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Posts posted by simonzelotes

  1. Who is this johnnie lingo....Other some "he seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods"....

    fingers still crossed Rocky.....

    I'mgettinout,I have a little postage stamp,no bigger than your thumb.....But the more it took a licking...

    I always wanted to be a proctologist.....I heard it's an orafice job,but you can still work with your hands......

  2. I hear Babe's Cabaret in Scottsdale has great air conditioning......

    Seriously,though,I wouldn't mind spending maybe a good part of a day meeting up with some Gsers....I don't know if I'd be up for a camping weekend,but from Phx, I can get to most parts of the state in a few hours,and I love road trips in Az.,anyway......

    Geez,I used to drive six hours to go to headquarters to see the Sunday night service,and turn around and drive home...'Course gas was cheaper then,and I was just a little younger.........

  3. Up from the Graves he arose,with a mighty triumph o'er his foes......

    If with pleasure you are viewing

    a work a man is doing


  4. What in the hell is a potatosaurus?

    If any of you are planning any summer trips to Phoenix,or maybe Death Valley,drop by and throw a pail of water on me and make sure I'm still alive.......

    Fingers crossed for you,Rocky...Bless you Yomshipper......

  5. We're so sorry...Uncle Albert....

    We're so sorry...if we've caused you any pain

    We're so sorry...Uncle Albert.....

    Yes! I remember Albert...

    Michael and Mary.....I often wondered who their spiritual partners were.....

  6. Ohbelieve,I don't think Sunesis can help this thread...Can you imagine being a new babe on the field and having one of these clowns sent to be your spiritual leader? No wonder there's only a handful of members left in the way....

    My first year on the field I turned my branch into a twig....

    My second year,my twig became a grad...

    The next year I moved...

  7. Tuttle,nice try,but much learning doth make thee mad....For I percieve that thou art in the gall of bitterness and the bond of inequity....Arose by any other name is still arose.........

    Exgo-godancer,....no,I STILL don't see how alllllll this ties together....

  8. My friends that lost their daughter recently are having her ashes somehow "carbonized" and made into 5 diamonds,one for each family member to wear in a necklace....It's pretty expensive...Maybe I'll donate my body to a tribe of hungry cannibals somewhere............

  9. Awww,do the will of the Lord,John,c'mon do the will of the Lord....you know what the will of the Lord is.......

    We adjure you by jesus whom victor paul preacheth......

  10. Do people with dyslexia bring forth a message from or for their dog at believer's meetings?

    Ever ministered to a guy who showed up drunk at pafl class? It's really bad when it's the instructer....

  11. I forgot,I'm still logged on....Tommy,just remember when you point four fingers at somebody,you're pointing none back at yourself....

  12. Rocky,let's keep my cubbies out of this....

    Interesting musings about the manifestations.... VP used to say tongues is perfect,like the guy whose tongue was perfect high German....So shouldn't the interpretation be perfect English if that's the language of the people present?

    Like, if Tonto was a grad,and he was at a believer's meeting,would his interpretation be something like "The great Spirit,Him much pleased with little ones,but him plenty ....ed with palefaces",or would it be perfect English,such as "jump abundantly at my word"?

    And what if somebody only knows sign language? How do the rest of the believers know if he's trailing off into prophecy?

  13. John,I remember some wows chipped in and got Richard a cowboy hat 'cuz he kept bumping his head into walls....He wouldn't use a walking stick because everybody was trying to convince him to believe to get his sight back....He finally got a seeing eye dog in the corps.I stayed friends with him for the remainder of my way years.....

  14. WOW John....Letsee,there was Rene,Sue,.....Billy and Paul were your fruit...

    Bob(the guy that went nuts)and I took the class together..I don't know how he got messed up....

    That wow rover....what a jagoff.....

    (sigh)We were all so full of .... and vinegar then....

  15. I have wondered if nutritionalists spent much time studying an indigenous and seasonal approach to a healthy diet...

    My parents are well into their eighties,are hardly ever sick or overweight,and because they were both old fahioned and tightwads,pretty much raised us living off the land....

    We only had about three acres but we pretty much raised most of our own food....In summer our chickens laid a ton of eggs-so we ate eggs almost everyday...In the cold months they quit laying,so they became chicken soup...We raised a calf in the grass-growing months,and it would be our source of protein in winter...

    We hardly ever ate meat in the summer,because the animals were growing and vegetables were in season....In the fall we ate a lot of fruits that were in harvest....In the winter we ate a lot of cereal grains and potatoes,which store well,but few green vegetables..

    I know it would be difficult to live off the land in an urban setting,but I do think our bodies have different requirements at different times of the year.With cheap transportation and modern growing methods,virtually every type of food is available year-round..Nutritionalists like to use phrases like "minimum daily requirements".But if our daily requirements change from season to season, maybe what we eat should also vary according to the seasons...

  16. Tommy,I have no doctor since F5's own Dr. Robert Flock from Switzerland.....He loved it when I called him Doc Flock..from Sweden......

    I did have a doctor once tell me he needed a urinalysis...I said 'what's that?" He said go .... in a bottle.I said "fine, don't tell me..go sh!t in your cap"....

  17. Sha-na-na-na-sha-na-na-na-naaaa....ouuu-dip-dip-dip-dip-dip-dip,dip-dip,dip-dip-dip-dip..GET A JOB!!!

    Hey,now that you don't go to corps week and roa,what excuse do you use for quitting your job?

    No,I am not in the trees or in the ocean,or in the rocks,but lo,a still small voice.....pssst fall over,fall over...

    I have no form or comeliness,subsequently no h-homeliness,either....

  18. Hey,what happened to fellowdipper and rockon and tommytutankhamen? I thought we were s'posed to be staked to this here thread,root hog or die.Hmmm,this is wierd...We've reached one of those awkward silent moments...My goodness,look at the time....

  19. What a bunch of cwap.Some people are weally getting whipped off by Thatan.Don't wemembew no wevwunds.....'Scwuse me I'm gonna go get wayed....

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