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Psalm 71 one

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Posts posted by Psalm 71 one

  1. Vegan-- thanks!! they really are sweet!! The little girl (Gertie) scoots all over now--not really walking yet, but a bit of a military crawl!! We have them in a dog crate inside a larger enclosed play pen area, and were keeping the gate open for Zippie to come and go in the room as she pleases. (And the door to the room closed, as we have two adult cats, also and I don't wanna chance them "playing" with the pups!! LOL!) But now we have to keep the gate shut--I don't wanna step on one of 'em!! :blink:

    I only have one of those disposable cameras (Broke my nice one on vacation this summer :( )but I'm getting that developed and the pics put on a disc--wonder if I can post the pics here from the disk?

    Dot YIKES! about the bones!! I wasn't comfortable with that anyway being that Zippie is such a scarfer. (She'll take a finger off when ya feed her a treat!! LOL! Moses politely and gently takes the treat, Zippie would steal it outa his mouth if she could!! STINKER! She's such a brat!! LOL!! . . . and maybe a

    le e e e t t l e bit spoiled?? hmmmm? shhhhh!)

    As to the "human grade" I thought I understood that to be yet another advertising thingy. It might have been in one of the links you gave me to read, but I had also read it some time ago, that once it leaves the "human food" area to be made into pet food, it is treated differently and may end up no longer fit for human consumption anyway. (That is not an exact quote, just what I had understood from what I read) Mainly the conclusion was to look for the words "Meat" instead of "meal", and look for the words meat to be in the first 3 ingredients, to get a fairly high quality pet food. (And know you'll pay more). The food I was feeding my pets in Baltimore wasn't in the Petsmart type stores--I was able to find it in a feed store. Here, I had been getting Nutro's Ultra Holistic food--the cats and Moses still like it, but Zippie doesn't. (It smells pretty good, too! LOL!) I am going to get the Solid Gold to try--I found a store not too far from me that carries it--I don't mind spending a bit extra for my pet's foods--and I'm still going to cook for them-- I'm really enjoying that!

    ((((((((((((((WW!!)))))))))))))good to see ya here!! I really liked the canidae-- how it read and all--that was a long time ago when I read about it-- probably Dot's recommendation back then, too, she's always so helpful with all of us and out pets! (((((((((((((Dot)))))))))))))) But I went and got a smaple bag and my kitties turned their noses up at it!! LOL! (We didn't have Zippie at the time, and Mo (a puppy at the time)was happy to eat the cat food, but didn't eat the puppy food sample from Canidae! go figure!

  2. WOW!! Thanks for all the help!

    FEATHERS!! ya smart alec! :biglaugh:

    I've been busy doing searches and reading--didn't realze you'd posted all those last posts, Dot.

    I read up a lot on the raw foods (both pros and cons), and wasn't fully convinced it was the way to go after all. It's like you said, Dot, sitting on a grocery fridge shelf isn't the same as "fresh meat".

    Zippie has gained back some weight now. She feels much more solid. She's not fat, but she's feeling much better to me (no boniness). The pups are two weeks old now, their eyes are almost open-- I wish i had a digital camera so I could show them off!!!

    Dot thanks for the advice about the cream in her food--I also found that in my online search. the eggs, well, I may use occasionally, but the raw foods folks said dogs should only have them raw and with the shell, other sites said eggs were a no-no and other sites said occasionally is okay. And thanks for all the new links, also. I started reading there last night. I'm gonna get the book.

    I have been worried about the soft foods and her teeth-- I'd always given my dogs and cats dry food mainly cuz it would keep their teeth clean. The raw food folks say the raw bones take care of that. I don't give them greenies cuz of the undigested bits being found in animal guts. (Moses used to get them, but he diligently chewed them up, we stopped giving them to the dogs when we saw how Zippie scarfs everything down, barely chewing.) But I never have brushed my dogs' teeth and don't want to have to start--but I'm going to have to find something that will clean her teeth.

    I found a comercial dog food at petsmart that reads really well, and I've been giving that to her as well as my "home brew" She seems to be tolerating it quite well, now--no loose stools. I didn't know to not boil the chicken without the skin--I'd left that on in the first batch--mainly for the added fat content. She's burned out on the yogurt and cottage cheese mean, so I quit that. I know once I started cooking for them, she especially will be hard pressed in going back to dog food, but having read about the junk that goes into a lot of the dog foods, I guess I don't mind. I would like to have a balance between a good dog food and my own cooking, though, cuz i can't be sure I would be able to get her everythting she needs. (Ya know, like the taurine and stuff). the food I found is this: meat roll

    The ingredients read well, with Lamb meat, Lamb hearts and lamb liver as the first three ingredients.

