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Posts posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. woke up ...

    fell out of bed...

    found a comb in my head...

    made my way down stairs

    found a cup

    bust aZZ seconds flat

    looking this & that...


    ohahhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh oh ah ohhhhhhh

  2. I am just glad this site is here!!!!!!!

    i hope this site works out... if not... was ther anything i could have done??? (speakingbeforehand)...

    Rok On


    edited by...

    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on April 05, 2003 at 18:00.]

  3. Is this one of those canrnival mirror tricks???

    posted March 31, 2003 17:58


    ...Step right up to guess your weight....


    BY MIKE>>>

    Here are some key words Dr often used with reference to one realm or the other:

    Some of these are obvious, some are subtle. There are some that are still a work in progress, so please, let?s not get all bogged down in the details of which ones should be on the list or not. This is still introductory, and the details will come up again, later.

    These words, in the PFAL writings, are reserved for emphasizing the spiritual side:













    To some degree, some words are paired off so that one emphasizes the natural and the other the spiritual:

    (please pardon the crude tabulation)

    ......................................Natural .../... Spiritual

    ......................................Factual .../... True

    ...........................................fact .../... truth

    .....................................analyze .../... ascertain

    ...................................believing .../... faith

    ........................................below .../... above

    .........................................Bible .../... Word of God

    ................................body&soul .../... spirit

    ................................corruptible .../... incorruptible

    .................................countless .../... innumerable

    .........................earthen vessel .../... treasure

    ......................................earthly .../... heavenly

    ...............................everlasting .../... eternal

    ............................everyday life .../... real, reality

    ...................................external .../... internal

    ....................................feelings .../... revelation

    .........................................finite .../... infinite

    .........................................flesh .../... spirit

    .......................................carnal .../... spiritual

    ...................................anything .../... everything

    .....immediate prophecy fulfillment .../... ultimate prophecy fulfillment

    ........................................static .../... dynamic

    ..................................5-senses .../... spiritual perception

    ................................forthtelling .../... foretelling

    ..............................government .../... gift ministries

    ................................happiness .../... joy

    .........................................hear .../... see

    .....................................human .../... divine

    ...............................immediate .../... ultimate

    ............................Jesus Christ .../... Christ Jesus

    .........................................brag .../... glory

    ..........................................light .../... dark

    ........................................literal .../... figurative

    .......................................make .../... create

    .........................................man .../... Son of God

    .........................man's viewpoint .../... God's viewpoint

    .......................................mortal .../... immortal

    .........................................night .../... day

    ......................................people .../... man

    .......................................phileo .../... agape

    ....................................physical .../... spiritual

    ......................................reason .../... logic

    .....................................religion .../... Christianity

    ..........................religious leader .../... doulos servant

    ......................................rhema .../... logos

    ....................................sensual .../... spiritual

    ................................sentences .../... communication

    ..........................Simon's cross .../... Jesus' cross

    ..................................sincerely .../... study/work to rightly divide

    ..............................Son of man .../... Son of God

    ..........................................soul .../... spirit

    .....................................spoken .../... written

    .....................................surface .../... deep

    ....................................tangible .../... unseen

    ..........................................tape .../... book

    ...................................teaching .../... instruction

    .................................terrestrial .../... celestial

    .........................................think .../... know

    ......................................visible .../... invisible

    ........................................satan .../... devil

    ................Gen.1:1 to Rev. 22:21 .../... Genesis to Revelation

    .....................................opinion .../... right dividing


    Oh Jeesh ... That is what I left out all the 2wenty yearz my involOVEment PFanAL!!!???

    forgive me... i am hummmbled... NO BLOOD LEFT FOR twI...

    Hey Mike ... do you run PFAL CLASSES!!!??? have you ever checked out fractal curves???

    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on March 31, 2003 at 20:09.]

  4. I DiG the memory fading stuff!!!

    How much are we suppose to forget???

    ...hello... is anybody out there...


    So ya

    Thought ya

    Might like to go to the show.

    To feel the warm thrill of confusion

    That space cadet glow.

    Tell me is something eluding you, sunshine?

    Is this not what you expected to see?

    If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes

    You'll just have to claw your way through this disguise.

    "Lights! Turn on the sound effects! Action!"

    "Drop it, drop it on 'em! Drop it on them!!!!!"

    Ithinks thart be Pink F...

    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on March 31, 2003 at 19:36.]

