' my cats might EAT em!!! LOL!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D--> )

  7. I just spilled rootbeer on my desk-- didn't think I got any part of my puter, but turned the mouse upside down and shook it-- and a few drops of soda came out.

    It still worked okay for awhile, but then it started "dropping" my location when I scrolled down. (I have a scrollbar on my mouse) even when I went to the sidbar and used the "up" and "down" arrows, it wouldn't hold it's palce on the page.

    I took it apart and there were some tiny drops of soda inside. I dabbed at em, blew on it and left it apart in the air for awhile. I reassembeled it a few minutes later, and it is slow to repond when I left click, the scroller thingy doesn't work at all--I have to use the scroll bar at the edge of the page-- and then it is kinda slow...

    Have I kilt my poor leetle mousie?

    I think I hear "Taps" playin.....

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