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Everything posted by hiway29

  1. I'm curious if the 'farm' dmiller is referring to in Minnesota is the one run by M**k Fr***z*k. I know they are staunch Weirwilleites. They have also sold the property within the last year or so, and are back to running household fellowships. And since I brought his name up, I must add that in my experience, M**k is a fine fellow, honorable, and steadfast in his life ,family, and work.
  2. Yvonne DeCarlo when she was younger, Carolyn Jones by the time of Addams Family/Munsters
  3. I remember Dickens and Fester. A one season wonder starring John Astin (Gomez Addams), and Marty Ingels ( uh,husband of Shirley Jones). John Astin's wife was played by Emmaline Henry ( Dr Bellows wife on 'I Dream of Jeannie'). They played two inept carpenters- a catchy theme song, but not alot going for it.
  4. It seems like it ran for years because it's been shown in reruns constantly for years. The pic posted by Moony is interesting in that it's from so early in the production. Eddie's normal hair, Grandpa's longer nose, Herman's not quite there make up, and Beverly owen instead of pat priest as Marilyn. There was even an earlier cast with a different Eddie, and wife, but that's another story. I also liked Al Lewis in Car 54 Where are You, pre Munsters, with Fred Gwynne-a show I wish would be re run again.
  5. here's the answer without clues Kathy the show was originally called 'Rocky and His Friends', with a really neat opening song and animation. The first year consisted of a Rocky and Bullwinkle adventure, Peabody and Sherman, Fractured Fairy Tales, and 'interstitials' such as Bullwinkle's Corner, and 'Mr Know it All'.In the first year, there was even a live action Bullwinkle puppet who would introduce the cartoons! Over the next couple of seasons, cartoons like Dudley Do Right, and Aesop's Fable would take the place of Peabody, and Fairy Tales. The show moved to NBC and was retitled "the Bullwinkle Show', tossing poor Rocky out of the title of his own show. The opening animation axed the cool theme song and just had Bullwinkle high kick dancing under stage lights. The theme you played was the Bullwinkle theme. Otherwise the show was essentially the same, mixing in new cartoons with repeats from the previous years. That was a fine Stan Freberg guess by the way, but the clip in question was from Beany and Cecil, as has already been pointed out. Stan was the voice of Dishonest John.
  6. sudo-'oh joy'-is none other than good ol' Stan Freberg, who we talked about not long ago in here a la- The context of my comments was that the Tin Tin comic strip was great-not the animation. The animated cartoon version was good, but lmited , and as I said 'lost something' in the translation. The Tin Tin strip was a thing of beauty-wodrful graphic artwork, imaginative ,interesting stories. It's difficult to succesfully translate an artist's vision from paper to cartoon. The cartoon is good, but doesn't really capture the 'essence' of Tin Tin This all sounds very pretentious about a dopey comic strip, doesn't it.
  7. My take on Tin Tin? Maybe the greatest European comic strip ever. The animated Tin Tin adventures were good, but something is lost in the translation. I didn't realize just how good Tin Tin really was until I read a compilation book. I know Tin Tin has been animated a few times. The ones I remember were made back in the 60's, and I can't remember if they were made in Europe or not. I know there are more recent , (like within the last 20 years), but I haven't really seen them.
  8. The animation was indeed stilted, but the character and background designs by Alex Toth were superb. I was never into the show, not caring for realistic adventure animation generally. Those in the animation industry tend to LOVE that show, for the design, and for the well written adventures. I understand what they mean, but it still doesn't hold my interest. I tend to prefer my cartoons in 6 minute doses anyway, or roughly the length of a Bugs Bunny or other theatrical short-back when they had tem that is. See, cartoons come up and I'm already rambling.
  9. The first theme was from a prime time animated adventure show. The second more familiar theme was also a prime time cartoon originally. The theme was not the original though, as they had a different opening for the first season.
  10. I saw Chicago in 1969, right around the time their second album was coming out. They were still known as the Chicago Transit Authority, or CTA. I saw them again at Carnegie Hall in the early 70's, one of the concerts they used for their Chicago at Carnegie Hall album. They were one of my favorite groups at the time, but my interest faded after the 5th album or so,due to the death of guitarist Terry Kath , and the more 'mellow' songs, if memory serves.
  11. Many that left in '89, myself included, were still a result of POP, tho Craig's loyalty oath letter certainly speeded up the process dramatically. During the so called 'fog years', many long time followers continued to attend fellowships, albeit in a less 'commited' fashion. I was 'gone' by the end of '86 in my mind, but continued to hang with a corps couple who were on the fence, but still holding fellowships. I also attended a word in business thing in '87, which provided a nice look at craig and howard allen in action. I was at a somewhat legendary 'branch' meeting in San Diego where Ralph Dubofsky guest taught, which rose the ire of the California leadership. The ensuing 'spin control' by the way to 'correct the damage' done by Ralph, did much to bury the way in San Diego. The point is, POP resulted in a tremendous amount of gradual exits, as opposed to the 'banishments from the kingdom' that seemed to be popular in the 90's.
  12. Gidget WAS the show that made Sally Field a 'household name', tho I'm not sure it was on for more than 1 season. That was in '65. 'Girl with Something Extra' was in '73, and did nothing to further her career.
  13. there was something 'extra' about that show.
  14. That was a great show in it's first years, but stayed on waaayyy too long, in my opinion.They even did a season or 2 without Michael Landon, and in the last episode, literally blew the town up ! But in it's time, that was one fine program.
  15. Since that theme wasn't 'My Favorite Martian', which was hardly 'critically acclaimed', I'd say that was the theme from the show where he pulls rabbits out of a hat. I have always respected Bill Bixby, and choose to believe he was a man of good character in 'real life'. I know there is some 'dirt' connected to him, but can't recall at all what it is, nor do I remember it changing my thinking about him. He reminds me somewhat of Michael Landon. Another actor who seemed bigger than the small screen for the roles he played , and the programs he produced. One could criticize his personal life, but it doesn't detract from the work he did. He also left us too soon.
  16. I always liked the opening and closing segments of that show, Kathy. Father and son out in the park or wherever, talking about life. The rest of the show didn't grab me all that much. Bill Bixby left us too soon.
  17. got that in 1 note, sudo. I never saw it as a girls show so much as a 'what the heck is this?' kind of show. The female lead got alot of carryover viewers like myself from her Gidget days, tho I remember thinking I liked her better in a bathing suit .
  18. I watched Hugh O'Brien as Wyatt Earp as a kid, though they were already deep in reruns by then. As far as I know, it was always syndicated as a Saturday morning western- at leasrt that's what it was by the time I saw it. Saturday morning westerns were a huge genre back then. Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger, Sky King, Lawman, Bat Masterson, Kit Carson, Annie Oakley, the Texas Rangers, Hopalong Cassidy are just some off the top of my head. Oh-and Rin Tin Tin
  19. well, I MEANT it as a compliment a la
  20. Brought a lump to MY throat. The Benny goodman piece is an old favorite. That was the first time I've ever heard the second song. Thanks for posting it. The music posted here has been so great lately, that I'm not even going to foul the room with any cartoon or old tv junk. I won't even speculate on whether Disney buying Pixar will either save or ruin the animation industry.
  21. I read a fair number of books, but was surprised that the only Oprah club book I've read is 'East of Eden'. I liked it, but if I were to choose one Steinbeck book that would be far down the list. It does seem to be the most "Oprah -friendly", however. I can't imagine referring to Oprah for book recommendations anyway.
  22. hiway29

