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GreaseSpot Cafe


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Everything posted by notinKansasanymore

  1. Linda: Can you e-mail me back in a few days? My computer got toasted, and it apparently didn't accept quite a few e-mails before it "crossed the bar." We'll have it back up and running in a week or so. Thanks! "Live just, and fear not."
  2. Hi! Sorry that I haven't been around, but my computer at home is toasted. We've got to wipe the disk and start over. I'm posting from another computer, but probably won't be talking to you folks for a few days. Say funny things while I'm gone, okay? Love, niKa "Live just, and fear not."
  3. I was absent from this astute gathering because it was "the 100th day of school." On the 100th day of school, we have a party every hour. I was in first grade all day, with my seven-year-old, having a party every hour. Of course, to get into the parties, they had to pass skills tests, involving spelling words, math problems, etc. But you should have seen 'em. A whole room full of deliriously happy first graders, going from fun thing to fun thing. Completely precious.
  4. Actually, the primary election was for both Democrats and Republicans. In Oklahoma, Bush got 90 percent of his own party's primary votes. Some dude named Wyatt, totally unknown, from Who-Knows-Where, who's never campaigned a minute that I've ever heard of, and may actually be a trained monkey for all I know, took 10 percent of Oklahoma Republican's primary votes away from our sitting President. I say that will all respect and affection for my Repubican brothers and sisters on this thread. It's perhaps worth mentioning that Ross Perot caused quite a stir in American politics by garnering only 11 percent of the popular vote. I only saw one picture of Wyatt; I couldn't tell whether he had big ears, or any pie charts. Fellowshipper, I'd have given you a beer, had I been aware of your dilemma! :)--> "Live just, and fear not."
  5. Well, I'd have to admit that we're not quite as exciting as the Superbowl halftime show, but we get by. Next week: Yankee Potroast. Bring your spatulas. Hey, don't forget to vote, either. I had an eighteen=year-old student make an amazingly astute observation: "MY friends are in Iraq because YOUR friends didn't vote!" Out of the mouths of babes . . .. --> "Live just, and fear not."
  6. I'd love to re-connect with Michelle (Abraham) Christiansen Hudson. I belive that she was F5. I last saw her years ago in the Portland area, but have lost touch. She is an amazing, wonderful person. Any leads? (edited because at first it said that she was in F5; my bad!) "Live just, and fear not." [This message was edited by notinKansasanymore on February 18, 2004 at 13:32.]
  7. Well, I think that guys rock in the kitchen; as you know from personal experience, my husband is definitely the best cook in this home. I admire you for keeping those beautiful kiddos into the healthy stuff and out of the candy jar as much as possible; you know, those little Keebler elves can be pretty persuasive. I raise my spatula in silent saa-LUTE! "Live just, and fear not."
  8. Fellowshipper, no problem. We loved seeing you again. For some reason, I've been baking two or three times a week lately; must be the cold weather. Anybody with whom I ever shared a home in my TWI years would be shocked to learn that I can bake. I remember watching Edie Donatelli make a loaf of bread from scratch when we were on the WOW field in the mid-70's; I thought she was some kind of magician. Fellowsipper, my Hubby sure loved trading Australia stories with you. Maybe we'll run into you there in a few years. For now, you let us know when you'll be back in town; we'll keep the light on just for you. Oh, I also privatetopic'd you earlier today. "Live just, and fear not."
  9. I was once told of an incident where Weirwille ranted and raved at a BRC meeting, years ago (maybe early or mid 70's), that Ted Patrick (the deprogrammer) was evil and that somebody ought to just blow him away. After the meeting, a staffer went out to the Way Woods to see a Corps guy who was living out there in a cabin. This Corps guy was a vet, and had been in Vietnam, and was in the process of getting packed up with his guns and sleeping bag and such, to go and stalk and kill Ted Patrick. He believed, you know, that the suggestion of the commanding officer is tantamount to a command. The staffer stopped the guy. --> The person who related this incident to me, now more than twenty years ago, was the staffer. "Live just, and fear not."
