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Posts posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by Wayfer Not!:

    We were taught in twi that earthquakes and other major environmental catastrophes in other countries happened because they didn't worship the one true God.

    After hearing the news on the Iran earthquakes, I don't believe that doctrine anymore. These countries don't have the resources or money to build as extravagantly like they do in California or Tokyo for example. How many buildings fell completely down in in Cal or Tokyo before they figured out how to lessen the impact? I don't think it had a thing to do with the religion of the people.

    Job worshipped the one true God, and he had many horrible things happen to him.

    I'm so glad I'm not waybrained anymore.

    Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.


    Actually JC taught that type of thing according to judeo christain middle eastern belief before the world was known that the sun did not rise but rather set, and there would be rumors of wars, and earthquakes and things like that...

    ... hmmm where should i go with these thots...

    ... whoops

  2. I think Alice & Mike would have a good time together.

    Yo Mike, respectfully, i dig your words. It's the whole play of all of the words that one has to consider those involved and those involved to consider those involved... like a mirror...


  3. I just accessed the fridge a dare again to assemble another evening of leftovers extraordinnere.

    Oh mi god. There is this baggie i have discovered in the frezzor. A note with purple ink... "Really BIG TROUBLE if you eat these. icon_smile.gif:)-->" I kinda whistle one of those tunes, remove the baggie, open to reveal the contents, and lo and behold, one solid lb of exposed naked GA Pecans.

    I look around with shifty eyes and stop the whistling. My wife is not home. The frezzer breath is chilling my chh chh cheeks. Just three of these and the baggie is returned. I think I am in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!!! Please pray for me that my wife does not know the difference between 1 pound and 3/4's of a pound. The baggie is right back in the same place.

    whoops... uh hummm... I have mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stove top roasted garlic stuffing, French green beans, and honey roasted ham in the nuke to be topped with shredded NY sharp and dollops of sour cream and a few of them Corona's with lime... some of that German Chocolate Cake...& a little teleV and some ZZZZZZZ"S afterward.




    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on December 28, 2003 at 21:01.]

  4. (QUOTE) orginally posted by Oakspear:


    Spelling and understandable sentence structure may not be a requirement here, but it sure helps other folks see what the poster is trying to say. Mocking or putting down posters who are less than clear is inexcuseable, however. My usual method of dealing is to skip over the more incomprehensible ones without comment. While I would never think of commenting on your mom's grammar, keep in mind that she was writing to her son who was familiar with her writing style, and not a bunch of strangers. By the way, her idiosyncratic style was more understandable than some of us here at GS!


    Hiya Oakspear!!!!!!!

    10-4 Oak. Roger that. I dig "idiosyncratic style", because you hit that one on the head fer shure. & LMAO that her style "... was more understandable than some of us here at GS!" She put more sence in my head than I have lifetimes to spend it. She's one kewl lady of heart.


    (QUOTE) originally posted by Hope R.:

    Song - you da bomb! I didn't know JACK! anim-smile.gif


    Oh come on now HopeR, you didn't know I was oneyed? I am shocked icon_eek.gif




    And Mike, good to see you have returned 5 pages later. Seems you have an audience.

    Rok the words dude.

    My ante of thots are on the table.


  5. quote:
    Originally posted by RottieGrrrl:

    Mall certificate (my favorite)

    Plus I wanted the book "Neverending Story" and I didn't get that.

    The reason ya did not recieve the book "Neverending Story" is because ya gots to go to a very special book store to get it and then run off with it...

    I have requested a vintage Stingray Corvete

    with a 650 Triumph Bonnie both cherry red...


    Where is Falcor...

    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on December 27, 2003 at 21:39.]

  6. I guess so much for the wine and canapes and the din of murmur and laughter and whispers in the mezzanine... the banquet is being served...

    Welcome to the show that never ends

    Come inside

    Come inside

    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on December 27, 2003 at 21:02.]

  7. Originally posted by Hope R.:

    Song - I didn't mean to imply that the people who misspell are ignorant, wierd, creepy or stupid. I merely said that _I personally_ have had trouble understanding some of the misspellings at times. Moi. Me. It's me oh Lord. Mea Culpa. It's my problem - not theirs.

    Do I mispell? Knot if eye kan help it... but sumtimes...


    Hope R... I'ma just postn' too


    Rok On Dudette,


    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on December 27, 2003 at 18:35.]

  8. I keep submitting my request to be present my finger tips for an orginal Alverez Yahiri to be hooked into the Wall of Sound while Led Z and Elvis Presley come on stage Rokking to the tune of Black Dog...