    I still think I should get a good dry food, too-- like the Solid Gold--mainly for their teeth.

    Anyhoo, thanks for all the learning! I'm still reading!

  3. HAHA!! That bird in the picture above IS a Dove-- just with a buncha mud splattered all over it! heeheee!!! :biglaugh:


    Here, have some Key Lime Pie! SPLOOOOOT!

    OOOPS! Where did he go?

    Well, I'll be, he's up there- - - - - (Psalmie throws a pie straight up, the Bird flies away and as she watches in horror, the pie falls back down in her face)


  4. Scooterpop, the all caps in both your posts is equivalent to yelling. :nono5: (As to your "Leave the rest of us alone" comment, ya didn't have to read this thread, if you didn't agree with it, the title was quite clear!)

    FWIT, I didn't feel Vegan was pushing opinions or beliefs on me, any more than anyone else on this thread. This could be an explosive topic, but so far people have been pretty civil with each other. Maybe the PETA folks Vegan knows are nice people and not at all militant--we don't know them! (Are all people that are against abortions-- abortion clinic bombers?)

    I love meat, too, but agree with Jonny--we really ought to be more aware of what we are eating!

  5. Thanks Dot!

    I'll try for the Solid gold. I really want to try the Sojos Dove suggests, cuz I've always felt dogs were meant to eat raw foods, but never dared try it. The one store in GA that sells the Sojos is in Athens though <_<

    I did cook up a "stew" for her, using the proportions you suggest (half meat, 1/4 grain 1/4 vegies). I also made up my own chicken broth-- the storebought has a lot of msg in it. :nono5: The grain mixture is whole oats, wheat groats, brown rice, cooked and ground up, then some soy flour added in. Vegies are carrots, green beans, broccoli, celery, parsnips and turnips. If you know if any of these are bad can ya let me know? I also got some zuccini and summer squash and am steaming that up to add to tomorrows mix. I mix the vegies and grain mix equally --it's a mush about like grits. Then I added an equal amount of chicken. I'm still nervous about raw meat, so I cooked the chicken! (the vegies were lightly steamed). I will be asking a holisitc vet about the raw meat-- I have to convince my hubby to let me get an appointment. (He already has a hard time with me going to a chiropractor! LOL!)

    Do ya know if raw eggs are okay for a dog? (I'll do a look up on Google too, just in case) How 'bout half n half cream in small bits for flavor (1 Tblspoon)? Butter? (Same, 1 Tbls, for flavoring and for fat content)

    Zippie is keeping up with the weight--barely. You can feel her spine and hips, but not her ribs. She's very peppy, drinks plenty of water, the puppies are growing very well, so her milk is rich enough. Her coat is healthy, stools a bit soft from the change in food, but otherwise she seems well enough. Hubby thinks it's unnecessary to go to a vet, since she isn't showing any signs of distress, but I would feel better with just one appointment. <_< (We don't run to the Dr. ourseleves much either--I treat my own ear infections. The kids only go for shots or if i suspect strep-- which has been a long time!!)

    Anyway, I appreciate your input!

  6. Well, ya convinced me, White Dove. There is a local animal shelter here where I live that is in need of bedding, food, donantions. I don't know the name of the place, if they are nationally affiliated with any group or not, but I'm gonna check them out a bit more, and start donating there. If not there, then Hearts United. I like the idea of someplace local if i can.


  7. Dot, I knew you'd have great advice! It did cross my mind I wasn't giving her enough protein. I know there is protein in the cheeses/cottage cheese and all, but I knew I needed to get her some meat, too.

    I'm gonna do a search for a holistic vet in the area, also. I wish these sites with the good pet food would sell smaller sample sizes. I've bought products like Royal Canine and another one I don't remember--my pets hated them. The first time I didn't return the food and "ate" the cost. Next time I returned the product! I'm wary of anything I have to buy online only--if ya don't like it, ya pay S & H both ways.

    (Dove I'll check into finding the Sojo's locally)

    Dot, I'm using canned chicken broth--it's just broth. I'm real careful about the onions-- and have mixed feelings about garlic (I've read it's not good for em, and read that it's okay!) I'll also get some vitamins.

