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Posts posted by ljn698

  1. Yeah!

    Yeah! what Belle said

    Well, Freud, as you can probably surmise by now, alot of the people in TWI

    pretty much got the mushroom treatment whenever we dared to ask an honest

    or innocent question about leadership folks

    sometimes it is better to not know things i admit and understand that

    but notice how at least 3 people (so far) have observed that even though

    they were faithful followers of TWI, that as far as Craig's marital status was

    concerned, that information was a closely guarded secret

    now in the real world such secrecy would be considered inane, foolish, stupid

    but, see, when you were a follower of TWI you always knew of at least one couple

    who got divorced and the spouse who was faithful to TWI was always considered

    "the injured party" by the group (regardless of the true circumstances) and the

    spouse who you never saw or heard from again was always considered BY THE GROUP

    (please note i'm not talking about in reality here)

    to be, well it could be anything from "swayed by the cares of this world" all the way to

    full blown "possessed by the devil"

    and I'm sure the current TWI leadership probably doesn't feel too comfortable

    having to answer anybody's questions about a guy who they formerly

    (and not so long ago) hailed as "THE man of God for our day and time"

    you know something, no matter what purpose freud and jung have for posting

    this information, i think what i just posted will answer at least one of their questions.

  2. not to change the subject by getting back to the original topic of this post or anything but....

    does anybody remember a site called trancechat?

    i do and sometimes i wish that more of these message boards had rules like they did

    i mean you know whenever you register to post somewhere these days,

    they give you a whole litany of rules and regs... mostly "things you are not allowed to say"

    Oh for the carefree and happy days of when the rules for posting was

    "There AIN'T no rules"

    and furthermore

    if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

    freedom of speech (expression) you either got it or you don't

  3. ya know sometimes i wonder if some of the folks in TWI even realize what freedom of speech means

    naturally, they all say they're thankful for freedom of speech

    so they can speak the word, witness to people etc.

    but dare to ask the wrong person within the group the wrong question or make the wrong comment at the wrong time under the wrong circumstances and all of a sudden it's pariah city for you

    and the sad thing is most of the time these "wrong" questions and comments aren't wrong at all

    merely innocent queries about things that happen or ideas which are prevailent or statements made

    but God help the poor devil who dares to question authority

    one time i scared a left leaning individual away from his or her own post over on the political forum

    just for asking a question he or she didn't have an answer for

    every time someone tried that in TWI, however, THEY kicked you (the questioner) out

    and then to add insult to injury they gave you the old "Maude" line "God'll get you for that"

    only they would substitute the adversary for God

  4. this is a good thread

    it made me think of how things turned out for cutie face and me

    we were both in TWI until about 1989 or so

    this was about the time the "loyalty oath" was demanded from all of the corps people

    and as i said on this board before either they taught us too good

    or we learned too good

    that such a thing was contrary to The WORD

    you know we ought to obey GOD rather than men

    paul planted, apollos watered, but GOD gave the increase

    and all that stuff

    so really just about everybody who lives around here (with a few exceptions)

    pretty much had the $h!t$ of TWI after that

    so what do they all do?

    the top guns all got together and started their own thing which was connected to the

    (i guess you could say spin-off or offshoot no offense)

    new ministry started by Chris Geer

    i know i know some of you guys are thinking

    jeez out of the frying pan and into the fire

    but that's pretty much the way it went

    after that, of course, mentions of TWI, and LCM and anything or anyone connected

    therewith were pretty scarce

    this is where the dissonance or wrong feeling stuff comes in

    so we were going along with the gang around here for a few years or so

    but more and more we saw people going bye bye

    with no explaination at all

    now for the most part neither one of us is the type to go asking about

    bad blood or why a certain person is no longer seen or spoken of

    most of the time we both figure skrew it let God sort it out

    but naturally there were some people who were extremely popular in our set

    who we hadn't seen or heard from for a while who we both knew really well

    and one time we asked a few of their (at one time) closest buddies

    about maybe getting in touch with them and GOOD GRAVY you would have thought

    we were asking about atomic weaponry strategy or something

    as you can well imagine this was one of those "take the questioner aside" questions

    and as some of you folks here are all too painfully aware when you get

    "taken aside" for the answer to a question 99.999% of the time you DON'T

    get any kind of specific answer to your question!

    well anyway our old friends live just a bit too far away for us to go visiting

    so as usual we just gotta say skrew it, let GOD sort it out

    GOD bless you if you read this whole pest, uh i mean post!

    what the hell, GOD bless you even if you didn't!!

