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Posts posted by Digitalis

  1. Absolutely hope and pray.

    I have seen pictures of what the two Tsunamis that hit Alaska back in 1964 the destruction and devistation from that was probably worse than what the quake did.

    How bad is the damage from the quake? does anyone know? I have been in a 6.4 up here and it was really scary.

    Praying, we have friends in Japan,


  2. Johny,

    All of us should be so lucky to have a friend like you. One who is truly willing to listen without condemnation. One who is trying to understand. Someone to hold your hand along your dark and dreary path to help bring you back to the light. Gods word does wonders via our savior Jesus Christ.

    I often find that Iam giving people the word without quoting scripture. Just by the simplicity in words spoken and how we live our everyday life. That will shine through in you for your friend, for some reason I am sure of that. I never say I am sure of anything anymore, so I am surprising myself here.

    There will be professionals to help Terry and Ally come to terms with this. It may happen sooner than later, then again it may take a life time. Only God truly knows. You are already doing all you can do.

    We are from the same state and I don't know you, but your heart comes through in this post and I am happy to share Alaska with you.

    The only advice I would give in this situation is, God Bless, keep on being her friend, she might find she wants a woman to talk to ......... some things are hard for women to talk to men about then on the other hand some times, some women, find it easier to talk to a man. Be wary of being her savior in her eyes, sounds like she has had it kind of rough with men and will easily cling to a man, but of course still remain her friend because she definately needs a good one right now.


  3. Hammeroni,

    I am glad your are feeling better ............ I prayed after I read this anyway ........ life has a way of coming back around at us time and time again ......... so I figured I would get a head start so maybe it wouldn't come back around again :)

    Bless Your Heart


  4. ChasUFarley said

    "This summer we got to see The Doors of the 21st Century (a revised version of The Doors, with Ian Astbury singing and someone else playing drums - John Densmore is in a legal battle with Robby Kreiger and Ray Manzarek.)"

    Chas ........... The Doors are one of my all time favorite bands but with Morrison dying in 1971, they never got back together again until a couple of years ago when the did a tribute on VH1 or MTV can't remember which it was ...... anyway they had several different lead singer from different bands sing Morrisons role while Roby Kreiger and Ray Manzarek played along.

    I had NO idea the doors were touring again and would love to see them ......... do you have a tour schedule? or know where I can find one?

    I find it interesting that Densmore is battling with Manzarek and Kreiger because he didn't start with the band in the very beginning, originally it was just the three Morrison, Manzarek and Kreiger. I always believed that Kreiger was very talented, not just on guitar, but he wrote several of there songs that hit the charts "Love me Two Times" was written by Kreiger.

    Anyway would love to know where to find there itinarary.


  5. This doctor may have told the mother that there could be complications with the child physically or mentally and that he has no way of determining or diagnosing what those complications might be with the baby. It is also possible that there might have been no side effects to the child.

    You can't tell if a child is going to be blind or deaf by an amnio .......... and in many cases you can not tell if they will be mentally ill either.

    Very few cases can be detected by amnio .......... Down Syndrome and Trisomy 13 can be detected by amnio and have been able to do so for approximately the last 20 years. But are often not caught until second trimester even in this day and time.

    I can't say the doctor is right or wrong, I wasn't there. I am just saying that even if all he told the mother that there could be possible complications with the baby mentally or physically and that there is real no way of knowing what the outcome will be ........... he is still accurate ......... and the mother still chose to have the child.

    I believe in hindsight ............ its possible the mother blamed the doctor because the daughter came out in a bad case scenerio and not what she had hoped for which was the daughter would be fine which was a possibility or that it would be a minor defect that would be easily worked with out of love ..........

    the mothers hatred or blame for the doctor over the years probably esculated to the daughters hatred and blame of the doctor and thus lets sue the doctor 24 years later. Her mother obviously loved her enough to have her .............

    I think it horrible that a mother, under her daughters circumstances, would tell her daughter that had she had known she would be this sick she would have aborted her. Thats not what you tell a child ever, under any circumstances in my mind, especially because she was already there born and grown ........... so if she ends up eventually suing her mother, who made the choice to go ahead and give birth to her daughter and later told a physically and mentally handicapped loved one she should have aborted her ..... well I say go for it .............sue your mother (even tho it probably will go no where) ....... but ......... maybe it will teach this mom to watch what she says to her daughter because it just might make matters worse ...... the mother should have loved her and comforted her no matter how hard the situation. Never Never Never do you tell one of your children I should have aborted you. Thats what caused this whole mess in this handicapped daughters mind in my opinion.