    Live Chat

    Thanks for the encouragement, Jard. I've been caught up in some mind numbing stuff lately, and haven't had much time to think about chatrooms, but I'll TRY soon, much as I hate that furshluginer flashchat.
  23. hiway29

    Live Chat

    If anyone is wondering why I haven't been in chat lately, it's because I hate flashchat. I don't like all those bells and whistles, and I wish that livechat was the preferred room. I wouldn't expect anyone to move over on my account, I'm just voicing my 2 cents.
  24. I put TWI 2 at the reading of pop, because that's when it really hit the fan. From the time of VPW's death till then, most people were gamely hanging in there, determined to prove that the way wasn't built upon a man , but upon the word. The ROA in 85' was, on the surface, one of the most dynamic in years, and there was little sense of the disaster to come, at least among the 'little people'. Personally the bloom had been off the rose for a few years by then for me, and I was sick of the whole thing, but like many, I thought the problem was with me. One cannot overstate the sense of relief and freedom that thousands had when they suddenly realized they weren't the problem, and maybe we're ok after all. It's a forever debateable subject, but for those main reasons, and others, I think TWI 1 lasted until the reading of POP. I also think it ended the first night it was read.
  25. wow. I've seen the original pilot of Gilligan's island, but i must have seen it without that theme song. That's what great about this place, you learn something new all the time.
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