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Posts posted by Sudo

  1. Do the classics count?? Who knows what movie this is from??

    "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here."


    P.S. Here's a great one, too..


    What's so... funny about 'Biggus Dickus'?


    Well, it's a joke name, sir.


    I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called 'Biggus Dickus'.

    [This message was edited by Sudo on November 22, 2003 at 15:11.]

  2. Evan,

    Re:"Condolences in advance for LSU whuppin' up on the Rebs..."

    I'm afraid you could be right. LSU has a powerhouse this year in all positions. I remember another time this game was on national television. I was there. 1970. Archie Manning's senior year and Ole Miss got whupped 61-17. I'm sure hopping it's a lot closer than that this time icon_frown.gif:(-->

    Howsomeever.. if we DO manage to eek out a win, it'll be one for the history books, huh?

  3. Evan,

    Just record your guitar and then let me know. If you can manage to somehow get it on your hard drive.. I assure you I can get direct you how to get it to me via ftp to a server I have control over. Then I'll be more than glad to post it.

    Have you considered the easy way?? Just use the Sound Recorder in Windows and play the guitar in front of your computer's microphone.

    sudo (Hoddy Toddying today!)
  4. AHAT,

    My prayers wouldn't be especially effectual (beings as I don't meet rightous man criteria and such)... but be assured I wish you and your kidlets well. I'll be thinking of all of you. Good luck, girl!

  5. Now for what a lot of you have been waiting for.. Paw's video. No?? As you know.. video is difficult to see with a slow connection so workarounds have been made.

    If you have Real Player loaded, you can try clicking HERE! and seeing if it won't play for you, though the quality isn't as good. If you have broadband AND Quick Time on your computer, click HERE! and it should start playing in just a minute.

    If you're using just dial up, you'll still need to get Quick Time but you'll have to download the file first and view later. Just RIGHT click on the link HERE! and choose to save target as... It could take 20-30 minutes if you have a real slow connection, though.

    Let me know how this works for you guys. And Remember that we can all thank Bluzeman for the conversion and server.

  6. Here's more, guys, from Bowtwi. Thanks to Bluzeman for his server space on Bluzecentral. Thanks Rick! Now.. for the pics:


    "Outdoorsman extraordinaire Cory"


    "Boo talking Paw through filming at night"


    "Hannah pulling Aaron"


    "Hawk.. maintaining proper supplies"


    "Jardinero demonstrating proper bacon cooking technique"


    "Mr. and Mrs. Rascal"


    "Herbal (with Rascal and AHAT) awake and smelling the coffee"


    "Oak and Shellon"


    "Lots of Bonsai deer"


    "Sudo, Ahat and Rugrat"


    "Oak and Mr. Rascal"


    "Sudo getting laughed at while trying to act cool"


    "Rascal frying up in the skillet.."


  7. Hawk,

    I can't speak for the others, but I would be all for moving the roast to your place. Not only is the price right, but it kinda' ticked me off having the fuzz make us dispose of that hootch. I mean I had to drink so fast I got the hiccups. And Oak was pouring it out faster than I could guzzle it, too!

    We really ought to give your kind offer serious consideration. What better place to have a reunion than someone's own home?

  8. Bowtwi,

    I know everybody who wasn't there is wondering about that pole dance. I think they need to know the truth, don't you? First, It was Oakspear's fancy kazoo music that just made 'ya wanna' dance and then.. tell 'em what you did, now... you PAID me to dance with that tree. I may be cheap but I ain't free!

    I'm posting the actual dollar bill you oh so slyly stuck down my pants, girl! What could I do after that? I HAD to dance. I'll carry that bill around in my billfold until the next weenie roast!!



  9. Making out that list right now..

    Only thing is I'm going to have to make the stew Thursday afternoon. I have a meeting Thursday night and my stew takes some simmering time to make the meat good and tender. I don't stay up late.

    Wondering if I'll use English peas in it this time. The constants are the stew meat, potatoes, carrots and onions. Sometimes I use peas and sometimes I don't. Anyone got a preference???

  10. I didn't want to start a brand new topic for this so I'll post it here for us Southeners. The person who e-mailed me telling me this is a different kind of person who has WAY too much time on his hands but here's what he said:

    "While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and start

    making clockwise circles with it in the air. While doing that, also draw

    the number "6" in the air with your right hand.

    Your foot will automatically start going in the other direction."

    And the heck if he ain't right.

  11. Don't worry about going hungry Friday night. Shellon asked me and I'll have my beef stew ready. I'll be there at check-in time about 3 O'Clock (cabin #11) and get the stew warming up. I'll have made it the night before and will bring it in the cooler with me from Memphis.

    Like Ttessa was saying, we'll lay it out a little better Friday when we all get there.

  12. Zix,

    I'm really not wanting to derail this thread but I have a quickie question for you. Your posting about VisualRoute got me to wondering just how one goes about finding site info when all they have is an IP address or DNS.

    What about different whois? Do you really have to buy a product like VisualRoute to find out physical locations when all you know is the address?

  13. Socks,

    Re:"I've heard from a couple people that Larry Panarello has a ministry/church/operation of some kind and advises, tells, not sure of the right word - people to not post here."

    Like you, I hope that turns out not to be so. I'd be so disappointed to find out that some people can't learn lessons very well.

    Hey Trefor, I like that! Leave the Greasespot and you become a TWI'er by midnight. Hee-hee!

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