  5. so talking heads and violent femmes were bad but kenny g was "approved"?

    gawd i knew people like this too

    seems to me there were alot of folks who had their hang ups with music

    any reproof about happy fun music of any stripe is silly!!

  6. really awkward time

    at least it was for me

    iwas on the wow year at the time

    living with, among others, someone who had known the man personally

    this individual was completely inconsolable about his death

    and really seemed to resent those of us

    who weren't just as broken up over it

    i mean, yes it's always sad when someone dies

    but since some people in the ministry

    never got to meet the man personally

    naturally we're not all going to react just the same about it

    but then what the fudge do i know

  7. for those of us interested in numbers

    it would be interesting to see how they all went bye bye

    at one point while i was in 1984 or so they claimed to have 100,000

    pfal class grads

    of those maybe 1/2 or 50,000 were still involved at one level or another

    then in 1985 dr w. falls asleep (sorry twi brain haters i still think that's a nice way to say croaks)

    this event may or may not have affected the standing numbers significantly

    i was of the opinion that life for almost everybody would go on pretty much as it did before

    by that i mean yes dr w will be missed but God is still on the throne and

    His word is still the same and Jesus the risen Christ is still savior of mankind

    so that was mid-1985

    then late-1985-early-1986 rolls around and you start to hear things like

    "we better pray for our BOT and the ministry, etc. etc."

    "why?" asks the seeker.

    "oh, it's not really the kind of thing that should be talked about,

    lock box, cover with silence, don't tell all you know (my favorite!),

    best not to say things like this in the senses realm so the devil can use it against us"

    ok ok so we don't say nuttin' to the non-way corps followers about


    got it got it mum's da word!

    a few people go bye bye after that fiasco cutting the total of standing grads to maybe 25,000 to 30,000 or so

    also in 1986 the passing of the patriarch gets read

    here i think all this did was lay some guilt trip on the BOT (and other people who were involved at a level way above going to twig and things)

    i mean put yourself in their shoes

    you follow a man's ministry for a good chunk of your life

    (hell in Don W's case, your whole life)

    you think you're doing good

    then virtually right after the ministry's founder dies

    you get blamed by someone for killing him!

    it's enough to bum out anyone!

    more people gonzo!

    so its 1987-1988 and out of our original estimated 50,000 standing followers we've got about 20,000 left

    hmm let's see now

    how can we kick some more out the door?

    1989 big rift between the BOT and the author of POP

    uh oh now it's stand with me (in writing) or see ya!

    thousands more vote with their feet (this is the group i was in, sort of)

    ok now we're down to 5,000 to 8,000 standing grads

    what next?

    1989 through 1994

    let's start taking complete control of people's lives!

    well, what if someone complains?

    no sweat! we just malign their character and classify them as people who should be Marked and avoided!

    pretty good policy for making people disappear

    but not quite as good as


    The Great Homosexual Purge

    sorry folks

    we gotta cancel the rock of ages

    too many people having sex

    (and not letting ME in on it)

    but hey don't blame me

    you gotta blame the Homo's

    the ministry's crawlin' with 'em!!!

    never mind how it happened, it just did

    so from now on forget about spiritual deliverance

    or helping someone to escape from homosexuality

    we just gotta get rid of 'em!

    and their family

    and their friends

    and anyone who says that some gay people aren't so bad

    ok boss! we're with ya! we'll smoke'em outta here

    just one thing, how can we tell if a person is one of THEM?

    that's easy! just use your GENUINE SPIRITUAL SUSPICION

    oh you mean GAY-DAR!! got it!!

    both the M&A and Homo purge programs are working wonders

    for erasing people from the mailing list

    if only things could go a little faster

    late 1990's

    enter The INTERNUT!

    trancechat then Waydale and now Greasespot Cafe

    tipping people off about TWI now

    before even some of the people who are in TWI know

    so the Lawsuits,

    the Martindale resignation,

    the exodus of other prominent leaders,

    and other curious happenings

    can not be swept under the rug as easily as they once were

    so maybe this is why over 95% of the people who would have admittedly taken a bullet for either dr.w or lcm or both now completly MARK & AVOID anything having to with TWI

    if i could only make my creditors disappear that fast!!!

