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Out There

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Posts posted by Out There

  1. I feel a great need for a group hug and a few holy kisses and some laying on of hands and..... oh darn am I starting to sound like ______________ ( Fill in the blank with your favorite corps coordinator)

    Naw, really, I'm headed out climbing for a week, see you when I get back down. then we can set up a date time and place for the worlds largest corps group hug

  2. Rochelle was a very dear close friend of mine, But remember she did not get hurt hitching. We have to remember that her and HCW and others were hurt because safety was a joke at BLEAD. The accident could have and should have pointed the blame to the corps director who was in charge of the program.

    I really feel for all the innocents that were hurt while having to hitch hike. I personally never had any problems except being hungry, cold, sleep deprived and lost. this is nothing compared to what others were put through during the experience and then having to hear the rants of lcm when they returned to campus. Even those who thought they had a good BLEAD experience had it destroyed by him and his mindless rantings. Well what goes around eventually comes around (what has Brown done for you lately?). I fell my life has gotten better over the years and I don't have to load trucks in the middle of the night.

  3. Whoa- there was a 22nd WC? gosh, I think I was gone by then. I'm really glad some of them are posting here at GS. I left (was kicked out) in 1989, Right after Corps week, were I heard the captain of the Titanic say.. "The pool is open".

  4. I just listened to what I think were the first two choruses - WOW Thats Bad, and I don't mean Bad in a good way. Thats BAD!

    Could you imagine witnessing to someone and bringing them to your church and have that group stand up front and sing? Oh No. I'm not gonna go to church with you.

    God bless you all and I hope your healing from hearing that song starts right now.

  5. I'm sorry but this thread creeps me out. I feel it's about judging people on too intimate of a level and it is something I don't feel edequate to do. I feel its sin to microscope lives this far or at least as far as this thread seems to be headed to.

    Any comments you have I would appreciate.

  6. I remember all the afternoon runs. It was the only way to get off campus without anyone asking any questions. Just walk out wearing that cotton Corps shirt and those evil shorts and you were good to go. The folks at Freds were used to us coming in wearing sweats. I sometimes consumed more calories running than I burned off (Not that it mattered, I'm still thin (read; skinny)).

    I really enjoyed Ephesians because it always caused more questions to pop up. Anyone remember our weekly Breakfast of Champions? I guess I'm one of the odd ones who enjoyed corps night our first year.

    However, when Walter taught Corinthians, I wanted to crawl out of my skin. It was like being held hostage for what felt like hours at a time

  7. groucho - He was loving, but to whom at the moment, the courts are figuring out. He was concerned, but it was for his own butt. the christian part is extremely debatable, we'll get back to you on that one.

  8. My last phone conversation with him was about the loyalty letter. I called him, left a message and he actually returned my call. I told him I will forever remain loyal to God and he has my loyalty as long as he doesn't demand it. He said that "of course I can demand your loyalty, who else has taught you the Word like I have?"

    I said that "before I sign a loyalty oath to you or anyone, you will have to kiss my A$$"

    That ended the conversation.

  9. Even if you were good at climbing they treated you like $h1T. Climbing is my profession, I own a climbing gym and a guide service. I started climbing 39 years ago. When I went BLEAD they told me everything I didn't know and were I didn't believe God becasue I relied on my own ability to climb and not on God (huh?) I guess God was supposed to levitate me to Higher Ground.

    I really understand why the accidents at BLEAD happened. It was run by Rock Nazis who were told they knew more than they did.

    Skip Wood had my respect becasue of how hard he worked as a guide. It's too bad he was released (Something about shooting a dog) Therer were not near the problems when he was heading up the program

  10. I went to Emporia the first block and then on to Gunnison for the second. AS soon as I got to Gunnison I was sent to BLEAD. It snowed hard on the way back we made it over the pass just before it was shut down. My hitching partner was Marsha Green - she was really cool to hitch with.

    By the way. I spent my dou with a cow next to my shelter. I kept thinking of killing it and eating it but it seemed like alot of waste for one, maybe two Filet Mignons, and a rack of ribs.

  11. You are absolutley right, my bad.

    Since I make my living climbing I have always been appalled by the things they did at BLEAD. I told Kevin Smythe that things were wrong. Of course I got the worst BLEAD evaluation possible, Almost got me kicked out my final year. It's funny, If you questioned anything you were in danger of getting a sack supper and a ride out to Highway 75. I guess we had to be Corpse grads before we were allowed think and speak.

    Safety was not something that was high on the list. I don't understand, what was the purpose of going to Tinnie?

    I did love the opening speech when we got there - There is no Drugs , Tobacco or Sex at BLEAD - Damm, I was hoping for all three.

  12. Because of the damm alphabetical seating I was ALWAYS in the front row. If I ditched it was noticed immediately. Guys like us who were always there made it possible for others to ditch. We were living sacrafices.

  13. Belle - when did the WC get to go first in line? I must have been at the wrong meetings, usually a scraped the bottom of the potato salad container or got the extra well dried out burger, or the hot dog that looked like it had already been used.

    Boy, I wish I had gone to some of your parties

  14. I went on the second group of the year from Emporia our first year and then ou final year I went from Gunnison in November and got back just in time for thanksgiving.

    I have always called it BLEAD outdoor academy because the staffing was so horrible every session someone came home having spilt some blood, There was always a broken arm, foot, leg, hand. neck, rib etc etc.

    Looking back at the safety procedures they used for climbing were criminal. They were so unsafe I am surprised nobody was killed.

  15. If he comes back as a vagina then we would hear the entire vagina monologues being spit out,

    If he came back as a homosexual then he'd probably become a priest and .........

    If he came back as a hemmoroid he would still be a pain in the a$$

    If anything maybe he could come back as Tammy Fays makeup. It's something nobody in their right mind would want to see.

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