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Everything posted by rrobs

  1. I guess I have to use a little wayspeak because I don't fully grasp GSC speak yet. I can certainly see it's there though. Let's just stick with the word and look at 1 Cor 12. If you don't like that one, try John 14:12. With the exception of tongues and interpretation of tongues I would say Jesus did all the things in 1 Cor 12. I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or the twi because I've said next to nothing about either. Go back and look. My interest is in the word. I started this post by saying I don't care how I got the word, VP, Stiles, Buillinger, or whatever or whoever doesn't matter. I'm pro word and seldom think about VP, twi, or any splinter group. I'm involved with NO group whatsoever. I've not been to one fellowship with the Way or any splinter group. My thoughts are my own. True, some line up with what VP says, but that doesn't mean VP channels through me when I speak. I guess everybody here is on a short fuse when it comes to VP. I understand. Just glad I'm not, praise God.
  2. What do you mean, "if I like him?" Should I like him? Have you read everything he said about me? On the other hand I don't particularly not like him.
  3. A lot of truth?. You're kidding, aren't you? DWBH vs. the word, and Worry/Unhappy wins! The way I see things, if his truth actually prevailed we'd all be in trouble. And I mean major problems. I'll stick with John 17:17. It couldn't possibly be worse than going to dwbh as a fountain of truth. But hey, maybe he's really a good guy. He must have been at one time. He said he flew with me on Ambassador One. I would have remembered a guy that acted like he's acting here.
  4. I see what you are saying. For the record I never bought everything VP said. I always verified to the best of my ability. If I didn't see it clearly for myself I just didn't know. I never just took anybody's word for it. Now some of the things I say may actually agree with VP, but it's never VP channeling through me. I also can't emphasize enough that I'm not trying to convert you. I'm not asking you to believe one single word I say. All of that is totally up to you. We are discussing the Bible and nothing more than that. I'll have my take-away and you'll have yours. So with that in mind I offer the following. 1) The Bible makes sense. We in this age of grace are told many times that God wants us to know. He never really asks for blind faith. The Bible story is very plausible to any person who understood the language. 2) John 1:1 says that the word was God and then it said the word was with God. That doesn't make sense in normal language. You can't be you and be with you. You can only be you. Other people can be with you but normally you don't go around telling people you are with yourself. They would say something like, "that guy is crazy." So, I would suggest that perhaps we have a figure of speech here. It grabs your attention because it doesn't make sense if taken as written. 3) This verse, by using this figure of speech, is emphasizing how God and the word, the Bible, are in complete and in perfect harmony. If you want to know God, learn the word. You can't learn about him any other way. 4) The word became flesh is also another figure of speech. Again, in normal speech words have nothing in common with flesh. Words don't normally become flesh. Jesus was as much of a reflection of that word as God himself. That has a rather incredible ramification. If Jesus was a man and not God that would be some feat indeed. No other man ever followed God perfectly from start to finish. Big deal for a god to follow his own law! But a man, that's another thing altogether. Just a side not there. 5) I offer the above in the light of many, many clear verses that very plainly makes Jesus and God two different individuals altogether. Jesus told God in the garden that he was willing to subject his will to God's will. Two wills, two people. Then there is the 47 times Jesus is called the son of Gog but not once, God the son. Too many to cover here right now, but maybe a study of it is called for.
  5. Who is DWBH? Is there anybody that can speak for God? Who might that be? How can you say I'm not speaking for God? Would you have said that to Paul? Where do you get your information to make those decisions? A lot of questions, I guess, but I really don't understand where you are coming from.
  6. No. I wish we could do all of this face to face. I bet it'd be a lot different if we came out from behind our keyboards. People wouldn't say so many unkind words to each other. They'd be too afraid.
  7. Push and pull seem so common and ordinary in our experience of life that we humans think little of these forces. Most of us assume they are simple opposites. In and out. Back and forth. Force directed in one direction or its opposite. However whether something pushes or pulls something else, there is a difference. A couple of examples will illustrate. Imagine pushing a ping pong ball on a smooth table with the point of a sharp pencil. The ball would always roll away from the direction of the push, first rolling one way then the other. Now imagine the difference, if you attach a string to the ping pong ball with tape, and pull it toward you. The string would always bring it directly towards you. Another example from common experience occurs when pulling a trailer with a car. When your car is pulling the trailer uphill, you are pulling against gravity. The trailer can not push the car while going uphill. The trailer falls in line nicely behind your car. Now if you are driving downhill too slow, the trailer may begin to push the car instead of the car pulling the trailer. This produces a strong, unpredictable side to side force. Your trailer will begin to sway from side to side. If not corrected a violent crash will almost certainly result. Our standing and state are like the car pulling the trailer. The car is your standing, the trailer your state. The same could be said for doctrine and your walk. The doctrine is the car, your walk is the trailer. To maintain order, the doctrine must pull the walk. Your walk will naturally line up with correct doctrine. However, the moment the walk begins to push the doctrine, order gives way to chaos. If left unchecked for some period of time, the doctrine will be forgotten and replaced by man’s reasoning. Walking a Christian walk is simply out of the question when that happens. The Corinthians were letting their walk push the doctrine. They became so focused on being a “good Christian” that they forgot the things from the book of Romans. They were sincere but they didn’t realize that their walk was, in fact, contrary to that doctrine. It wasn’t long before the doctrine was basically gone. That is where the Galatians were when Paul wrote his epistle to them. Their walk had so warped the doctrine that the doctrine was corrupted to the point that it no longer lined up much at all with God’s word. Religion and the denominations that thrive on that religion are the end of that path. Bottom line: get the doctrine straight and the walk will naturally be lined up with the doctrine. Without a thorough knowledge of the doctrine, the walk will be nothing but vain attempts at self justification. Instead of trying to be a good Christian, look at what God has already made you. The only place to learn that is in the Bible.
