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Posts posted by hiway29

  1. Houston loves to get into these marathon games. I was hoping for a win from them last night, if only to tighten up the series. There's a world of difference between 1-2 and 0-3. They had their besy, have to get it done opportunity in the 9th.

    It's not over yet, and you never know. Personally I'm happy for the Sox, and if they should win will enjoy the celebration.

    I'm hoping Houston steps it up though.

  2. WOW-the microphone behind the tie! Another first for VP !

    The Marxist Minstrels- I remember such insight as The Monkees "I'm a Believer" being an ode to marijuana and the drug culture. The book was mainly an extreme right wing diatribe against leftists, communists,and drug pushers, which was just about anyone connected to the music industry . I 'ran' a state bookstore for a year, and often questioned why I was pushing that book and some others. I didn't question enough,unfortunately.

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  3. I know the second song from the animated feature-the first Disney film I ever went to a theater to see.

    It 's memorable to me because a few weeks later I was hit by a car and spent a week in the hospital. My parents brought me the comic book adaptation of the movie, and I poured over it panel by panel, comparing the comic to the movie, and evaluating what I thought worked and didn't . In retrospect, that may have launched me on my eventual career path as much as anything.

  4. Yikes! Down to the last out, and the Astros STILL aren't going to the world series. They still have 2 games, but you have to wonder if Pujol's didnt suck the life out of them a little.

    And that crowd-all worked up and ready for the celebration for the first time, only to experience the mass deflation and disappointment. The emotional investment is too much-one of the reasons I strive not to get too involved with any team anymore. The elation or pain is totally out of your control.

    I'm hoping the Astros find a way, tho I'm already rooting for the Sox, especially now that I'm hearing the sour grapes from Cub fan. Cub fan is so snooty, and I've never understood the appeal apart from the ballpark. It certainly isn't from any team they field.

  5. Congrats to the White Sox. Complete games from the starting pitchers ! I'm digging the 'go go sox' song from 1959 that they're bringing out of mothballs. What the heck happened to Vlad Guerrero?

    Looks like the Astros , but as Yogi supposedly said. I'm rooting for the sox mainly on AL loyalties, but I like those 'stros.

  6. based on all I've read about Cobb, some clearly exaggerated, some not, I firmly believe that he had serious problems, and while I may have used the term 'insane' loosely, I don't think I was far off the mark.

    The rally monkey and the sticks are still part of the Angel repetoire, but not so much as they used to be. I went to a couple of games in Anaheim this year with no monkey or stick in sight. Still, it's the playoffs now, and I suspect the thundersticks will be out in force this weekend, and the cameras will find rally monkeys scattered throughout the stands.

    It IS a good time to be an Angel fan. If their 2002 series win didn't change the perception of them being in the Dodgers shadow, the new owner Arte Moreno, Mike Scoscia, and a solid gritty team have. Only the Dodger die hards-and there are many in LA, still talk 'smack' about the Angels. I haven't seen too many 'fair weather' fans-they really haven't picked up many Dodger fans, who still cling to the Dodger 'mystique', and keep their noses way up in the air as they aver that they will never lower themselves to support the Angels and the 'inferior' American League. That's a real hoot based on what the NL west has looked like for years, but it's a common theme from Dodger fan. The Angels drew 3 and a half million this year. the Dodgers managed to have their best year in history despite their gawdawful team and drew 3.6 million. I chalk it up to the allure of a summer evening in chavez ravine, but between the 2 teams, there is obviously a love for baseball in LA. I'd be hitting 20 games a year if I lived in Kansas City, so maybe I'm not the most discriminating fan.

    I live 10 minutes from Dodger Stadium , and attend many more games there largely because of convenience, and I love Dodger Stadium. It takes an effort to fight the traffic to Angels Stadium, but I always manage a few games a year , and I'm always glad I went.

  7. The St Louis Browns moved in the early 50's and became the Baltimore Orioles, who were the class of the American league in the 60's and early 70's.

    The more I read of Ty Cobb, the more I believe he was truly insane. The details of his behavior on and off the field are incredible(starting with sharpening his spikes so he could inflict more damage when he slid into second).

    Look at most any picture of Cobb-just look at his eyes. A relative of mine was always angry, and 'on the edge', and i got to know that look in his eyes a little too well.

    Nice game by Houston. This could turn out to be the best playoff season in both leagues in many years.