    Today she ate better. I gave her eggs and an oatmeal/peanut butter mix home made cookie (Dog cookie recipe). And she got hamburger in the rice. I figure variety might help. I think I'll get some baby food vegies, too. (I do give her cooked vegies from our meals, too)

    She feels heavier, but I think I'll start weighing her daily to make sure. She's certainly peppy enough--and those babies are GROWING!!!!

    I wish I had a digital camera-- I wanna show em off!! :dance:

  8. P.S after I have read more at the link you posted, Dove. . .

    Thank you again!! I had read about a raw food diet for dogs and saw the benefits, but was a little concerned I wouldn't be able to get a diet that was balanced enough. This stuff looks great!!!! I'm gonna try it!!

  9. White Dove-- SMART A--A--ALEC!!! :biglaugh:

    (and thanks for the link!)

    Groucho, I started out feeding my dogs just people food, but the male has a wacky digestive system--he gets diarhea from chicken! (Although I'm not so sure it's really the chicken, my hubby insists on giving him gravy with the chicken) That was why I started looking for a good healthy dog food. I still give the female lots of different fruits and vegies--she'll eat anything I offer, ('cept today <_< ).

    I'll cook up some chicken for her--she's gotta have something, those pups have grown so much they're almost as big as she is!! LOL!!

    (Well, um, maybe not yet--they're only 3 days old :biglaugh: )

    Jim--molasses? hmmm, I'll try that-- I figure her body is craving something she's not getting-- isn't molasses high in iron?

  10. I'm the "worried mom" that posted in the Prayer room about my Zippie, and here I am again!! LOL!

    She's fine, she's a good mom especially being as young as she is (1 year old Sept 5--unplanned!! :biglaugh: )

    I feed my dogs the more expensive "healthy" dog food ("human grade"). Zippie was supposed to be on puppy food during her pregnancy, she got some--and Moses, our other dog got most!! LOL! <_< (She'd go back and eat the adult dog food) Not overly worried, it's good food, but toward the tail end of her pregnancy, I could feel her spine and hip bones, so I would suppliment her diet with boiled egg, whole fat cottage cheese and whole fat yogurt and occasionally shredded cheddar cheese.

    Zippie ate ravenously the first couple days after she'd given birth--mostly the people food--I was also giving her brown rice cooked in chicken broth, or oatmeal cooked in chicken broth, as well as the dairy products. She wasn't interested in the dog food. Now she'll eat a very little amount of the dog food, a few bites of the cottage cheese, but she seems like she's looking for something different. I'm guessing her body is craving something, but I'm not sure what--she's not wanting the other stuff. She's never been a picky eater, so that's not it. (And the pups were born Thursday, and growing fast--definately not a time her body would be making less milk)

    If this were any other time, I'd do the "discipline thing" of putting her food down and when she gets hungry enough, she'll eat what I give her. But she's nursing pups and I can still feel her spine and hip bones. :unsure:

    (I realize I'm probably being a bit over worried, she's acting fine, no fever, has enough energy, is sweet and friendly and is very attentive to her pups).

    Can ya think of other foods I can offer?

  11. OH, NLL I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It brings tears to my own eyes, we love our pets so much. It was good you got that good-bye time--sometimes we don't and it makes the loss so much harder. These next few days will be hard, with that hole left in your lives. Praying for you.

  12. :dance::dance: TWO PUPPIES!!! :love3:

    (Vickles, she's a Maltese, a cute little white yappy thing!! :biglaugh: )

    Zippie did fine. Her instincts kicked in when it was time. She was pretty quiet, considering the size of the pups. They obviously weren't too big, cuz she got them out, but she had to work really hard. I'd prefer to not mate her to Moses again, even though they ARE GORGEOUS pups (Very white, and sometimes they aren't always fully white--having tan spots or being like a pale tan all over color--which is not breed standard). My hubby says if she was able to do it this time, she'll be fine next time, too.

    I don't know if I want to take that chance again, even though the pups came out so perfect for breed standard. Moses is large for a Maltese--about 8-9 lbs. A brother of his from a different litter is 11 lbs. (My friends have the brother, some other friends have the mother, who is about 9-10 lbs). Zippie is a normal 6 lb Maltese. (Not a teacup Maltese)

    She really is fine, resting today. She was very accomodating, started early labor around 2 pm yesterday, and had the first, a large girl about 6 pm, the second, a not as large boy at about 7 pm. I'm proud of her! My younger son got to watch, as well as the whole family of the friends that have the brother of Moses. (They have two girls, 7 and 11, and I explained the different stages of labor to them-- hope I didn't offend the parents too much, but I was mainly telling my own kids, too!) My older son, Isaac, 13, has never liked blood too much, and when he saw the water sac (which had very little blood, but wasn't necessarily pretty, either), he was gone!! LOL!