  8. If the main characters of any novel are not correctly identified it would be difficult to make any sense out of the story. To make the two main characters one is even more confusing, not to mention impossible.
  9. I'm the victim? Don't thinks so. It's all you here on GSC that are victims. I've never seen such a group of whining little tots as here on GSC. VP hurt all you poor little babies. Ohhhh...I'm so sorry for you. You can't take the heat. You should have gotten out sooner I guess. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you more. That's one way to look at things, but it's not very nice and I don't really mean it. Just making a point. You are so concerned for the hurt that VP and twi caused other people. What about the nasty things you said to me? Are you acting any better than VP? What if your comments put me over the edge? What if they made me cry and doubt my validity as a human being. You said some awful, hurtful things to me. Doesn't my heart matter at all to you? Or is it just the poor helpless victims of VP? As it turns out none of that actually occurred. I have thicker skin than that. But how could you know it wouldn't have hurt my heart deeply? You didn't know, but you went ahead anyway. You are a hypocrite to the max my friend. Wake up!
  10. So what good is the Bible? Should we just get rid of it? Tell me something positive.
  11. What is it if what I speak happens to be in the bible? That should answer both questions.
  12. I just found out about a doctrinal forum here at GSC. I'm going to check it out....
  13. How about not using a ruler. Personally, I can read the book without a ruler. I think the doctrinal forum will be a better venue for that. Thanks for the tip.
  14. To be clear, what I yearn for is the word, the Bible, the scriptures, the whatever is the correct term for the word. If I find some here I'll be blessed. Perhaps I'll post a few of the things I've learned from my own study. I will leave VP and twi, completely out of future posts. I really didn't realize how intense the sentiment is at GSC. Besides, VP, twi, GSC are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to the word. By that I simply means it's God's word whether anybody believes it or not. That's what the word says. It doesn't matter what certain unmentionable people said. That's not why it's true. It's true because the word says it. No brainwashing involved. I choose by my own study and my own mind to believe the obvious, that which the word clearly says about itself. So from now on, I only want to talk about the word. If this isn't the right forum I'll bow out. PS: You'll notice I never capitalized the word in any post. I kinda rebelled I guess. No?
  15. I was captain about 2 years before the Passing of the Patriarch. Never in the corps. I was staff in the early 70s for about 5 years. Left and came back on staff later as captain. Why can't people at GSC understand my affections lay with the word and not VP or the Way. It's the word that judges VP, LCM, me, you and everybody else. Don't you understand that all of us have been judged and found righteous, as righteous as God himself? What God calls white you are calling black. How could any good come from that? You should remember what God did for you in Romans. He did the same thing for all of us. What a coup of the devil that a people who actually know both who Jesus is and what holy spirit is should be divided. VP or the way doesn't live and abide forever, just he word. You are corps. You should know that and walk on it. The very least you should do is stop running people down for believing God. I'm not laughing. I'm not crying either although it does hurt to see the body divided. I can't deny that. If it were possible, I'd do anything to bring it back together. It's not about nostalgia or anything else. I would just like to see the word dominate in people's minds like it did in the first century. It would be a better world to be in until the return. That's all I want. The way got close. Maybe VP messed it up. I don't know nor care who did the messing. I'm just interested in seen the word prevail again. It is burning in my heart like nothings ever burned before. I don't take the criticism personally or care about it other than it shows how far we've sunk as a body.
  16. Sorry, but not sure what you're saying here either. Is it bad to point to God or something? Am I supposed to leave God out of the discussion? If that's it, no can do. God is all I really have.
  17. I'm 67. No need for apologies. It's still God in Christ in me! And nope, I don't want to reel myself back to earth. I'll keep my head in heaven (Matt 6:19). I'm sorry you forgot that verse. It's a great one indeed! Give it some thought.
  18. God says we are seated at his right hand (Eph 2:6). Not my idea at all. Problem is I still have a body and two eyes. That's why I always like to say, "who are you going to believe? God or your own two eyes?" When we shed the body, we'll see ourselves as we are seen (1 John 3:2). Have you studied the Bible very much? Apart from VP or the Way, you should know these things. Thanks for allowing me to remind you.
  19. Not sure anybody's ideas were "crap" so I don't know what you are saying there. No matter.
  20. Really? That's what you think? Here's the reality: I'm more than a conqueror. In no way whatsoever am I a victim. How could anyone be a victim while seated at the right hand of he father? At least I know that much. The heat is fine. Doesn't bother me a bit. No more than it bothered Paul (Phil 1:18). I know who I am in Christ. The judgement of GSC means less than nothing (1 Cor 4:4). It's incredibly ungodly though. You are the one to suffer when you castigate me or any other brother or sister in Christ. You are being mean, you know it, and you are adversely affected by it. You even went so far as to reveal my name, which I think is for the most part verboten. I don't care, but it shows the hate you have in your heart. I wish I could help. I really do.
  21. No sarcasm. I understand plagiarism is copying someone else's works or ideas. Hmmm. I wonder where Stiles got his ideas? Did he steal his ideas from God?
  22. Enlighten me. Where are these literary standard found?
  23. Why didn't you just let it go by saying I was fortunate to avoid the traps? Why all the attacks. I'm still a diligent and kind man. Kinder, really (age does that I guess). The vitriol shown to me here at GSC is really out of bounds. I don't get castigated as much when I post Jesus is not God on trinity blogs. I'm not kidding about that either. Have we completely forgotten the Bible? Sad to say, it seems that way. I just thought I could help people heal a little bit here with the word. Stupid me, I guess.
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