    I would love to see the outcome of this case. Its sad because the Doctor will probably win. The daughter will be drug through the wringer in a possible trial hearing all because mom told her daughter she chose not to abort when she believes she should have, after the fact. Hindsight is 20/20 but probably not the docs fault in this case.

    This world is getting more interesting all the time


  6. :dance:

    Pawtuckter ....................

    Thanks for the new chat ................ Played with it tonight when everyone was sleeping .................

    Really enjoy the new features ............ especially the sounds ......... and the status notification.............

    Your the best Paw ............ I love a new toy


  7. Great story,

    Great Fireman

    Great Doberman or Doberlady and she will remember him always for saving her.

    I love Dobermans ......... if she needs a husband and have a male doberman to marry her.


  8. During the Ice Age Horses and Onagers were eaten regularly. Thus the reason North America had no horses. They were said to have been in North America, but them being docile animals and herdable to run off a cliff, they were eaten to extinction in North America.

    The Europeans/Asians/Africans also ate horse until someone figured out that they had a much grander use for transportation and hunting other animals. Thousands of years ago horses were kept and trained for these purposes instead of used as food. Auroch (cattle) were much tastier and fatter, they used horses to hunt these and other animals instead.

    I am a owner/rider and believe horses are like dogs. They are pets and family animals, not to be eaten. There value in hunting is amazing.

    I have eaten moose, caribou, oyster, squid, octopus, shark, rattle snake but never horse


  9. CowGirl,

    The snow is already here in Alaska ........ We just all got together and breathed real heavy all at once and sent it down to you so you could enjoy the snow too. Our temps are the same it seems it must have worked. I am happy for you and Goey, enjoy your winter ......... I like the fireplace, we have a wood stove in our cabin ... but I like it too.


  10. DM

    I am polish and just to let you know I can keep my pants on while counting HMMmmmm Hmmmm



    one two three four uhh uhh hold on five six seven hmmm eight ..... oh yah regenerate ok on two ...

  11. Thanks Ron,

    This means alot to me. My husband is a war vet, my dad, my uncles and grand uncles and my grandfather. Not to mention my cousin Anne our first female in the military and my stepdaughter who is the second and is in Germany presently. My son is in basic at Ft. Benning and has an airborne contract to train on Sand Hill when basic is finished. He should be coming home for Christmas Exodus at Ft. Benning.

    I think about our veterans everyday ......... I still have an uncle who is a disabled war vet from WWII who is barely hanging on to life as we speak. He has stopped all his meds even his nitro patch. God bless is heart.

    Thank you Thank you Thank you Ron


  12. I believe The Way Credit Union Stopped loaning money in 1995 ...... that was when craigers (with a little c, hee hee) was really teaching on debt. If I recall correctly you also had to be an advance class grad of craigers first new advance class to keep an account there or open one up at this time. Probably a tactic to get people to take the class or get to the level of taking it, to be able to keep their acounts open.

    The reason I am recalling this is because it was the year we were confronted on our stock, considered gambling at the time and we ending up having to sell it ........ boy were we stupid to do that ... but TWI got their ABS from it ........... although we chose not to open an account in their credit union and deposit the money from the sell there..... that of course was optional .... we had free choice of where to do our banking.


  13. OMG

    The only person looking this topless woman in the face is the other woman ....... All the men are staring at her bare breasts. Camaras are even pointed downwards for closeups.

    Tsssk Tsssk Tsssk


  14. I miss Dahlila ...... That was the Sharpai my husband showed up with at my shop many years ago. She was never a good dog to have in the shop she was over protective and uncontrollable with strangers. She was an excellent dog at hom with our children and friends though. She really latched onto my daughter as her favorite person in the house. She died young at the age of 7. They don't have long life spans. She stayed super wrinkly her whole life and petite. She was beautiful.

