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Everything posted by notinKansasanymore

  1. waaaaaaa-HOOOOOOOOOOOO! Could lead to dancing.
  2. Maybe Simon has a good idea. Personally, I have more basement to clean out, and kids to bring up, and papers to grade. I'm probably going to ease up on Greasepot for awhile. I'll check my private topics in a few days, in case anybody wants to trade private e-mail addresses. The best thing about GS is linking up with people from the past, and I'm thankful for that. This isn't one of those "goodbye, forever" posts. It's just a "see you around, every once in awhile" post. Am I doing this in support of Rocky? Probably, but also in support of the boxes in the basement that still need to be gone through. love to all, and many thanks, Pawtucket, for the whole site in the first place, niKa
  3. Yes, Rocky is banned. :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> "Live just, and fear not."
  4. Thou art a rock. "Live just, and fear not."
  5. You all are a hoot. Simon, I private topic'd you. Rocky, good luck with the namesake thread. I'd say "never let 'em make you back down from what you believe," but I know that nobody has to tell you that, dude. Coals to Newcastle. love, niKa "Live just, and fear not."
  6. On Saturday, we cleaned out 45% of the basement. On Sunday (yesterday) we cleaned out 85% of the garage. There is a huge pile of "treasures" on the driveway, under a tarp, for Salvation Army; they're coming tomorrow. I'd like to introduce you to my very good friend, Ibuprophen. "Live just, and fear not."
  7. Thanks, Tom. It was surely a squeaker, but a heartbreaker, nonetheless. And my babies asked me, in the middle of the game, "Which one is Jabahri Brown?" We always cheered for him, because he was in my class a couple of years ago. It was the cue for the long talk about making mistakes and bad decisions, and getting taken off of the team. Sad! But a learning talk. Jabahri has been away from his parents (because of basketball) since he was in the 9th grade. He's a nice guy. "Live just, and fear not."
  8. I have been looking for Tom, off and on, for years. I witnessed to him, but we lost contact. Does anyone know where I might reach this gentle soul? "Live just, and fear not."
  9. 11th Corps. Escaped from Iran after his dad turned him in to authorities for having a Bible in his underwear drawer. Stood up as a Christian when it should have gotten him killed; his escape was a miracle. "Live just, and fear not."
  10. Juan, that was a very well written, poetic post. You ought to be a poet, at least on the side, if you aren't already. Not joking. What this post may be referring to is the practice of "giving over to the devil" people whom TWI leadership considered too far gone to ever fellowship with again. It had to be for some strong offense, and I don't exactly know how they claimed to do it. It was something about taking God's hand of protection off of someone (like they would ever be able to do that, the pompous idiots). It was, in my opinion, them deciding that somebody's sin was so horrible that even Christ's blood couldn't cleanse it, and they decided (for God, apparently) that the person belonged with the devil. I believe that it also had to do with people sinning after they had been taught the Word, and knew better. As if Christ's blood cleansed only the sins that we'd committed before we came to the Word, but afterwards, our freedom of will made Christ's sacrifice of lesser strength. I don't think that TWI preached nearly as much about the strength of Christ's sacrifice, as they did about the "strength" of Weirwilles "research." Anyway, I heard them mention the practice of "giving somebody over to the devil" a few times during mealtime annoucements, and that's the remembrance I have of the matter. Does anybody else remember anything else? Perhaps more clearly? "Live just, and fear not."
  11. I know. It's just not right. I've been thinking about him today. So earnest, so honest. I'll bet he was a great Dad to his kids. "Live just, and fear not."
  12. :)--> :(--> :D--> ;)--> :o--> :P--> --> --> :)--> :(--> :D--> ;)--> :o--> :P--> --> --> :)--> :(--> :D--> ;)--> :o--> :P--> --> --> :)--> :(--> :D--> ;)--> :o--> :P--> --> --> :)--> :(--> :D--> ;)--> :o--> :P--> --> --> :)--> :(--> :D--> ;)--> :o--> :P--> --> --> :)--> :(--> :D--> ;)--> :o--> :P--> --> --> :)--> :(--> :D--> ;)--> :o--> :P--> --> --> :)--> :(--> :D--> ;)--> :o--> :P--> --> --> "Live just, and fear not."
  13. By the way, my family motto, "Live just and fear not" is Old English; the "just" means "honestly," as in "live honestly." Fear is not irrelevant. Action in spite of fear is what courage is made of. "Live just, and fear not."
  14. That must have been some golf game. Do you keep green cards in your golf bag? "Live just, and fear not."
  15. Def59 said: ______________________________________ What will be the next oppressed minority to seek its rights? Pedophiles (both hetero- and homosexually based) are working the world of academia just like the left and the gays have done. First its talk, then papers, then protests, then groups, then sympathethic collegees, then judges and then the masses are convinced this too is a legitimate lifestyle. ________________________________________ And now, you take my post and try to pick it apart, line by line, and try to defend yourself in that way. I'm not playing that game with you. Yes, you DID say that academia was leading the way in the acceptance of pedophilia. And instead of apologizing, you are just digging yourself in deeper. What you said was wrong. If you work the Word in the same way that you worked my reply to your "pedophilia" post, then I most certainly do not ever want to go to church with you. "Live just, and fear not."