    Eddings the Ump was escorted off the plane in LA with security protection. Who knows how bad it will get for him during the game. I think he's out in right field-nice and close to the fans who have all game to ride him. If it wasn't laid back LA, I'd fear for his safety-tho Angels fans are starting to come into their own these days, and the fever is on here.

  8. It was not good to have the game hang on a bad call, and the umpire was very uncomfortable on the post game press conference, needing to be bailed out by the more savvy umpire chief.

    It was one of those bizarre plays that will be discussed for years. I thought the insights by John kruk and harold Reynolds were interesting. It was really quick thinking on Pe.. uh (I cant spell his name) part to run

    to first. The replacement catcher the Angels had in because they pinch ran for Molina, flipped the ball back to the mound before hearing the ump call it out, or tagging the batter, which veteran catchers invariably due.

    I'm glad it's 1-1 though. This could shape up to be one heck of a series.

    Cards-Astros are beginning as predicted. I'm hoping for at least a credible showing on the Astros part.

    I can't stand McCarver, or scooter. The only scooter I like is Phil Rizzuto. I'm wondering if we're listening to the next yankee manager in Lou Piniella, as the Boss is using Torre as the scapegoat for the yankees demise.

    Torre may have managed his best year there. The yankees shouldn't have even seen a playoff game, and the steadiness, and professionalism of Torre is amazing, especially considering the zoo it can be.

  9. Both the Astro's and the White Sox are notorius 'chokers' in big series, and need to prove otherwise.

    The Cards seem like a lock for the NL title-I'd rather see the Astros personally.

    I'm giving the edge to the Angels in the AL, which is fine with me, but I think I'd like to see the Sox in the series. The Angels were there a couple of years ago, and I'd like to see the Sox this go round.

    I think the most interesting matchup is White Sox-Astros. The most 'traditional' one is Sox-Cards. Angels-Astros is interesting since I think both teams began at the same time-or within a year or two. Some of my first baseball cards were from the Houston Colt 45's. Ad the Angels were truly the Los Angeles Angels back then, playing in LA's 'Wrigley field', then sharing Dodger Stadium for a couple years, before moving to Anaheim.

  10. all those ballplayers from the first quarter of the century look like 40 year old escapees from a chain gang.

    I'm not sure the entire Black Sox team should be absolved. Like it or not, the fix was in, and it took babe Ruth to save the sport. Still, I think Shoeless Joe belongs in the hall of fame.

    I'm torn as far as the playoffs go. Having been raised a Yankee fan, it's against my nature to root against them, but I will be pleased if either the Sox or the Angels make it. Both teams are overshadowed in their respective markets by the more 'glamorous ' national league teams, which makes less sense than ever these days. The Dodgers are a shell of their former selves. A horrible team with bad management, whose main selling point is beautiful Dodger Stadium, though the systematic destruction of that place has already begun. The Angels have always been seen as the 'other' team, though they are really the class of Southern california baseball. Excellent team, good owner, and manager, and a revitalized Angels Stadium that is a great place to bring the family. The Angels have become the premiere team here, and it's only the bitter Dodger traditionalists that squawk.

    I've never understood the Cubs appeal outside of them playing in Wrigley Field. Ho Hum teams in an idyllic setting. Comiskey park , old and new, is not as appealing, tho from what i read, the best food anywhere in baseball is at Comiskey, and I've always liked the goofy pinwheel fireworks that go off after a Sox home run. I also dig the Sox uniform-they finally got it right after decades of eyesores, the nadir being the 'short pants' experiment.

    After 5 1/2 hours of the Hoston game, I'm sentimentally pulling for them over the cardinals. I've always liked the cards, but have never cared for Tony laRussa, not buying into the 'genius' reputation. I've seen him pull some really interesting moves, like when he was batting pitchers 8th instead of ninth.

    the networks are praying for a Cards-Yankees series. I'd be happy with Sox-Astros. Just about any combination seems interesting, even with the *&$%&^%#$^ Yankees.

  11. ground rule doubles have been standard practice for as long as I can remember. if the ball bounces into the stands it's a double. If a man is on first he stays at third. Some parks have peculiarities that make for odd rulings, but the basic ground rule double has been around since I think the 30's. At one time, a ball that bounced into the stands was called a home run, but I think that changed during Babe Ruth's era.

