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Psalm 71 one

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Posts posted by Psalm 71 one

  1. Vegan,

    There's a chance he could be lost, or stolen, but given where he was, according to the shelter, he was more likely dumped. (that doesn't mean he wasn't stolen then dumped). But it's most likely he was dumped because of the skin disease--people dump their animals when they can't afford to take care of whatever medical situation comes up. :angry: This is all what I learned at the shelter.

    He's not up for adoption yet, they want to clear up the mange better. They posted a picture of him on the other web site, if ya want, I can try to paste it here--he looks pretty scaley still, though. Other people who visit this shelter to love on the animals posted how sweet he is, too--I'm glad they met him! LOL!

  2. Well, we went to the shelter to see him today. His skin looks better, but he's still pretty scaley. They said the type of mange he has is not the one that can pass over to humans, so they lat us pet him. (It's a type that is more likely hereditary) Isaac would have none of that! LOL! Ben and I were nervous about it--he has so many dried icky spots! But he's a sweet, friendly little guy. He was fairly quiet, too--a good trait of SharPeis.

    I did a search on SharPeis last night. Yes Vegan, they are expensive--about $1000!! And prone to skin problems. And not good to have around other small animals, as they can be aggressive. And people who are very consistent trainers, as they are strong-willed and aggresive. Okay, then. My guess is the people who dumped him didn't know all this. Thought, "oh how cute, lets buy a Wrinkle Dog!" And then the skin problems came along. And he wasn't as easy to train as they thot. And maybe he bit their cat. And he grew bigger, wasn't as cute as he was when they got him.

    BUT THAT DOESN'T GIVE 'EM AN EXCUSE TO DUMP HIM!!!! (I know, I'm preaching to the choir, I'm not yellin at you all, just yellin!)

    And this guy isn't even full-breed SharPei!! He's got Lab ears and doesn't have that fat, hippo head. I asked them at the shelter, and they said the same--and that they haven't seen an aggressive side to him. DARN those jerks for dumping him like that! I'd like to see them dumped somewhere where they can't leave, don't have fresh water or food, have to live exposed to the elements, and have a skin disease! SHEESH!

  3. The Shar Pei rescue folks didn't have room for him right now, nor did the other rescue place. They're full right now.

    The animal shelter here says he IS a SharPei and he's only about 4-5 months old! :(

    Why would somebody dump a PUPPY? :angry: In a location like he was in, I don't think it's likely he was a run-away. Poor poor baby!

    They are not going to put him down--there's a lady who works there who takes a special interest in mange dogs, healing them up. The director of the shelter tells me they are going to give this guy a chance--they want to see him placed. I'm so glad! I'm going to keep following up on him.

  4. Last night I got a call from my neice. My sister Deb's Husband Ken died suddenly last night. They had been married nearly 40 years. She married him when she was around 20 yrs old, and they were happy together. He had retired a couple years ago, and she'd always been a stay-at-home mom, so they were having fun going places together. He was a Christian, but was quiet about his beliefs.

    He was in the hot tub last night and all of a sudden he fell over, banging his head. She thought he was goofing off for a split second, then realized he was in trouble. She had to haul his dead weight out of that hot tub before she ran to call 911. She's sore today from that. And numb right now, she says. I can't go up for his funeral--right now my car needs brakes and it would be dangerous to go in it, and if we did figure the finances out, there would be no way I could take the boys and myself up there this summer for the two week stay. She understands, but I still feel like a heel!

    Anyway, I did get to call her and talk a bit. She's strong, but of course she's gonna break down and cry sometime. Her two sons are there--the younger one is sweet, but the older one is a but thead, ordering her around and just being the jerk he's always been, even when he was little.

    Pray that she's somewhat protected from him. He would be abusive to his mom if he could get away from it. (as in, he did raise his fist to her once, but she was strong, and handled it well) With Ken out of the way, the older son could think he's now the boss of mom.

    At least on the call, I was able to give her a laugh. Ken has been bald since I can remember, and I told Deb at least he probably has hair now!! She laughed so hard and thanked me for the laugh!