  5. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    you're great sws



    Hiya Exc!!!!!!!

    har de ha ha deha ha + 2 guffaws

    Awe,Shucks,Naw.... you're more greater mon ami.

    But remember the greatest was Ali... do ya remember an Advanced Class clip of the Cassuis Clay & Sonny Liston fight being shown in slow mo and the KO punch by CC totally missed Sonny, but Sonny went down KO'D anyway? After that, CC became the "Heavy Weight Champion of The World" and then changed his name to Mo Ali. And so the story goes... Mo sold out to Allah and began to promote Islam & God Blessed Howard Kosell.



    Abraham Lincoln and Mother Teresa?

    No kidding.

    I think a couple of those guys have dabbled

    in occultism, but I don't know that any of

    them was 'hardcore'.



    Ya know WW, I think I was a little hasty with Mother T. I might just have to retract that statement and hold her in the "poZZeZo file." I do definetly remember her being disCUSSed as possessed. The truth is out there ya know.

    Abe Lincoln I know for sure was labeled as Seed of the Serpent. I believe it was VP that was teaching this in context the Devil was trying to split this great country apart through the Cival War and Abe L. was the one to carry this out... and dig this... that Abe being SOS and all SOS die violent deaths, hence Boothe being possessed by a murder spirit assasinated AL. Now how is that for a spiritual political conspiracy theory? Whew, such insight into the devils back halls. Must have been all that snow at the gas pumps.

    Yeah, that is what I said about those who dabbled in the occult, but was told make no mistake, they are SOS and operate in secrecy and so sometimes the "hardcore" seem harmless. Always an explaination for accusations from the witch hunters... eh.

    Alexis Crowley was definetly on the dark side just from my own personal O.

    Jimmy Page played in the occult and was a huge fan of Crowley in so much he purchased Crowley's home. It is rumoured that John Bonham's death is a direct result of Pagy making a pact with the Devil. Some one had to be the sacrifice. Sounds like one of them "went down to the crossroads" rocknroll images, hammer of the gods type of thing. Oh well, such are the rumours...

    Speaking of rumours... Stevie Nicks is a witch! The song Rhiannon was used to show her obedience to the Adversary.


    Lyrics by Fleetwood Mac

    Rhiannon rings like a bell thru the night

    and wouldn't you love to love her?

    she rules her life like a bird in flight

    and who will be her lover?

    all your life you've never seen

    a woman , taken by the wind

    would you stay if she promised you heaven?

    will you ever win.........?

    CHORUS: Rhiannon......



    she is like a cat in the dark

    and then she is the darkness

    she rules her life like a fine skylark

    and when the sky is starless

    all your life you've never seen

    a woman..taken by the wind...

    would you stay if she promised you heaven?

    will you ever win.....?

    will you ever win.....?





    Dreams unwind

    Love's a state of mind

    Rhiannon Lyrics

    Hmmm... Makes ya wonder eh?

    Here's another couple I heard was SOS:


    David Copperfield

    But that Elton Jon & Bernie Tarpin were Homo Po's

    Ya know WW what interests, fascinates, intrigues me now about SOS & Po's?.... It's the stories, the drama of the dark side vs the light side, the continuing & developing of myths in this present age based upon ancient gods & godesses & Star Wars, & that there may just be other life on other planets and if they were to visit us it won't be a Close Encounters of the Third Kind or ET, but more like Independence Day.... oh well, that would be another thread.

    But all in all, I think this SOS & PoZzeZzo's deal is along the lines the sun revolves around the earth and the earth is the centre of the universe.

    PS... The Cross has no effect on Vampires.


    Muhammad Ali

    Barbara Streisand

    and, oh, yeah, the head of the Ford Modeling Agency, whoever she is. That grad who used to model Guess jeans had an interview with the head of Ford. Afterwards, Craig had her share with TWC what happened at the interview, This chick told TWC that she "confronted" this woman, then who showed her "true colors" as "seed". I wonder if she spit pea soup?



    Hey Catcup, I heard that sharing at a ROA . I know the Guess jeans Model. The impact I remember was the Model quoting a response from the head of FMA: "My God is bigger than your God."

