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Posts posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. LP will certainly be missed in presence but not in our thoughts.

    LP was given compassionate care.

    Exhaled his last breath in his sleep.

    Presented with dignity.

    Buried with military honor

    LP is my Dad.

    But I call him LP.

    It's the same as Dad.

    Many people have oftened wondered about this,

    so i hope that settles that.

    You see everyone called him LP

    since I could remember.

    To this day,

    I still don't know what those two letters stand for,

    although to this day many have given,

    added letters to form a name,


    his name is L.P. ,

    and for me that became the same  as Dad.


    That name makes sense to those who have

    known him through the years or

    through his work as a Master Painter.

    He was an artist who knew his trade,

    and believe me he would let you know

    that he knew in no uncertain terms.


    That name as a neighbor or friend,

    or simple man that lived day to day.

    Passion for history, politics, game shows, news, weather,

    and homes a canopy that he could

    put his brush of paint his art of heart


    Married with Mom for 50 years,

    Family Man


    Would teach me things over and over

    no matter how well I knew what he taught...

    Now I know and will never forget


    Family man

    My Dad  LP

    Your Friend LP

    Your Neighbor LP


    Thank you all for your loving kindness of words to mine heart...


    Rok On!!!!!!!

  2. icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)-->

    icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)-->

    icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)-->

    icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)-->icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)-->

    icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Happy Birthday Kit Sober

    Rok On


  3. My thoughts and prayers and empathy are of the most certainty weaved into this thread of mutual understanding love of life and the heart concerning such moments of precious time and those involved.

    Compassion for the patient as well the family and friends in such a time are a treasure of comfort, laughter, tears, hugs & kisses that involve the essence of the moment.


  4. I used the "wooden spoon" on my daughter twice on her calf as recommended by twi according to the word, ya know spare the rod deal... she was so terrified even if i gestured to the drawer 'it' was kept in... i finally took 'it' out and told her "...no more wooden spoon" and broke it in half and tossed the god damned thing in the trash can!!!

    oh yeah... and her response was a hug around my legs

    I will never forget that day EVER!!!

    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on February 05, 2004 at 13:45.]

  5. I was involved in a partnership a lawn business. Just two of us. We were told that if we put out flyers we would receive at least a 6 percent response. So we printed up 1000 flyers and targeted certain neighborhoods that were in the $100,000 to $200,000 range. All day we placed those flyers on the doors and went home and sat by the phone. I'll be damned... it was true!!! We rec'd 80 phone calls. Out of that 80 we closed 24 contracts which gave us 2 quite a bump in our income.

    But we were a reputable business.


  6. Pink-Floyd's Lyrics

    Us & Them Lyrics

    Us, and them

    And after all we?re only ordinary men.

    Me, and you.

    God only knows it?s noz what we would choose to do.

    Forward he cried from the rear

    And the front rank died.

    And the general sat and the lines on the map

    Moved from side to side.

    Black and blue

    And who knows which is which and who is who.

    Up and down.

    But in the end it?s only round and round.

    Haven?t you heard it?s a battle of words

    The poster bearer cried.

    Listen son, said the man with the gun

    There?s room for you inside.

    "i mean, they?re not gunna kill ya, so if you give ?em a quick short,

    Sharp, shock, they won?t do it again. dig it? I mean he get off

    Lightly, ?cos I would?ve given him a thrashing - I only hit him once!

    It was only a difference of opinion, but really...i mean good manners

    Don?t cost nothing do they, eh? "

    Down and out

    It can?t be helped but there?s a lot of it about.

    With, without.

    And who?ll deny it?s what the fighting?s all about?

    Out of the way, it?s a busy day

    I?ve got things on my mind.

    For the want of the price of tea and a slice

    The old man died.

  7. quote:
    Originally posted by Mike:

    I suggest you can best utilize your skills by coming back to these PFAL books and magazine articles and apply them to help not only yourself, but everyone you know, and then some.


    Mike, surely you jest.

    Or am I LMAO...

  8. Hiya Todd!!!

    __________________________________________________________________ __________

    ..."how much information does it take to make an ordinary field mouse?..."


    __________________________________________________________________ ___________

    ..."What language?...

    ...Hey Song, re: the field mouse, are you talking about information as

    in from an alphabet of only 4 letters?..."


    __________________________________________________________________ ___________

    Hiya Sir Guess,

    I can not find the Bible where I have the information dispayed. It was a newspaper clipping I taped to the first page of Genesis. I will quote the gist from memory as best I can. (the clipping , not Genesis icon_razz.gif:P-->) The clipping came from the science page of The Orlando Sentinal in '88. It went something like this:

    ..."The encoded genetic information needed to make an ordinary field mouse would just about fill all the editions of The Encyclopedia Britannica published since 1768."

    Here are all the editions of the aformentioned quote.

    Edition history

    Edition Published Size

    1st 1768-1771 3 vol.

    2nd 1777-1784 10 vol.

    3rd 1788-1797, 1801 sup. 18 vol. + 2 sup.

    4th 1801-1809 20 vol.

    5th 1815 20 vol.

    6th 1820-1823, 1815-1824 sup. 20 vol. + 2 sup.

    7th 1830-1842 21 vol.

    8th 1852-1860 21 vol. + index

    9th 1870-1890 24 vol. + index. (1)

    10th 1902-1903 9th ed. + 9 sup. (2)

    11th 1910-1911 29 vol. (3)

    12th 1921-1922 11th ed. + 3 sup.

    13th 1926 11th ed.+ 6 sup.

    14th 1929-1973 24 vol.

    15th 1974-1984 28 vol.

    16th 1985- 32 vol.

    vol. = volume, sup. = supplement

    That is 352 volumnes in 16 editions. That is quite a lot of information needed just to build an ordinary field mouse. Just imagine what it takes to build a human brain. imho, We have not even begun to fathom the human brain. There has got to be more than meets the 'eye' rather blaming The Devil for extra sensory perceptions and praising God while speaking in tongues (and the 10 or 11 other benefits this gift/manifestation and not counting the other 8 g/m's and their various links to SIT like a cluster of grapes.) Is there a central nervous system in that cluster of grapes?

    Certainly to be able to walk on the water would require no more a special effort than SIT, unless they are both just "special effects". But I suppose some have longer suits than me to walk on the water. anim-smile.gif

    So that is what it takes to build an ordinary grey field mouse that speaks Esperanto.


    [This message was edited by pawtucket on January 16, 2004 at 19:25.]

  9. I asked a W.O.W. to minister to me. Just flu - like symptoms... This W.O.W prayed for me and thanked God for my sore throat to be healed. I thanked the W.O.W. and left.

    I laughed in my car about the throat deal... my throat was not sore... what a haox of bs... a few days later my throat was sore...


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