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Posts posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. Many a train of thought in this GSC. I will speak freely without the silly or soap opra which i think all life is kinda tried to be contained or classified or what ever~~~

    And Oft the top oh mine mind and thank full some ONES had the BALLZ enuf to make thier thots upfront and put up with thots generated. If that makes any sence all of the we and they~~~

    Spice returned to her home town and graduated with her long time buds.

    She was of eighteen which seems to be some kinda magical age.

    Her Grandmother calls me. Informs me i need to get in touch with Spice's Mom.

    I did.

    Spice had decided to use her talents an Exotic Dancer

  2. quote:
    the sound of splitting wood

    earthquakes in many places

    wars and rumors of wars

    standing in the woods

    thousands of acres around you

    sun just woke

    standing there

    just the woods and its thousands of acres and ya can feel the warmth of the light

    no wind


    all of a sudden

    tick tip

    tick tip


    tick tip tick

    tip tup

    tup tup tick tick tup

    tup tick tup ti up t

    what is that sound?

  3. I dig derails my threads~~~

    well let's see what train jumped the track and onto another

    "btw-cool story on your kid there

    and sorry for the one you lost"

    ..."so def or anyone..you still there?

    still on the burn in hell forever kick?

    will song's lost child burn in hell?

    have you seen anything at all?"...

    Damn CM, doncha ya wanna know what happened to Spice?

  4. quote:
    Feeling inquisitive tonight?

    I also thought it might be handy to have a list like this in case someone

    ever sat down and wrote a bio on him for the main site.

    It would help new arrivals figure out why twi was so messed up.

    ahahahhahaa 10-4 WordWolf~~~ i'm back to square one~~~

    My next question is, "Who purchased The Ambassador One?"

  5. "Schopenhauer, in his splendid essay called 'On an Apparent Intention in the Fate of the Individual,' points out that when you reach an advanced age and look back over your lifetime, it can seem to have had a consistent order and plan, as though composed by some novelist ... [He] suggests that just as your dreams are composed by an aspect of yourself of which your consciousness is unaware, so, too, your whole life is composed by the will within you. And just as people whom you will have met apparently by mere chance became leading agents in the structuring of your life, so, too, will you have served unknowingly as an agent, giving meaning to the lives of others ... And [he] concludes that it is as though our lives were the features of the one great dream of a single dreamer in which all the dream characters dream, too; so that everything links to everything else, moved by the one will to life which is the universal will in nature."

    – Joseph Campbell

  6. quote:
    Perhaps it was true of twi-2, as Radar said, but if that's the case, I wish folks would make that distinction and stop communicating misinformation about twi-1.

    What is the difference betwins TWI1 and TWINow~~~ a matter of seconds that turn into years?

    even if one had quintuplets, they are from the same womb and born one right after another~~~

    doncha ya just love your chillin om

  7. quote:
    There is a last breath for each person and there is a last breath of all things of this earth and heaven made of dirt and things that can be seen by the eye of men. Yes there a day when the last enemy death is destroy and that day is coming by fire it will come.

    isn't there a difference between "dirt" and 'soil'?

    will destruction be destroyed? and if destruction is destroyed, who is the destroyer?

  8. drive these systems home in them

    just do the best you can

    it'll work-we got a heart for it

    it's in them and us, just let it out,

    let it flow, let it be you

    and it'll be them

    drive these systems home in them

    just do the best you can

    it'll work-we got a heart for it

    it's in them and us, just let it out,

    let it flow, let it be you

    and it'll be them


    ( this intro a slight intermezzo dedicated to alfakat in BU icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> wave.gif:wave:--> )

    Yo CM!!! I'm not much of a doctrinal type of being enny more, and have been known to make no sence here at Grease Spot Cafe, but i try. That is, I try to make sence. banghead.gif

    I kinda have a tendercy, i mean tendancy confused.gif, not to to make things too long and end up short or too long and end up "HuH". But I definetly have a point this one, but it seems will take a few more words than written below and actually in context this thread. Well, I'm the one that started it, well not actually~~~ i think i got the idea from you~~~ i think you said

    "I love my children too", but you got that thot somewhere in another thread and banghead.gif


    I have two wonderful children.

