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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. To the fellow who might be even more accomplished than I am at shutting down threads. Happy Birthday, Sparky!!!
  2. There's not much cause for long-term alarm about the struggle among Larry, Zixar, Rafael, WyoMan, bowtwi, Steve, et al. to lay claim to VP's paranoia, megalomania, Drambuie stash, harem and half-dozen-or-so boxer shorts. By the time things play out, Thelinda will have all their balls in a jar on her kitchen shelf. Not mine. I'm outtahere.
  3. Sudo was (is) a sh!t-kicking lesbian body builder? This place is starting to make sense.
  4. Rafael wrote, "But now, on top of all that, you're going to have the unmitigated gall to accuse Jerry and I of researching Sudo?" ***** "I"? Such grammar!
  5. Garth wrote (to Larry), "??? You are implying by implication that Ex and I are going to put you on the rack and screw you?!? " ***** Is Garth's implicit twisting of Larry's words the coarse droppings of an ever-looking-up-at-mediocre wit, or a Freudianly farted expression of sinister and debauched Unitarian *-sexuality?
  6. Mike, If you find and work things right with some under-employed academicians in a university psychology department, you might be able to turn your paleo-groupie-of-a-dead-megalomaniacal-heretic condition into a extended-study cash cow.
  7. When you people quote someone, your posts are sometimes difficult to follow: It should go: "(first paragraph) "(second paragraph) "(third paragraph) "(fourth paragraph)" Or even: "(first paragraph)" "(second paragraph)" "(third paragraph)" "(fourth paragraph)" It should NOT go: "(first paragraph) (second paragraph) (third paragraph) (fourth paragraph)"
  8. Zixar wrote: "[W]herever there is a difference in temperature between two regions in thermal contact, there must be a directed energy flow from the hotter to the colder. (That's the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics . . . ." That's not the Zeroth Law, boy. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
  9. Cynic

    From the 1975 Advanced Class

    Men's branch
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