  5. Thank you all! I don't think I could have slept if we'd have known he had to spend yet another night out in the cold. And yeah, I know he'd spent many a night out there, but now that we saw him, there was no way we could have left him. The lady at the shelter says he was probably dumped right there, at the fire hydrant we found him at, and he sat waiting patiently for them to come back. That makes me tear up again, just typing that! (I know, I'm weird)

    Dot he looked like the Sharpei, but not quite as wrinkly--and thinner--but he was thin because he was hungry. I did wonder if he would chomp down too much too fast, which was why we left two dishes--I thought he'd puke the first bit back up.

    Yes, it is a kill shelter. I hate the idea he'd be put down, but figured that alternative would be better than his staving to death. I'm going to call the lady at the pet rescue, and leave an email for the Sharpei rescue people-- maybe they can get him outa there.

    My older son, Isaac, came whispering to me last night , that maybe we could keep him after he got all cleaned up. That would be nice, but we have two dogs and two cats, and that is really pushing my hubby's threshold for animals in the house! (Two was almost too much for him!) We're still gonna broach the subject. . . :D

  6. My family and I were taking a drive in this beautiful sunshiney day, and pulled into a new developement--so new there are only roads, no houses. Looking out the window as we drove, I saw something furry-- looked like discarded trash, but then it moved. I had my hubby stop and back up. It was a very thin dog that looked sick--it's fur is all patchy and it's skin shows through. (mange?) The dog looks like one of those Wrinkle-Dogs (Sorry I don't know the name of the breed)

    We went home and got a couple tins, some dog food and water dishes, and an old towel. We filled two pie tins with food-a LOT of food. We drove back to where the dog was, and my hubby said he would give the dog the food. He made me and the kids stay in the car, in case the dog turned out to be aggressive. The dog jumped up scared, ready to run away til it saw he had food, then ate greedily. My hubby was able to put the other dish of food down, and two water containers. (We did two in case the dog spilled the water). He also put the towel on the ground. The dog was extremely wary, but seemed submissive--tail wagging, crouched low. He was jumpy-- like he's probably been chased and expected it again.

    We didn't know what else to do--we'd called the local animal shelter, but of course, they were closed, and there was no emergency # on the message. I left a message, but I didn't really want to see that poor dog left out in the cold one more night. But we were also afraid to try to catch the dog ourselves. Afraid of getting bitten, afraid our own dogs would be in jeopardy.

    But we couldn't leave him out there another night. (Ben and I had cried when we saw him stand up, and how sick he looked)

    And this is a construction site. When the workers get there tomorrow, how would they treat the dog? Run him off? abuse him? Accidently run over him with heavy equipment?

    I remembered a discussion board set up for the county I live in, and an animal forum there, where there's always some information about local pet shelters. (animals for adoption, cool rescue stories, sad stories, etc).

    So I registered there and posted this same info there.

    Instantly, I got several responses and pms, people who've worked as volunteers for the shelter, asking me where the dog was, they would be willing to go get the dog, and keep him til the shelter opened. I couldn't type fast enough to respond to all of them, so the first pm I answered, I gave the lady my phone #. (Not something I do with some strangers from online!) She called and I told her about the pms--she told me which one was the lady who runs the shelter, so that was the second one I answered.

    She got someone on it immediately, and the dog was picked up within an hour--and had medicine given to him right there! They all welcomed me and thanked me! They did the work! She's gonna keep me posted on his progress--and I'm actually headed over there tomorrow to see him and give a donation in his name--honor? I dunno! I had sent some stuff to them awhile back, through a donation location, but I've never made it to their shelter, so it's time to get there!

    It was nice to see he was picked up so quickly--I couldn't stand the idea that he might spend another night out in the cold. And I know it's possible the shelter may have to put him down if he doesn't get adopted, but better that than his dying all alone and cold out there, staved to death, or worse, abused by someone.

  7. WW-- ya HAD to ask, didn't you? :redface: I'm weird--I felt better, so I decided to wait to call. (cringe) I WILL be going because I need to see if maybe He should adjust the medicne--most of the side effects that the medicine can give me-- I have. One annoying one is a sort of vertigo--but not room spinning-- just sorta dizzy? (if that splains it?) I have an already scheduled follow up for the BP med for Jan 4th, so now that I have more energy, I'm hoping I can hold off til then. (I still have the sore throat, but I'm not as fatigued and have less body aches)

    Kit--thanks for the info about the plastic cups! I do run em through the dishwasher, figuring if I'm drinking out of it while I'm sick, I'm just gonna prolong healing. And thanks for the prayers!