    Looking back, it seems to me an obvious ploy to promote TWI Devil Spirit doctrine by having a grad celebrity figure as a prop their pretenses of holiness thereby issuing an alert to the true household..."It's The Word! The Word ! The Word! & nothing but the WORD!!!!!!! Come out from among them.... blah blah blah

    Catcup, I have not thought about that Model in quite a few some time...last time i heard was during the "fog".. said Model split from TWI & said... quote... "Craig has a spirit of slumber..."

    & Craig is saying in ref to CG**r "He has herds of devil spirits stampeeding through his mind."

    What a story eh Catcup!!!!!!!

    And the beat goes on...

    Rok On!!!!!!!


    Where is that confounded bridge?


    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on March 02, 2003 at 17:44.]

  6. Hiya chwester,

    Oh my ... Seed O' de Serpent. Almost sounds like a cologne eh. Seed Boys, born of the Devil, Children of the devil, Rosemary's Baby.... whoops icon_smile.gif:)-->

    People I was informed to be "wrong seed" are:

    Mohammed Ali

    The Pop up Pope

    Barbara Striesand

    Jimmy Page

    Alexis Crowley

    Sir Authur Conan Doyle





    John Kennedy

    Fidel Castro

    Mao Tse Tung

    Henry Ford

    M. Ghandi

    Ray Krock (McDonalds Founder)

    Shirley McClaine

    Mother Teresa

    John Travolta

    Ozzy Osborne

    Marlon Brando

    Frank Sinatra

    Martin Luther King

    Abraham Lincoln

    Alice Cooper

    Mick Jagger

    Stevie Nicks

    oh yeah & that exiled guy from Tibet... Dolly Lama

    Well, that's about all I can think of now & please forgive my sphelling.

    Glad ya did not ask who TWI said/says was/is possessed or insane. Last I heard there are approx 5000 participants in TWI. On Oct. 12, 1999, the United Nations announced that global population had reached the 6 billion mark. So let's see: 6,000,000,000 minus 5000 = 5,999,995,000 that are not of the true Household Of Gawd & outside the huddle of the "Present Truth". Now that would be quite a list eh. Does anyone remember , gist through the years: "Those who do not believe the Word are insane. We are the true Household of God, The Body of Christ. Grease Spots By Midnight. (& an all time favorite) God won't even spit in your direction..." etc ad nauseum?

    Maybe there should be a list "Seed of The Serpents" to avoid.... hahahahahahahahahahhhhh

    Rok On


  7. ยป You are not logged in. Login or register




    GS Regular

    From: atlanta

    Registered: February 15, 2003

    Posts: 89

    Who did you hear was born of wrong seed?


    Seems like there were all kinds of celebrities who we were told were born of the wrong seed. There was never any proof. It was just "Limb leader so and so said Paul McCartney was a seed boy" etc. and so everyone just took it as "the truth". LOL

    What did you hear along these lines? Some of the rumors were probably true///

    Heavey Weight Ali knocked out Sonny with punches that never connected... mabe that was the use of devil dpirits ...

    oh weel just an input... icon_cool.gif

    And oh uh.......


  8. WOW Songrts-

    You were hip to it before most of us!

    Dot Matrix

    No... a thousand times no i was not hip to it... I Ignored It. That's the tear jerker of it all. I also ignored the rumours Dr's womanizing, plagerisim, lying etc... all that stuff was out there years ago... many ignored it and still ignore it to this day... but some of us don't ignore it anymore...

  9. A Piece of Ode De Song

    circa 1979

    compliments PFAL 1975

    Old man

    You have nothing for us

    You are empty

    Renewed mind is the key to power

    and release from our prisons.

    Studying The Word

    is showing ourselves approved before God

    No condemnation

    Five sonship rights

    Standing faithful

    In Christ our Lourd

    Living The Word

    Knowing what we stand for and serve

    Ambassadors for God's Christ,

    Speaking The Word is our mission...

    One day Christ will return with us

    and rule with an iron rod,

    But now we stand

    So masterfully weilding God's Sword >>>

    I got 119 more of these songs. Twig level only.That's, i know that's only 6 songs per year my 20 year involvement... Nahhh ... I wasn't committed besides the poems and the journals and the...

    Learning is life on an exciting adventure... or something like that...

    "God Bless You Are The Best"... okay... so where does that leave you...

    I wonder why I dig Roller Coasters???

    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on February 19, 2003 at 21:56.]

  10. "He just compiled other people's work!"

    Dot Matrix

    Ya know Dot...