    Maybe next year... i get a hammer of the gods

    i have rec'd 1 benjamin, a plug in charger for a cell phone lighter wise, a vibra web cam, & a cd from my daughter called EvaneSeNcE...

    Thank god not ties or socks or underwoos...



    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on December 27, 2003 at 16:58.]

  9. I do remember an event similar to what CC posted. I have been thinking about this since the original post. Maybe I so long held the supression of the event that I have minimized its relevance.

    I do remember my wife and I exiting the tent and glossing over the occurance as 'The Man Of God has spoken', and left it at that conclusion.

    Looking back...The real Man of God walked off that stage.

    Just thots


    • Upvote 2
  10. I do appreciate the freedom this board to have the opportunity to thread and reply with my words. And apreciate that my threads are responded to either by reply or views. If I were to have even a 50% disapproval rating, that just shows me I do have a voice that is heard among mutual expeiences of background. Although I may make an a$$ out of myself, present cheap shots, agree, disagree, agree to disagree, disagree to agree, engage in verbal melee, apoligise, forgive, vent, be bitter, discuss, cuss, digress, choo-choo, pray, ROFLMAO, and all other prisms of thought and emotion displayed in our words to speak with each other, WHEW... I enjoy GSC and posters involved.

    As far as grammer vs posting style, here is a section of a missive my Ma-Ma wrote in her beautiful long hand to me dated 11 / 03 / 03 : "...We went to eat out at resturant with Larry + Dianne and their friends. We enjoyed and chatted with their friends outside porch to relax and talked each other after eating that we stayed out in the porch that have tables + chairs about 1 hour before we went home Larry + Dianne are funny-very sweet." Now tht's my 70 year young Ma-Ma.

    She has been writing that way ever since I could read. Any one care to critique such a rare style of words, be my guest.

    Many times I have considered to leave this GSC, but I know I won't at this time, so I just 'ghost' in and out. There are plenty who have left this board for good, some change their sns and return, some etc etc etc ad infinitum reasons the transient flow and steady threads.

    So I say my say and rok on.

    So I guess I said what I want to say today regarding this thread and look forward the audience this thread responses down the moments ahead.

    I am just a simple guy living day to day...

    Rok On,



  11. hmmmmm...

    Related Terms: academic, accordant, affected, anal, arid, bedizened, bibliophagic, big-sounding, bluestocking, book-fed, bookish, book-learned, book-loving, book-minded, book-read, book-wise, booky, bourgeois, compulsive, concordant, conformist, conventional, conventionalized, convoluted, corresponding, declamatory, devoted to studies, didactic, diligent, doctrinaire, donnish, dry, dryasdust, dull, elegant, elevated, erudite, euphemistic, euphuistic, exact, exquisite, extrinsic, fastidious, finical, finicky, flamboyant, flaming, flashy, flaunting, formal, formalist, formalistic, formulary, fulsome, fussy, garish, gaudy, Gongoresque, goody good-good, goody-goody, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandisonant, hair-splitting, harmonious, highfalutin, high-flowing, high-flown, high-flying, high-sounding, impersonal, in accord, in keeping, in line, in step, inkhorn, Johnsonian, kosher, labyrinthine, learned, legalistic, lexiphanic, literary, lofty, lurid, magniloquent, mandarin, meretricious, meticulous, mincing, namby-pamby, nit-picking, nominal, orotund, orthodox, ostentatious, outward, overdone, overelaborate, overinvolved, overnice, overprecise, overrefined, overscrupulous, overwrought, owlish, pedagogic, pedantical, perfectionist, plastic, pompous, preachy, preceptorial, precieuse, precious, precisian, precisianistic, precisionistic, pretentious, professorial, professorlike, punctilious, puristic, quibbling, rabbinic, rhetorical, scholarly, scholastic, schoolish, schoolmastering, schoolmasterish, schoolmasterlike, schoolmasterly, schoolmistressy, schoolteacherish, schoolteachery, scrupulous, sensational, sensationalistic, sententious, showy, simpering, sonorous, square, stiff, stilted, straight, studious, stuffy, stylized, superficial, surface, tall, teacherish, teacherlike, teachery, teachy, tortuous, traditionalist, tutorial, uptight, vain


    hahahahahahahahh ... damn where is G Carlin !!!



  12. Main Entry: ped·ant

    Pronunciation: 'pe-d&nt

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle French, from Italian pedante

    Date: 1588

    1 : obsolete : a male schoolteacher

    2 a : one who makes a show of knowledge b : one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge c : a formalist or precisionist in teaching

    Pronunciation Key

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