    So now I'm a Gramma/Midwife! haha!!!

    I have pictures of the pups, but they are on 35 mm film--I will get them on a cd when I develope them, but still don't know how to post them from there!

    OH! We gave them temp names. . .

    The father is Moses

    The mother is Zipporah (Zippie)

    That Biblical couple's sons were named Gersom and Eliezer

    We're calling the pups Gertie and Eli! :love3::biglaugh:

  13. I don't care if this is true or not--snopes it if ya wanna, I just thought it was a funny read!! Another one my stepmom forwarded to me.


    Calling in sick to work makes me uncomfortable. No matter how

    legitimate my excuse, I always get the feeling that my boss thinks I'm


    On one recent occasion, I had a valid reason but lied anyway, because

    the truth was just too darned humiliating. I simply mentioned that I

    had sustained a head injury, and I hoped I would feel up to coming in

    the next day. By then, I reasoned, I could think up a doozy to explain

    the bandage on the top of my head.

    The accident occurred mainly because I had given in to my wife's wishes

    to adopt a cute little kitty. Initially, the new acquisition was no


    Then one morning, I was taking my shower after breakfast when I heard

    my wife, Deb, call out to me from the kitchen. "Honey! The garbage

    disposal is dead again. Please come reset it." "You know where the

    button is,"

    I protested through the shower pitter-patter and steam. "Reset it

    yourself!" "But I'm scared!" she persisted.

    What if it starts going and sucks me in?" There was a meaningful pause

    and then, "C'mon, it'll only take you a second."

    So out I came, dripping wet and buck naked, hoping that my silent

    outraged nudity would make a statement about how I perceived her

    behavior as extremely cowardly. Sighing loudly, I squatted down and

    stuck my head under the sink to find The button. It is the last action

    I remember performing.

    It struck without warning, and without any respect to my circumstances.

    No, it wasn't the hexed disposal, drawing me into its gnashing metal


    It was our new kitty, who discovered the fascinating dangling objects

    she spied hanging between my legs. She had been poised around the

    corner and stalked me as I reached under the sink. And, at the precise

    moment when I was most vulnerable, she leapt at the toys I

    unwittingly offered and snagged them with her needle-like claws.

    I lost all rational thought to control orderly bodily movements,

    blindly rising at a violent rate of speed, with the full weight of a

    kitten hanging from my masculine region. Wild animals are sometimes faced with a

    fight or flight syndrome. Men, in this predicament, choose only the "flight"


    I know this from experience. I was fleeing straight up into the air

    when the sink and cabinet bluntly and forcefully impeded my ascent. The

    impact knocked me out cold.

    When I awoke, my wife and the paramedics stood over me. Now there are

    not many things in this life worse than finding oneself lying on the

    kitchen floor buck naked in front of a group of "been-here, done-that"


    Even worse, having been fully briefed by my wife, the paramedics were

    all snorting loudly as they tried to conduct their work, all the

    while trying to suppress their hysterical laughter.... and not


    Somehow I lived through it all. A few days later I finally made it back

    into the office, where colleagues tried to coax an explanation out of

    me about my head injury. I kept silent, claiming it was too painful to

    talk about.

    Which it was.

    "What's the matter?" They all asked, "Cat got your tongue?"

    If they only knew...

  14. Suda, I'll be praying for you all during Laddie's recovery also. It's gonna be hard after while keeping him less active. My Zippie broke her leg a few weeks after we got her, and we were to keep her from running around in the cast-- yeah, riiiiight, a puppy? HA! We kenneled her and playpenned her, but it was so hard hearing her whimper to be outa there.

    SO GLAD Laddie wasn't more badly hurt, and that he came through his surgery so well. Can ya post a picture of him and his brother? Tanks!

  15. Thanks all of ya. So far, no signs of impending labor. She's really waddling now, though! :biglaugh: I hope she has em at a convienient time for the kids to be able to see. We'd had a friend whose Maltese was going to have pups, but the boys didn't get to see it-- twas the middle of the night.

    WG 10 puppies!! :blink: LOL! I'm guessing we're gonna see only two or three, I don't think Maltese have very big litters.

    I'll keep ya 'all posted!

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