    Rain, the particular diuretic I am on says it is not a potassium-depleting type diuretic, and warns NOT to take any suppliments. (I still eat 'nanners, tho)

    I John 3:1, as far as I understand, the mono is the Epstein-Barr Virus--and the symptoms pretty much line up with how I've been feeling--going on two months, actually, cuz I had told the doc in my Nov appointment about the sore throat--and that time it was fever, achiness and bronchitis. I'm going to ask him to do the blood test for it this visit. Not much he can do for me if it's EBV--it has to run it's course--but he'll try to throw a buncha meds at me anyway! (Which is why I wanna switch)

  8. Thanks for all the replies!

    Lori, I forgot to say about the water I drink--I carry around a 20 oz travel glass and fill it up about 4 times a day! And I do want to find a new Dr--Dooj, you're right that now is not the time, though. Siiiiigh, I'll call the Dr ! LOL! I did think it might be strep one day, my throat was soooooo sore--and I remember what strep feels like-- I had it 6 times in 5 months before they took my tonsils out about 5 yrs ago! I did look up meningitis, because of the sore neck, but it didn't sound enough like my symptoms.

    NLL, I did think about at least checking with the health dept-- maybe they can direct me to some women's clinic or someplace-- there's a lot of tests I haven't had done in too long!

    ((((((Robes))))))))) good to see ya girl! Thanks for the info about the Epstein-Barr. Boy does that discribe a lot of my symptoms. S'matter fact, When I was in to see the Dr a month ago, one of his diagnoseseseses--sorry couldn't stop! :biglaugh: was bronchitis--I had a deep bark and , um sore throat! ....and had had low grade fever. . . achiness :doh: ummm... this has been going on awhile longer than 3 weeks! LOL (the Dr gave me some cough medicine with codeine!! Lotta fun, but I don't want it again! Your Dr sounds wonderful, but it's a bit far for me. I'll go back to this one for now, but I am going to also find someone else!

    check your pt!

    Rocky thanks for the link--that made the search really easy!! :dance:

    Waysider, Coolchef, Suda and Polar Bear, thatnks so much for your prayers, advice, and the smile! Waysider, thanks for the reminder about the carbon monoxide detector-- I have one, but the batteries are dead ooops! :nono5:

    I'll call the Dr in the morning. :)

    You all are so cool!

  9. I have had a sore throat for about three weeks. I'm probably too much of a hypochondraic (sp?), but I also don't go running to the Dr very often either.

    I'd been thinking the sore throat was due to a new medicine--I've been on it for 4 weeks. The Dr had changed my BP medicine to include a fairly strong diuretic. I figured my throat is dry because of the medicine. But I have had flu like symptoms also--achyand tired, legs feeling like butter--twice for a couple days, but spaced out--as in about 6 days apart.

    Today I'm tired again, and have lumps in my neck muscles--and it feels like my neck wants to lock up. If it was closer to my jaw I would wonder if it was tetanus, but it's behind my ears. So I'm worried--but still hesitant to see a Dr! (I don't like my Dr--he's quick to throw a whole bunch of prescriptions at me, but I don't know that he checks me out very thoroughly--and we have no health insurance so it's REALLY expensive). The lumps aren't in glands as far as I know, and I have had lumps in sore muscles before, but never had that sieze-like feeling--my neck is NOT stiff, and is only a little sore--it's WEIRD!

  10. WOW! What a post to read, George/LG! Words are hard to come by.

    I don't think death is ever "good", but it is precious for your daughter that you both know and can really value your last days. We had an inkling about our Dad about three months before he died, and in his last weeks, he had good days where we could really talk-- memories, future plans for our children-- his grandchildren. It was a precious time and I cherish it.

