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Out There

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Posts posted by Out There

  1. "It gave me the creeps ... because at the time I knew that LCM seemed to be going south mentally - screaming his lungs out over little chocolate gifts our parents might send us for valentines' day, etc., how he'd spend days in a darkened room, sweating it out while he stood in the "gap" for the world, and then would emerge drained after the spiritual battle had been won, because of our (his) intercession."

    I never heard about this, He sat in a darkened room doing what? Was he wrestling with....Himself? Please tell me more, hearing he went down this road opens up something I never knew of or considered before.

  2. I just have a quick question. With all the sexploitations VPW supposedly had, did he have a special formula Viagra or something. I was probably over 40 years younger than him and I could never have beaten what he did. Even by myself

  3. Happy Birthday Free:

    Here are 16 very rare upside down candles for you to imagine on your cake


  4. I was a victim at age 12. That was the absolute end of my childhood. I started drinking after that to self medicate (I stole from any liquer cabinet I could get near). It's a wound that scabs over but never heals

    Rationalize it anyway you want, the change of society, sign of the times, Longevity of life. Our laws say its wrong as do many other countries laws. Within a prison population where does a child molestor fit in? - at the absolute bottom of the feeding pole. I understand child predators have the shortest lives of anyone in a prison population. Even our convicted murderers, rapists, robbers have standards and these people don't even meet up to that standard

  5. If he came back it would certainly hasten the demise of the TWI. But then he would get back his golden parachute and could stop loading trucks or teaching old ladies (I mean really old) how to lift weights. I thinks it's 10 to 1 against his return.

  6. Satoori-

    the guy is a predator, Do you think the next 9 year old "sexually aggressive" little girl is going to stand a chance up against him. Biblically they would make him always have a white rock outside the tent he stayed in so everyone would always know that he was a rapist. This is how they stayed 'marked' for life.

    If the guy showed predatory behavior once and his words sound like he doesn't think that it was 100% sealed and locked up wrong he WILL do it again.

    How sexually aggressive do you think a child of 9 can be?

    He shouldn't be in our camp. He is a danger to society wherever he is, perhaps a few more YEARS of sexual predator therapy could help but I wouldn't put any of my money on it.

  7. I have a 60 gallon tank with one Oscar in it. He is a very dirty fish but I think at the same time he is really cool. I have no real love for water, can't really swim and don't really want to learn. I used to like to watch Baywatch does that count?

    Since my Oscar is around 3 pounds (His mate died last year and thats what he weighed in at post mortem) he is tough to keep clean, feed, If I had to do it all over again I would do just a simple community tank.

  8. Anothen:

    You are nothing more than a creepy pedophile, If you think that child is doing well you are out of your friggin mind. You will never know how much of her life was lost as a result of your urges. Does she think with disgust what you did? No matter how much therapy she has gotten she will always have to remember you for the sick person you were. Prison in this life time is too good for you, They should take you and your likes and use you for ground cover in Baghdad.

    You will never get any kind of sympathy from me, as a matter of fact I really hope I never get the make me sick opportunity to meet you.

    Hey, Moderator, is there some way I can make it so this creep can't ever PM me or that I don't ever have to read any of his posts again?

    Oh. by the way. I edited this post again so everyone can see only the kinder, gentler side of me.

  9. What I really need today is to hear the song Chariots of fire and watch two guys running through a lunchroom in slow motion, That would make my day complete.

  10. Excie:

    No matter how much you disagree with someones opinions it's not right to tell them to shut up, Remember this is supposed to be a forum. I know your 15177+ posts are impressive but if you try to stifle someone elses opinions and ideas you are in the wrong place. A few times I have disagreed with some of the things you have said but I never thought to write the words shut up Remember our old line of be slow to speak quick to think and slow to anger (sic) or something to the such

  11. VPW taught me God's Word and made it a loving constant presence in my Heart. For that I will always remember him and be thankful.

    For the rapes and sundry other crimes he is said to have committed, I wish that I had knowledge of them going on at the time and that I would have had the ability to stand up to him and say that what he was doing was wrong and he had to change his ways immediately or be exposed to the ministry immediately for what he was doing (While he was alive)

    I'm sure he could have changed his heart enough and maybe even righted some of the wrongs with sincere apology and whatever else would have been necessary.

    But these are wishes. Thank God that there will be a judgement seat and he will have to answer for what he did and will carry it with him for ALL eternity.

    I wish there was some way I could wave a majic wand and help everyone who suffered a wrong at his hands, The best I can do and have been doing is to bring your hurts before the Lord and ask him to help you.

  12. The tall, Blonde haired guy is correct. thats the Norwegian who committed the crime.

    Recently I heard Dave Hansen is back in Boston, He was a fun person in res.

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