    There were three. girl boy girl

    One just did not make it here

    but had all the gear.

    The two I know when my grinders grow low and I become three legged they will play catch with me.

    I have a story the older.

    Her name is Spice.

    When she became five we enrolled her into dance. That was what she seemed to like to do when she finally figured how to keep her balance. You could just hum a song and she would just dance dance dance man. Always made me laugh her pitiful attempts to pirouette.

    Long, looong story short version. Divorced. Thirteen years later Spice became sixteen. Her mother & I made it available she would stay with me her upcoming school year.That's what Spice wanted. That high school year she enrolled into her new high school and signed for a cheerleader position. Of course she made the team. Twelve years of dance, three years fast pitch soft ball, and honor roll student her previous residance Savannah, Ga and now new place, new friends, and central Florida man. Lourdy have the mercy 'pon my soul.

    Spice was not involved in dance at that time, but kept her dance in motion with the cheerleader team. That's why she joined. A naturally mutual transition.

    She was ace in all her curriculum.

    I'll give ya an example her physical strength and flexibility. Five eight gymnast style hard body packed with power. She would position herself straight posture on a wall. She would offer you an ankle into both your palms clasped together from the floor. She's totally relaxed. A leg has a little weight ya know.

    You could easily lift that leg totally relaxed into her ankle into your palms parallel to the floor until the soul of her foot is in your chest and you are standing straight with her. Now ya think, "okay that's it eh!!!" Nopper. She's looking at you, straight into your eyes. "Put it on you shoulder." You turn your hands one at a time and now you have a grip on her ankle and place the cradle of the ankle onto your shoulder until the weight is at rest upon you. You then take the ankle from your shoulder and continue the leg toward the wall until the toes touch the wall. That takes some strength on your part and she's just looking at you. "Hold, hold, hold." Your arms may begin to shake since they are now fully extended holding this leg to the wall. She's standing straight and you are holding a leg to the wall like trying to push a semi tractor trailor set in neutral.

    "If I were to let this leg go what would happen?"

    "You would not be able to move your self quick enough to avoid a potent blow from my heel. Like a rubber band released."

    So the process is reversed until the sole of her foot is at your chest and she says let go.

    Suspended straight out but not perfectly still. Her leg would waver up and down ever so lightly and you could see the muscles contracted and her will into that leg.

    She would release herself from the support of the wall and still remain standing straight with her foot at your chest.

    and just as quick

    She would turn sideways with her other foot of the floor making the maneuver and would pop ya in the chest that extended leg with no blow.

    You would back away back away back away and she would dance, hopping toward ya popping at ya with that upraised leg and that foot attached to it.

    It was like no effort for her.

    And the laughter would begin and she would bring that suspended foot to the floor and do some kind of deal and split to the floor.. And then spread out like that she would bow her torso to the floor with arms fully extended until she appeared flat to the floor and then would raise herself slowly until the palms offered a point to lift herself and then just try to lift herself with her ankles straight up. She would either stumble or fall flat on her foot.

  9. There's a few reasons for this thread.


    The first one is so that new arrivals can see it.


    The second was so I could get a cross-section of things, and see

    what people thought would be vital to include, were they writing

    a thumbnail sketch of the guy.


    and the other reasons?

  10. Friends


    Bright light almost blinding, black night still there shining,

    I can't stop, keep on climbing, looking for what I knew.

    Had a friend, she once told me, "You got love, you ain't lonely,"

    Now she's gone and left me only looking for what I knew.

    Mmm, I'm telling you now, The greatest thing you ever can do now,

    Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now, It's very easy just...

    Met a man on the roadside crying, without a friend, there's no denying,

    You're incomplete, they'll be no finding looking for what you knew.

    So anytime somebody needs you, don't let them down, although it grieves you,

    Some day you'll need someone like they do, looking for what you knew.

    Mmm, I'm telling you now, The greatest thing you ever can do now,

    Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now, It's very easy just...

  11. "~~~I've been using this as a filter to determine truth from error for some time now. Plus a few other things. But I believe it's one common denominator to evaluate.~~~"

    and your point is?

    never mind

    i'm just a simple dude

    some one sitting on the road side

    give em a smile type of thing

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