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Posts posted by simonzelotes

  1. Besides,I only swear around you....We should have been called the Platig corps....Fewollshipper,you're alive! I thought maybe you went down the wrong street with the wrong girl all the way to Aussie....Buckwheat,I'm not too bright,is decade doulos tenth corps? Speaking of which, which number is higher,the way corps # or the super bowl#? Are they on the 35th way corps yet? Where is Excantakeitwithyou? You know,when I lurk on some of the other threads,I am amazed when I read how regimented the ministry became.Course I don't think any of us were inner sanctum.....Dominos vo biscuum...et qum spiri tutuo

  2. I think I'd be more inclined to join Jeff Wendling's group.Get that guy over to divine design,...or third aid,...or plurality palace,....or whatever the hell we used to call the way corps barber shop......What is the minimum required donation to take HIS class?

  3. Remember the old joke......This guy goes to heaven and St. Peter is showing him around...The Baptists are all dancing,.The Catholics are all having sex WITH contraception,.The Fundamentalists are all drinking,swearing and gambling,.Then they walk by a room and St. Pete whispers "shhhh,the way corps are in here,and their all sleeping"..........I don't know if Sunesis helped get me any more sleep,maybe she's WayBG trying to woo her way into our confidence.....speaking of which,do you think the WayGB really gives a ratzass of what we,re talking about here?

  4. Yeah,Tuttle,I'm still puffin' $5.00 worth of Marlboros a day...Helps keep me trim and fit....Hard to light them when I'm jogging,tho.....I used to get the smallest butt out of the ashcan and go ask some sweet,loving soul for a light,..if they had any heart at all,they would give you a whole cig,and you wouldn't have to pay them back a pack (remember that rule?}.....I had thought Sunesis was a he but I guess she's a she.......You guys that brought your wowmobiles in-res missed out on some wonderful hitch-hiking adventures......Cathy Shultz was my favorite thumbing partner...wonder what she's up to...........Mr.,let me off right over there,....underneath that sign so fair,....out on the corner of Wearwill road and highway 29......

  5. I remember riding there one time with Paul Goldberg (11C) and abunch of other people.It was real windy,and about half a dozen times a big piece of debris would blow in front of the car,and after dragging it about a mile Paul would get out of fellowship,pull the car over,and crawl under the car and retrieve the item.......Hey,the 7th corps thread is starting to catch up....Tuttle,..Flipper,..Mr.Balboa...a little help here....

  6. What ....ed me off was the what to bring list said if you bring a car,it must look nice,and I didn't think mine would be acceptable so I got rid of it b4 going in-res...and it didn't look half as bad as your old war horse,Exc....That's right Tuttle,the tree died from the roots,..the last shall be first,the least shall be greatest,you get more by giving,tho I was poor,yet was I rich, the miracle of all miracles,speaking in a new tongue and quit your cussin' ...and swearin',...and raisin' hell...

  7. I remember losing the keys to my beloved Falcon at the rock that year. I had to hotwire it all the way home...I didn't want to spend any more $ on it so I junked it...couln't understand why my folks didn't want to take the class and live the more abundant life like me...

  8. That was you,you tailgating,illegal lane-changing so-and-so.....Actually,in 1976,I was living in Decatur,Il...The day before heading to the ROA,I happened upon a traffic accident,the people were ok but the cars were messed up.I noticed one of the cars had a way sticker...turned out to be three guys from another state passing thru on their way to the rock...so we shoehorned them into my falcon wagon and three flat tires later were in fort knoxville....Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving......

  9. Get those printed in syllabus form and out to Rosalee pronto booms-quick. Geez,it was easy when we were Wows.We only had to spend 18 hours a day walking like Jesus. Today,we would have to wrestle with the difficult question "what would Jesus drive?" I'll stick with my Ford Falcon with the dead battery and park it on hills so's I can push start it easily....

  10. Altho,I'm glad I didn't wait 'til the following year ('75-'76).Those Wow nametags were as big as dessert plates....Where,s that tea-totallin',totalitaian Tommie Tuttle? Fellowwitnessor,the reason for the free ROA passes and Wowburgers was to get you to go Wow again.....Exca,....I love your bringing to remembrance those joyful noise tunes,....you can develop more harmony in my home anytime.....

  11. Here, a new babe is showing interest in the class,and your making anti-semitic remarks about .... and schit.Have you forgotten all of your corps training? First,you compliment the person.(For instance,Yanagasiwa,you have a nice handle,did you know it's worth 17 points in Scrabble letters?)Then you say,why are you like that?By your showing an interest,he will begin talking about himself.After twenty minutes or so,interrupt him and show him the benefits of the class on the back of the green card.Explain to him how it develops more contradictions in the home. When he says he'd like to learn more sign him up and get his money.If he doesn't have all of it,have him take his tv or stereo to the pawn shop and get the money that way.He won't need those worldly goods anymore.Then don't let him out of your sight.Visit him at least three times a day,because the adversary will surely be trying to talk him out of the class.The best way to undershepherd him is to take him witnessing with you.Pick him up every night of the class, until session 12.And if he doesn't speak in tongues,well,...you just make damn sure he does!Remember each one reach one..

  12. Cuz' I have already forgotten more than that boy will ever know..As far as hunters weaponry goes,I prefer to use the methods of Jaal.She was the woman in the Old Testament who found a man in HER side of the tent.She then drove a stake through his head so that he died.

  13. Some of us are pretty busy on weekends,...we have meetings at AA and other support groups,...community service hours to work,...parole officers to check in with,...Earth First!rallies to attend....

  14. If the Word's gonna move,...we need someone to move it,......the job won't get done if no one will do it,...we're now spreading out all through the land,...Ambassadors taking a stand......

  15. I'll bring along the"not only does it not belong there,but it's ugly!"red truck.We can park it on the reservation and use it for housing and save on rent so we can have more money to abundantly share.

  16. I'll be in charge of public sex-er exes as long as fellowsmoker and Tutu keep bringing new fruit to twig.....I think for our secular job we ought to have that guy named Jacks teach us how to sell the Way Abundant Life Series books door-to-door.Don't you have experience with that,excath? Then we can receive full-time earnings for part-time work,and have more time to go door-to-door witnessing......

  17. We've only one life to live and to give, why not do our utmost for His Highness? Course,we would need someone to be the family coordinator....Tuttle and I cuss and swear too much,....Fellowshaper plays weekend warrior too much,....that leaves you,ExCreator....you're the most tenderhearted of the bunch......

  18. I would be tempted to quit my job,sell my house,and abandon my debts to go WOW again if I knew you guys would be in my WOW family.... P.S. Fellowman...I did recieve your E-mails,...I finally figured out how to check it....

  19. Don,t we need him so we have enough people for a believers meeting?...TommieTuttleTaughtTwoTigerTamersToTango.....Oh......I forgot to include myself....

  20. Sometimes I have a little trouble putting off the old Simon and putting on the new,...please forgive me,...I just wanna be the best for his highest.......

  21. The rain was POURING down,..not falling down,.....We're dealing with accuracy here,honey,.....you leave falling down in there and all of way productions falls to pieces......

  22. " I'm gonna carry my Bible to school,.....I don't care if people think it ain't cool,.....I'm gonna witness to all of my friends,....I'm gonna show them how to be born again,......I know my grades will all be A's,cuz I read it every day,..I'm gonna carry my Bible to school.........

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