  10. Sorry, Tommie! Don't want to ingnore my spiritual responsibilities. If you have too much snow, you'd better get either: a) some gas pumps b) a snowboard and one of those funny hats c) hot chocolate with those little bitty marshmallows I made this multiple choice so as not to tax us too much in our minds, before April 15th. Happy Friday, everybody! "Live just, and fear not."
  11. I see snow on the gaspumps. Oh, wait. It's really snowing here. Well, if you want to send me your money anyway, and do my bidding during what should be your college years, who am I to stop you? "Live just, and fear not."
  12. Rules, rules. Do you mean Barbara Rule? I always liked her. I just read the "7th corps reunion scheduled for july 2004" thread. Whoa, nelly. We ought to try one of those, ourselves. It's hard, though, with small children. Well, if it ever happens, I'll try my best to be there. Until then, my heart will go on singing. And maybe the next time we're in Tucson, seeing my sweet in-laws (no sarcasm intended; they're wonderful), we can gather the Arizona folks, at least? "Live just, and fear not."
  13. Yes, class, it was the FEAR . . . in the HEART . . . and LIFE . . . of that orthodontist! braces wax . . . must have . . . braces wax . . .. by the way, Happy Sunday Morning, everybody! "Live just, and fear not."
  14. Yes, we are buds. Buds make me think of rose petals in heaven. It was the truck in the heart, and in the life, of that mother. Never mind me; I had my braces tightened for the first time yesterday, and I am on enough acetaminophen to kill a small dog. :o--> "Live just, and fear not."
  15. In the name of Bullinger, that was a good one. "Live just, and fear not."
  16. I've got a rhyme, but I'm not going to help YOU. (there are ladies present.) Why, you can walk around starving to death, with a million rhymes in your back pocket, if you don't know it. p.s. Happy Friday, everybody! "Live just, and fear not."
  17. Weeeellll, okay, but if you make us get tattoos, I'm going to say "It has been a dis-grace for me to have been in this fellowship with you." "Live just, and fear not."
  18. I just remembered a good thing about the last Dot dance I attended; it was the last time that I ever had a chance to dance with Harry Cox. He was one sweet guy, and a heckuva dancer. God rest his soul. "Live just, and fear not."
  19. Well, that's okay, because if one church doesn't want you, you know that the church on the next corner will be glad to have you. Be you a Bullingerite, or a Platonist, or a Simonzealotean, you can talk about it until you are blue in the face. "Live just, and fear not."
  20. Johnny, if you think those dances were weird for the guys, just imagine how awful they were for the women. Pressure to "get a man," juxtaposed with pressure to be demure, somewhat shy, and not too Sadie-Hawkins-ish. Wearing a dot on one's nametag which screamed "I'm looking" was not exactly demure. "Live just, and fear not."
  21. Seems to me that he'd have had a bit more respect for divinity schools, had he gone to a REAL one. Mars? I like Almond Joy the best. There's just something about candy with a happy name. You know, joy is an inside job. "Live just, and fear not."
  22. Sirguessalot: I private topic'd you. niKa "Live just, and fear not."
  23. I was once riding in a Cadillac Seville with a faulty electrical system. Now, this was the kind of car that had a digital display which indicated all kinds of things, including how many miles you could travel on the gasoline that you had left, if you kept going at your current speed. So, on this trip, the electrical system went completely out. Kablooey. Just before it died (i.e., just before the end of time, in car terms), the display stopped indicating mileage, and simply read: 666. Since then, I have always thought that some engineer at Cadillac had a wicked sense of humor. "Live just, and fear not."
  24. And as I awoke in the morning, I opened my curtains (they were fahr-engine red) I saw the Greasespot Cafe at the top of the hill, and I read the words, "Millions Now Smoking." "Live just, and fear not."
  25. Go for it, Doug. You can have another cold one, and another ride in my mustang, anytime, dude. Oh, wait. I forgot. I drove the mustang into the ground years ago. It'll have to be the big boxy van, with the child seats in the middle captain's chairs. Do Clifford books and dropped Cheerios bother you? Good luck, man. "Live just, and fear not."
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