    Dobermans are intelligent dogs and very agile. Duke is my third one in my lifetime and will be the first one I actually breed with when I can find him a female. He can jump a six foot fence with ease. Whenever we return home we run him on the half mile road we have that dead ends at our property, and then we have a 300plus foot driveway in addition. We clock Duke running steady at 28 miles the whole way. In fact we can't beat him in the truck because we have to slow down for the bend in our road and he doesn't LOL

    Duke has been raised to protect me and I do have a feeling that has something to do with his possessiveness. I have had some injuries and am not as agile as I once was and we also live in the middle of no where and he gaurds home while husband is at work. When he is on leash with me I have to introduce him to anyone we might meet along the our walk, if I want him to relax around them. If I don't introduce him, he lets people know not to come within a 4ft radius of me.

    He truly is very friendly, has never bitten anyone, but he won't let you pass onto our property without an invitation. Its his job and he does do it well, yet he is just as playful as protective, he does have a nice balance to him.

    I might have to see if I can find a picture of a Border Terrier running with fox hounds now that I know what a Border Terrier is. That would be a picture to have. Although I don't know how to post a pic. LOL We have lots of fox up here. I have seen fox hounds before. To often people up here trap instead of hunt.


  15. Of course Kelley has my prayers and so do you. Surgeries are challenging for the whole family.

    I had popsicles when I had my tonsils and adnoids out when I was 17 yrs of age. Loved the popsicles


  16. Belle

    She is beautiful. My husband loves Terriers has for years, although we have never owned one. I was almost ready to start acting like Galens dog ... after watching hubby salivate over Vixen LOL.

    Her pose is magnificient.

    This is probably a dumb question, but because I have always been a doby person minus my husbands one sharpai, I must ask. Is her tail slightly cropped?

    One more question . Are Border Terriers known for herding cattle? or is that the Border Collie?


  17. Linda, thanks its great to be back here. At least I am not the only one who is going through this here and others here have experience in this category of life they can share to help.

    Galen, your "jealousy" situation I find really interesting. Duke my Doberman is also 90lbs and is jealous of other male dogs, but only if they have not been nutured. I can't pet another non nutured male dog if Duke is around. I would have to tel Duke to get in the truck or stay in another room and actually close him up or he comes out all teeth bared ready to do battle with the offending male.

    DMiller ........ I have been working on voice command with Duke and he is responding well but not well enough for me to be able to walk with him unleashed. In our town laws if a dog is under complete voice command by the owner at all times they are considered leashed and under control.

    Belle ..... sounds like Vixen is the cream of the crop. What breed is Vixen? I understand the importance of consistency ..... it seems in that category teaching a dog is similar to teaching children. Of course our dogs become like our children. I think I need to work on the reward system better. Instead of just always giving him his doggy bones whenever he would like one for the most par ......... give them as rewards ...

    Duke does listens and adheres "Stay" "Come" "Go to bed" "Sit" "Get in the truck" and of course "Easy." He is a very intelligent dog he just needs to stop obsessing over me. We are looking for a female to breed him with for just one litter of puppies and are going to donate a pup or two to our local police department so they can start a K9 unit and keep one for ourselves. This way we have our country property guarded.

    Duke doesn't cling to my husband or son like he does me. He obeys my husband but not always my 12 year old son. I think he might think my son like a sibling and play mate ....... on equal standing with him ... I know it sounds funny but if you could see the two together you would swear they were brothers and not boy and dog LOL.

    Thanks all for the great ideas, looking forward for more food for thought. I've read books on the subject and even on my particular breed of dog but hearing from other dog owners is great and more personal.


  18. Act2 ......... business for yourself can be fun especially in the craft business. I am a retired florist, sold my shop a few years back. I sold Yankee candles .... very popular, but not homemade.

    I used to buy smokeless driplesss candles for floral arrangments so I obtained a small bit of information about the candle industry.

    I also purchased large pillar candles and decorated the bases, sold them on the gift stands in my shop. Great deco tip is to take flower petals and greens and ModgePodge them right onto the candle. You can pick petals and press them from your own garden i.e. pansies are great for this. ModgePodge is an adhesive you can purchase in Walmart or any craft store. They were great decorator pieces and sold like mad for gifts and home deco pieces. Even custom made them in colors to match dining tables for holidays etc.. Triple your money easy.

    WACKY my dear ole friend ...... I have seen your website and showed it to my husband. Truly amazed. I crouchet but you my friend have a heavenly touch. I would love to talk to you about a full length shawl with hood or maybe a cloak for up here in the winters. Something real soft. I will email you after I have thoroughly disected all the fine material on your website.


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