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Posts posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. quote:
    I tell you the day when the earth is roll into a ball of fire is coming sooner than most think. Today is the day the either have seed place in you or to build that seed up while you watch for that great day of new birth.

    Get real Roy. That day is always today~~~

  2. I'm just a song with a lotta stories like that Big Fish movie~~~

    New tenant moved in next to our apt. Nice couple with one child.

    Apartment dwellers kinda just live together for some reason.

    I go to work, my wife goes to work, we come home and do the usual routine.

    I go outside to have a smoke and apartments are kinda close together ya know.

    As I walk out the front door there is this new tenant sitting in front her her door composing


    "I'd like for you to have this."

    I lit my smoke and reached out mine hand to recieve her thought~~~

    she has a beautfil child

    i did not understand

    I said thanks

    she got up and entered into her dwelling.

    I was like wht the f ever

    A few many days later POP POP POP

    Some one discharged a gun three rounds

    Police entered the scene and wisked off with her hubby

    I'm like aht the ****

    she had some problems with her hubby and was asking for help to protect her child

    years later i find the macrame as i continue to unpack those days since i been here at gsc cafe

  3. quote:
    the sound of splitting wood

    earthquakes in many places

    wars and rumors of wars

    standing in the woods

    thousands of acres around you

    sun just woke

    standing there

    just the woods and its thousands of acres and ya can feel the warmth of the light

    no wind


    all of a sudden

    tick tip

    tick tip


    tick tip tick

    tip tup

    tup tup tick tick tup

    tup tick tup ti up t

    what is that sound?

    that sound is the dew traveling from the tip top of trees one leaf to another and onto the ground. that sound is quite a genii when p peing in the woods

  4. quote:


    the sound of splitting wood

    earthquakes in many places

    wars and rumors of wars

    standing in the woods

    thousands of acres around you

    sun just woke

    standing there

    just the woods and its thousands of acres and ya can feel the warmth of the light

    no wind


    all of a sudden

    tick tip

    tick tip


    tick tip tick

    tip tup

    tup tup tick tick tup

    tup tick tup ti up t

    what is that sound?

    m,ay i repeat my self alpha cat

    what is that sound?

  5. quote:

    the sound of splitting wood

    earthquakes in many places

    wars and rumors of wars

    standing in the woods

    thousands of acres around you

    sun just woke

    standing there

    just the woods and its thousands of acres and ya can feel the warmth of the light

    no wind


    all of a sudden

    tick tip

    tick tip


    tick tip tick

    tip tup

    tup tup tick tick tup

    tup tick tup ti up t

    what is that sound?

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