    After I took the PFAL in 75, I began to inquire the references VP mentioned and noticed a few ripoffs, I mean, similarities between 'his' work and 'their' lifetime of work... but, but, but noooooo, that just could not be so. And I reasoned within my manipulated, sorry er uh I mean, renewed mind to ignore the obvious in '75 (out '95)... and now it is 2003...

    EW Bullinger's works really impressed me in 75 >>>, but i kinda TWIsted the obvious to mean that it was VP whom EW should credit! (Didn't EW die before VP was born???)

    The mother that killed the child was the "fire engine red curtains" (red flag), but I put that cookie back in the jar for 20 years worth involvement (forgive the puns... according to usage ya know).

    I became "GodBlessYouAreTheBest!" KJV leather binders with thin gold leaf "India" pages praises raise my arm i don't believe in your jeZus ... oh "GAWD KEEDS" the thoughts do roil in...

    The good prudence choice should have been... "I'm a bit of a bullsh!tter myself, but sometimes I like to sit down & listen to a real pro!" and then walk away. Oh such is the delight hindsight for futuresight today... I wish I had known then what I know now.

    And such is now.

    PFAL was, is, will forever be>>> a work of theft and other things...

    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on February 19, 2003 at 19:55.]

  11. This thread certainly proves collective as well individual mastery of the PFAL. The "indisputable errors" expose the truth of PFAL for what it is... like the sun does not revolve around the earth and the earth is not the centre of the universe... or 2+2 does not equal 5. Very hard to deny such "indisputable errors" and still claim the world is flat.

    Can ya imagine running an audio PFAL Class today:

    "Good evening new students and grads and welcome to the PFAL Class. There are at least 31 undisputed errors in the class, but pay no attention to these and please hold your questions tillT the end of the class for by then you should have all your questions answered. This is your class flip chart emc... Roll em. And remember to listen with a purpose..."

    This thread ROCKS !!!!!!!

    Corona w/ lime please...



    "This is Truth that the world has not known since PFAL." from Long Lost Lines.

    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on February 18, 2003 at 19:40.]

  12. My brother, if you are reading this, I do respect your opinion and your decisions.

    But,"I" want the best for you.

    I want you to have real answers.

    I want you to really think about things outside of the Vay doctrine cliches.

    I love you and hope everything is well for you and your family.



    Well, well lindyhopper, I know exactly how your innie friend feels. During my 20 year race for the prize, I would make my "come back home" calls and missives and visits to those who had left and just "don't know what they are missing" crusades.

    I look back now after BEING out for about 8 years and really really am laughing at myself.

    These hard hearted, caloused, hearts seared by a hot iron by the AdVeRsArY , must get to them, must make them see how they have been detoured by the seduction of the Charmer.

    Sometimes I would just go and carry on that personal touch of reproof, correction, and back to right DOCtrine, and sometimes those "unfaithful" names would be announced in TWIG and, oh, woe is they, please pray for them (ever notice how there is a TWI in twig? icon_wink.gif;)-->) .

    The one thing i never did was: REALLY LISTEN TO WHY THESE GOOD PEOPLE LEFT TWI!!!... just knew they NeEdEd to be with the true Household....

    I look back and can only imagine what these "unfaithful" must have thought my ignorance their FREEDOM!!!!!!! (please read the above I quoted from lindyhopper).

    Ahem.... Now I know why they left...

    I am one of them!!!!!!!

    Rok On lindyhopper



    [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on February 06, 2003 at 17:23.]

  13. Hey Abigail that is a very interesting thought. I also remember those teachings.



    ..."soul stealing could be worse than rape

    i know about both

    never been able to separate them"...


    excathedra... I have read every reply this thread and once again I realise just what it is that is stirring around in them specific little hallowed grounds in Ohio. All the maximum exposure of TWI revealed across these boards for the last few years continues its impetus to speak freely to any who wish to know the real deal, the reality of the raw deal TWI.

    Thank YOU!!!!!!!



    "Hiya Dot... it all still blows my mind~!!!

    ...."all I wanted was 'more harmony in the home' "

    Al Poole

    Al Poole... that was a riot... the harmony in the home thing that is... icon_wink.gif;)--> that was a hearty guffaw... in fact i'm still icon_smile.gif:)--> with a couple a chuckles that one... whoops there was another GUFFAW...

    Song icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


    Hey Dot ... no, no, no... Thank YOU!!!!!!!


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