  8. from om

    But, I do admit that I abstain from the suspicions, backbiting, bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, evil speaking, malice, unrelenting finger-pointing condemnations, and so forth.

    boy are you on the wrong website!!!

  9. going wow

    it was my ticket out of the house

    if i hadn't moved away i might have ended up like my brother who lived at home until he was in his 30's

    i thought the life experience would be good for me

    so i get sent to a new state with 2 homesick girls

    and a guy who has trouble getting along with other folks

    one month in, my wow brother is getting kicked off the field

    leadership claims he's possessed by devil spirits

    and needs to have deliverance

    note here he did not do drugs, did not engage in any violent or homosexual acts which were the only circumstances (or so we were told in the wow training) under which someone would be asked to resign from their wow year (or kicked out if i may be so bold)

    really the deal was nobody got along with the guy

    now not wanting to get kicked off the wow field myself

    i ended up spending the other 11 months

    going along to get along

    so many times i should have fought back, spoken up, or asked the hard questions i thought no forget it all that will happen is the same thing that happened to my wow brother

    (the one time i tried to discuss some concerns with the leadership i had it cast right back in my teeth)

    so i wasted the whole year compromising everything

    and did i hate myself for it

    they all said you get 10 years worth of growth

    all my year did though is age me 10 years!!!

    i think i got one hell of a lesson though in being a passive/agressive son-of-a bitch!!!

    and all this because i was afraid of what some stupid girl would have thought of me had i been kicked off the wow year early

    i stayed the whole year but good gravy

    here's what i learned: if you vow a vow to God, make sure it's for the right reasons not to impress some girl or anything like that and if you find yourself in a situation where the commitment you made to one thing is turning into a commitment to something wrong, then get the fudge out of it. don't stick around or else you'll end up kicking yourself over all the wasted time later on. just like me!

  10. now i'm not one to criticise or condemn a fellow poster

    but oldiesman you sure seem to have gotten the "'shroom treatment" while you were fellowshipping with TWI

    but then again maybe this is not such a bad thing

    sometimes i wish i was kept in the dark about some stuff

    all this resentment can't be good for me!!!

  11. death of a loved one was always an awkward time in TWI world

    it seems if you acted sad then the deal was you were "out of fellowship" and you should snap out of it or else you're no good

    but then if you didn't act sad enough then you were an uncaring lout and therefore no good

    i think i learned the rule of thumb for grieving the loss of a loved one while on the WOW year. (1984-1985)

    it all depends on WHO dies as to how sad you're allowed to be

    don't refuse grace-- it's a sin!! (DIG IT!)

  12. theres a website by some guy in KS called

    i kid you not

    "God Hates Fags"

    now i don't condone such things at all

    so please no homo-phobe accusations

    but maybe TWI stole all their anti-gay stuff from that guy

  13. there were even a few red flags before that

    wasn't the deal that your loyalty should be to God and His word?

    from day one wasn't the teaching don't trust in man, they will let you down sooner or later but always trust in God and His word

    ok ok let's say that's the deal

    so then in circa 1989 or so they demanded everybody's signature on some loyalty oath

    this after being told not to be loyal to anyone but God

    most of the people we knew split right then and there

    but i know there are other red flags even before that

    so what did they say about 50-80 percent of the followers disappearing virtually overnight?

    they must've all been posessed by the devil spirits

    good gravy!

  14. i remember when AOS came out

    saying to people if LCM is so concerned about satan ripping off the small AOS dance production for a movie

    then why give satan an even bigger production to rip off?

    should've seen the dirty looks i got for that one!!!

  15. jeez i'm glad me and mrs. me got away from going to their meetings when we did

    if anyone ever suggested to me that the word is over the world already

    first order of bidness i'm hanging on to my 10% off the top that's supposed to be going toward moving the word over the world!

    next item: going witnessing house to house.

    why the fudge should i?

    go to every meeting regardless of how inconvenient? see no. 2 and besides it's not like the word is going away anytime (or is it?)

    you get the idea

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