  12. speaking of bad management-Jim Tracy is out as manager, after doing all he could with the dog of a team Paul Depodesta gave him. Depo said 'it wouldnt have mattered if he won 75 or 95', meaning he wants a manager that plays 'moneyball', as that's Depos philosophy when he was an asst in Oakland. The owner McCourt was out of town at the time.

    The Dodgers are a mess. Yet they drew over 3 and a half million !! which gives them the green light to continue fielding worthless teams. I'm as guilty as anyone, having been to over 20 games myself-there was usually at least one major league team to see.

  13. The point is.... one comment and it's the news of the century. Sure Arod was whining-big friggin deal.

    Why didn't they win against tampa Bay etc? I don't know -why has your or my life not been perfect. Why did I flunk geometry in 10th grade. Why did I get involved with the way?

    I guess I'm trying to say that this time of year mountains are made out of molehills. Any comment to get one fired up for or against another team is taken and ran with by sportscasters who can't think of any real story to tell. I'm sure none of us have ever said anything we wish we hadn't.

  14. I thought Manny being Manny was usually rerved for the games he sat out during pennant drives

    reserved I meant

    It's funny how the crap flies this time of year. One comment foments days of discussion, judgement, name calling, 'insights' from clueless local sportscasters fishing for any story or 'controversy' they can glom onto.

    Just play the damn games.

    Tho I couldn't let the Yankees AAA comment pass. Who sat that game out? Jeter had to leave in the 4th because of a nagging injury, otherwise it was Arod, Sheffield, Matsui, bernie, Tino, posada, cano-that's not AAA where I live.

  15. Orson Bean was also the voice of Bibo Baggins in the animated Rankin-Bass version of the 'Hobbit'. He may have also voiced Frodo in 'the return of the King' follow up cartoon, but I won't swear to it.

    Orson on game shows is where I knew him also, especially 'To Tell the Truth'. He was commonly paneled with Peggy Cass, Kitty Carlisle, and Tom Poston (who I didn't care for as a kid, and have since come to regard as an underrated great comic actor).

    Oddly Lou Costello didn't want to make' A&C Meet Frankenstein', thinking the script weak. I can only scratch my head thinking of some of the turkeys he thought were better. As always, Bud kept his mouth shut and went along with whatever he was told to do.

  16. Confusing A %C with Laurel and Hardy is beyond my comprehension.

    Unfortunately , I fear that the generations are letting it all slip away.

    A &C were talented burlesque comics, who did a good radio show, and even made a few good movies, among alot of clunkers.

    Laurel and Hardy -in my opinion- were special in ways that few comic teams ever were, tho I'll be the first to admit that some of their films reaked as well.

    The 2 teams could not have been more different. L &H's best work came in silent films and the first few years of sound, for the Hal Roach studios, which in it's prime was the best comedy studio ever.

    A &C rose to poularity as L&H passed their best years, and were what the country was looking for during WW11.

    I've been a member of the 'Sons of the desert' for several years. The 'Sons' is a group of L & H enthusiasts that was organized with Stan Laurel's help before he died in the early 60's . Dick Van Dyke, Chuck McCann, orson bean (WHO???) and others have been members. The purpose being to get together and watch L&H and other old comedies.

    In other words, it's easy to see where I stand as far as which team I prefer.

    Not that I haven't seen every A &C film a zillion times. For years, wpix tv in NY showed them at 11:30 Sunday mornings, and it was a ritual for me to watch them after church, while waiting for Sunday dinner.

    favorite A&C film- 'A&C meet Frankenstein'

    favorite L&H film-"Babes in Toyland' -sometimes called march of the Wooden Soldiers

    You're all going to be sorry you opened this can of worms for me !

  17. The Angels always play the Yankees tough and could very well win the series.

    'Home field advantage' is not really that big a factor though, as the number of transplanted yankee fans that show up to Angel games is staggering. It's the same when Boston comes to town.

    The only significant change was listening to the Angel announcers debating who they hated more now, the Yankees and their fans, or the Red Sox and their fans. By winning it all, the Sox are no longer the Cubs of the AL, and are no longer 'lovable'-not that it matters.

    The American League is infinately more interesting than the National these days-quite a turnaround from the 60's and 70's. If only the dh could be scrapped, which the layers union will never let happen. The dh was implented at a time when the AL frankly sucked, and needed a shot in the arm.

    If the Bosox make it to the series do they play Ortiz at first and pray nothing gets hit to him?

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