    While you are still able, write some memories for your daughter. Thoughts while she was growing up-- her first day of school, those kind of things. Everyday type things too. Write about your own life-- your first days of school, etc. Tell her your own thoughts about things--uncertainties, etc. If you can't write it all, tape record yourself. My Dad had done some "tape letters"--where instead of writing us letters, he'd tape himself--ususally while talking to my step mom--they'd banter back and forth. It took me about 3 years to be able to listen, but they are so precious to me now!

    I'm one of those who will pray, also :)

  11. They're both gone :(

    We sold Gertie to a lady from South carolina--her Maltese companion of 10 years had just died. She'd looked for a local breeder in her area and all the Maltese pups in that area were in the $2000-3000 range. She asked a friend who lived here to look for a pup. That friend called, saw Gertie and fell in love with her-- in fact says if we breed again, she may want one for herself!

    Eli just went tonight to a couple whose 13 yr old Maltese had died a yr ago. They are the sweetest people, they brought their albums of their precious dog and let me see into the life Eli will have. OHHHH they are wonderful! We visited for awhile, they said to come see him, we took pictures of each other holding Eli! There will be a friendship growing here, I think!!

    But it didn't make it any easier to see the last pup go! :(

    Belle, I saw the pics of Vixen in Gallery-- she is BEAUTIFUL!

    WW, that is exactly what we did!! I took a bunch of pictures! (I bought bear clothes at the craft store) I can't wait to develope the film!

  12. Vegan, from what I've read, it seems if I want to really be a responsible breeder, I also ask (pretty much "demand") for the option of being the first one they call should they discover they can't keep the dog. (Illness, divorce, moving etc). I'm planning on doing that--makes sense to me--it seems only right, if I bred them. My hubby jokes about "Ka-ching", but if we're gonna breed them, I think we need to be responsible about it or get the adults fixed! LOL!

    FEATHERS!! Just --just HUSH! I'm gonna train 'em to chase birds and de-feather them! HA!

    I just gave the pups a bath. . .


  13. Suda, They are Maltese--I've always thought Westies were pretty cute, but I'v also heard they have skin problems or problems with their coats or something. Wish I'd have thought to take a pic of Zippie and Moses, their parents. They are also adorable! (Can't wait to get my OWN digital camera! LOL!)

    Waterbuffalo--cringe--$750-850--and they usually go for that unless they are more yellow/tan coated! We are listing them at 12 weeks, though, as opposed to 8 weeks, cuz I read at most breeders sites they don't sell them til 10-12 weeks. It's been cool having them this long, and I've been able to housetrain them. (I also made them little coats, bears and pillows to go to their new home! LOL!)

    Vegan, thanks so much for asking. Zippie is back to her normal weight, and as feisty as she was before pregnancy! I had no trouble getting her back to dog food. I still make homemade stuff, but her diet is mostly the good stuff Dot recommended--Solid Gold. Moses upchucks junky food! LOL! (A neighbor brought him some "Benefull" and he lost it soon after he ate it!) I don't want to breed her on her next cycle, though--and I really want my hubby to agree to let me breed her with a smaller male. (If I can even handle it then! It's hard to let these guys go!) I am screening the potential buyers--I see too many dogs left out all day while the owners are all gone--these guys have already been pampered and I want them to go to a home where they'll be doted on!

  14. We're going to be selling the puppies this week, so I got a frind's digital camera to be able to post pics of them when I list them. I'm not real good with their camera yet, so most of the 29(!) pictures I took were blurred. And the pups show up more tan in the pics than in real life, but I don't have a photo program to edit them yet. I posted some of their pics in the gallery, but I hadta post these here, too.

    Eli tn_gallery_422_73_673423.jpg



    Yeah. . . I dress em up! LOL!!!

  15. ((((((((((((Belle))))))))))))) backatcha!

    I hope it would work out for your family to do the Christmas baking--maybe you can find a church or school that would allow ya all to use their kitchens. I wanna be part of your family! All the memories you share about your family makes me want to know them! A lot of your memories sound similar to mine. ('cept we also had a lot dysfunctional junk too :( )

    But we did the shelling peas and canning stuff, and fun Christmas gift exchange games!! LOL!!! (I've been even more sentimental than usual lately)

    My 9 yr old and I made a gingerbread house tonight!! We had a blast!!!