  16. TomStrange: Bro! What's wrong? niKa "Live just, and fear not."
  17. Hey, this is my 500th post. It just had to be on the 9th Corps thread; anything else wouldn't do. "It's good to see your smiling face So full of love and cheer. If the Lord tarries a little while more, We'll sing to you next year. (Whistle)" Does anybody remember the rest of the words to the whistle song? I'll admit that I wrote the darn thing, but I jotted it down in my Corps Diary during study hall one day, and burned that diary more than ten years ago! The first line is something like "We're glad you've come to visit us." To you, 9th Corps, and to the other posters, and to the lurkers, I raise my glass. :)--> "Live just, and fear not."
  18. Oh, thank you! I really needed that laugh. I got postal mad on another thread. I love you guys. "Live just, and fear not."
  19. Yes, that too. Is that four? "Live just, and fear not."
  20. So, okay, Tref, here's one. Let's say two lesbians have been a couple for many years, and they are raising two adopted children together. One is a stay-home Mom, and she is the "legal" adoptive mother of the children; her partner is a working Mom, and supports the whole family financially. Both would like the "working" Mom to also be a legal adoptive parent of the children, but they aren't allowed to be married, so they aren't legally able to both be adoptive parents to the same children. Let's say that the working Mom dies in a car accident. Even though she has been paying into social security for many years, the minor children (for whom she is just as much "Mother" as is her partner) will get no social security benefit for their upbringing. If a heterosexual couple lost the breadwinner in the same accident, those same adopted children would have social security benefits. The surviving heterosexual partner would be eligible for "survivor's benefits." The surviving homosexual partner may not even be notified by the police that there has been an accident. She may read about it in the newspaper. Well, I suppose that's two or three of the many benefits, rather than one. "Live just, and fear not."
  21. Def59 said: ______________________________________ What will be the next oppressed minority to seek its rights? Pedophiles (both hetero- and homosexually based) are working the world of academia just like the left and the gays have done. First its talk, then papers, then protests, then groups, then sympathethic collegees, then judges and then the masses are convinced this too is a legitimate lifestyle. ___________________________________________ Now hear this. ARE YOU LISTENING? Don't you ever, EVER attempt to equate education or academics with PEDOPHILIA. What are you saying? Is education SO DANGEROUS that it will ultimately lead to the acceptance of PEDOPHILIA? How utterly (fill in this blank with any curse word you like). And yes, I AM YELLING. And yes, I DID TAKE TIME TO COOL OFF BEFORE WRITING THIS. Get a grip on the hatred, Def. I'm from Texas for 5 generations; I was brought up just as conservative as you were. I am the NRA. I had to put ducttape on my cowboy boots at age 16, because I had worn them out. Like Catcup, I had some LEARNING to do, about COMPASSION. Learning, I once heard, is an exciting adventure. DON'T you try to lump me (or any other ACADEMIC) with pedophiles. COLLEGE = GOOD. Do you have ANY IDEA how many God-fearing, hard-working, pillar-of-the-community, medicine-discovering, WONDERFUL PEOPLE you just equated with PERVERSION? I don't want to go to church with you. (This message was edited to MAKE IT NICER.) (BUT NOT BY MUCH.) "Live just, and fear not." [This message was edited by notinKansasanymore on March 09, 2004 at 22:08.] [This message was edited by notinKansasanymore on March 09, 2004 at 22:18.]
  22. Hey, I have four children, we pay child support for the older two, and we pay enough health insurance and property taxes to make your head swim. As far as my health insurance premiums going up if Gays get marriage rights, I say "Bring it on!" Because to say anything less is to say that they don't deserve the very same things that I deserve. If not gayness, what other thing might I use to say that other people don't deserve everything I think that I deserve? Skin color? Disability? We live in a workable financial system. Every American deserves to be part of that system. Otherwise, gay people are still stuck (as they are right now) paying for ME, when I don't have to pay for THEM. That's wrong. They have been pulling their own weight, and also some of mine. They pay property taxes so that my children can go to school. Their health insurance premiums help defray the cost when my little girl falls off of the slide and needs stitches. This is America, they are Americans, and for me, that's the end of the story. Equality under the law. Otherwise, why have an America? My people haven't been here since 1630, and fought with honor in every American war since then, for me to besmirch their honor by trying to get selfish with what they fought for. "Live just, and fear not."
  23. Yes, he remembers everything. I, however, now, let's see . . . what was that I was going to say . . .?
  24. Dmiller, perhaps the reason you don't care how many dues have been paid is that you haven't had to pay them; aren't currently having to pay them. I know wonderful people, professionals, brilliant folks really, who have to sneak around in the middle of the night because they are homosexual, and will never be able to walk down the street in Norman, Oklahoma, in the light of day with the people whom they have faithfully loved for decades. It's not "California" where I live. There are rednecks here, weird people, who would just as soon drag somebody behind a truck for being different. Is that really the kind of America you want to live in? You strike me as a white heterosexual. That's cool. I'm one, too. But perhaps one difference between us is that I don't see a potential pedophile in every homosexual. I see a potential pedophile in every Boy Scout leader. We have different fears, you and I. I have known several people who have been abused or approached by their Scout leaders; my children won't be Scouts. If you don't believe in homosexual marriage, aren't you very fortunate not to be homosexual? The deal is that I can CHOOSE whether or not to be involved with Scouting. Homosexuals cannot CHOOSE whether or not to be homosexual. I'm not talking about people who play with being one or the other because they just have to break the rules. I'm talking about genetic homosexuals. They didn't choose to be that way, any more than I chose to be blue-eyed. What if it was illegal for blue-eyed people to marry? "Live just, and fear not."
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