    Sounds like you've made some beautiful candies! LOL about the Miss Popularity! I KNOW they were goood!!

  16. Chas, we sometimes decorated the cookies before they were cooked--that way we could press the decorations into the dough-- the sugar stays on, too. But I also agree with Linda, that Bow's method works well, too. My boys seemed to like those better anyway--icing the cookies first with white icing and then decorating the icing. They didn't look too pretty when two little boys were done!! LOL!!!! But the pictures are priceless!

    THese are sweet times, Chas, and they go by so fast!! I really enjoy my boys at the ages of 13 and 9, (I've pretty much enjoyed all the various ages they go through) but I miss the age yours are now. (siiiiiiggghhhh) I have very sweet memories of those times.

  17. Belle, I wanna come help you!! We'd have a blast, I'm ADD too!! We could run off on all sorts of "rabbit trails"--and yak yak yak and make truffles!! LOL! But ya can't mess up too badly on these-- they're very forgiving! (Just keep the heat on low when ya melt the chips. I prefer the stovetop over the microwave--seems I get a bit of a crystally type texture when I use the microwave. I've been practicing on tiny batches)

    You will get so many people raving over them! Have fun at your exchange!!

    I'm actually making all my cookies this weekend--getting some help from my 9 yr old, Ben :) But wouldn't it be fun to do some of this stuff together?--with several GS-ers? Could ya imagine Rascal's crowd in on this? wouldn't that be a blast?

    My family in MI gets togther and they all make their Christmas treats together. My oldest sister is the

    "home-ec" teacher in her Jr high school, and gets the kitchen classroom. So each of my family members brings the stuff they are gonna make and share the three--or four? kitchens in the classroom, and make their stuff and yak and hang out. The little ones play and taste test! LOL! I've never gotten to go, cuz I make my visits in the summertimes. <_<

    Anyway, have fun!!!!!

  18. i ' m . . o . k a . y . .

    r e e e e a l ll lll yyy y y y y

    except fer th th ht ht ht thth tw tw twitch twitch twitch

    and thhhhhhhe e e e bobblehead feeling

    Yer friend Crusher made short work of my cats, and then played football with the piggy--Really, WITH the piggy! An' then I stepped in to rescue my piggy and Crusher played with me, too---- WITH me! I still have a little trouble drinking anything, cuz my neck leaks!! :biglaugh:

    shhhh! nobody else read this, only Mr Dove. . .

    Those were the funniest pictures! I laughed so hard!! But I didn't post when I saw it and then didn't get to it for too long. And then I just saw it again, and roared! so I hadta post. But sorry it took so long!

    okay, everybody else can read again!! :dance:

  19. dmiller, sounds like fun!!!! I wanna go too!!!!! I used to take my 4WD Toyota out in the snow, too, before the roads were plowed. But I couldn't get out in the 10" snow--no way that vehicle could clear that snow!! LOL!--so I'd go to the empty store parking lots and do donuts!! LOL!!!!!

    Ahhhh, snow. . .

    I remember in MI, we'd go sledding at night under the full moon--GORGEOUS!!!!! We'd bundle up, drag our sleds to the best hill on the farm, (which was way down the lane--we had a 160 acre farm and the lane was about 1/2 mile long), and sled til we were frozen!! It was so cold my nose stuck together when I'd breathe in! LOL! But oh, so beautiful, and so quiet and peaceful. You could hear a cow moo off in the distance, and often the shouts and whoops of some other people out there playin on their own farm.

    siiiiiiiigh, I do miss it. Michigan winters were lonnnnngggg! and grey! but those full moon clear snowy nights, or those beautiful days where the snow sits heavy on the branches of the trees, or etches everything in a beauitful contrast of black and white, made the winter fun--or at least bearable? LOL!

    Moving here to Georgia, when my hubby hears of the snow everybody else is getting, he's all happy and says, "glad it's them and not us". And my 9 yr old Ben and I look at each other and sigh sadly! (My hubby hated the shoveling, but darn! I HELPED!!! he didn't hafta do it all!). MY biggest hesitation for moving here was the "no winter" factor--but then I look at this house we never could have afforded up in MD and remember the townhouse we woulda been stuck in, I decide to accept it. I do hope we can at least make a trip to the mountains sometime in the winter so I can get my snow fix! I DO miss it.


    Bow, if anyone flames you, lemme at 'em! I'll throw a stinkier thing than pie or chocolate!!

    It took guts to do what you did, stay strong! The al-anon meetings would probably be a big help, but if you can't make it, there are library books about co-dependancy that helped me a whole lot--might be helpful to you. Even though this guy is out of your life, strengthening yourself in this area is still good--there will be others that come into your life--even if for a short time, and maybe it will help you recognize the pattern sooner. I hope I haven't offended you--I don't think I said it right!

    I've prayed for you and will continue.

    Cman-- you too, I'm praying for you! Congrats on making it through this far without a drink! keep going! Maybe you need to not watch TV for awhile, if it's a trigger--get dvds and such. Get your news on the net for awhile. I don't have the words to say in encouraging you, I wish I did, but your honesty is incredible! God Bless you, I wish you the best! This is a hard time for you! God can give you the strength! I know my words aren't much, but my heart is cheering for you and I am drawn to pray for your success. :eusa_clap:

  20. Sudo started a thread up in open about Thanksgiving, which included traditions, memories, too, But here, we're just cooking it--or throwing it, as we see fit! LOL!

    So I'm gonna paste what I posted up there about different twists I use for the traditional fare.


    For my stuffing I do the regular onions/celery. etc-- and cook up some hot breakfast sausage and mix it in-- with maybe another shake of those little pepper seeds-- (ya know the stuff some people shake on their pizza). And it doesn't get cooked in the turkey, it gets cooked in a lasagna pan so that there's a bunch of the crispy top! LOL!

    I've stuffed seasoned hamburger in the cavity of the turkey-- makes that "meatloaf" taste delicious! Only problem is, now that I cook the turkey in an oven roaster bag, the hamburger doesn't get done all the way-- not in the heat long enough, but the turkey is NEVER dry when cooked in a bag.

    In my mashed 'taters, I stir in some fresh parmesan cheese, and use heavy whipping cream--no butter. (And of course there's no fat grams there! LOL!!!)


    How 'bout anyone else? different twists, "nontraditional" foods? Recipes for killer dishes? Pies to throw? :)

  21. I figured we'd end up with Thanksgiving recipes both here and in the kitchen--oh well! More to try!! LOL!

    For my stuffing I do the regular onions/celery. etc-- and cook up some hot breakfast sausage and mix it in-- with maybe another shake of those little pepper seeds-- (ya know the stuff some people shake on their pizza). And it doesn't get cooked in the turkey, it gets cooked in a lasagna pan so that there's a bunch of the crispy top! LOL!

    I've stuffed seasoned hamburger in the cavity of the turkey-- makes that "meatloaf" taste delicious! Only problem is, now that I cook the turkey in an oven roaster bag, the hamburger doesn't get done all the way-- not in the heat long enough, but the turkey is NEVER dry when cooked in a bag.

    In my mashed 'taters, I stir in some fresh parmesan cheese, and use heavy whipping cream--no butter. (And of course there's no fat grams there! LOL!!!)

    My hubby's family always had saurkraut at Thanksgiving, as well as the traditional fare. Seems to be a tradition in Baltimore. What a mix when that saurkraut juice and yer cranberries run together!! EWWWW!! :wacko:

    What are ya'all doing? I ususally snag people that say they have no place to go, no family or whatever. I love to cook for a crowd-- last year we had 23 people--which is not unusual. This year, we were gonna have some dear friends that had moved away, come visit. They have been supporting a ministry where recovering drug addicts live in this home-- they got a wild thought to host these folks for Thanksgiving--9 men, 3 women (which included the couple who runs this home). I must confess, that while giving money to their program was something we were willing to do, having them in our home, I wasn't ready for. :( Our friends are gonna host these folks, so now it's back to just our family. That's fine, we'll have a sweet family day, but I have mixed emotions about not having these people over--don't know if anyone understands, or if we now look like real jerks. . .


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