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Posts posted by 2fortheroad

  1. 1. What web site is this?

    GreaseSpot Cafe

    2. What Area of the Web site is this test in?

    About The Way

    3. Do you still believe The Way Ministry was not a cult?

    NO ~ Definitely was a cult!

    4.Do you still love to see Victor Paul Wierwille at the Rock?


    5. Do you still plan to go to the Rock of Ages?

    Never again thank goodness!

    6. Are you planing to go WOW this year?


    7. Do you still give money to the Way ministry?


    8. Are running a class in your home right now?


    9. Do you feel sorry that the Way ministry lost a lot of people?

    Absolutely NOT!

    10. Do you still believe the Way doctrines were of God?


    11. Is it possible Victor Paul Wierwille lie to you?


    12. Do you still pray for Victor Paul Wierwille?

    No - never did actually.

    13. Do you still send money to move the Word of the Way forward?


    14. Do you still go to Limb cookouts?


    15. Do you still with pride have a Way sticker on your car?


    16. Do you still sing at your home fellowship?


    17. Do you still hide from people who have been mark and avoided by the Way ministry?


    18. Do you still witness about the class?

    Only if I had an opportunity to tell someone to run as fast as they could in the opposite direction!

    19. Were you smart to get out of the Way ministry?


    20. Did you stay to long in the Way ministry?

    Yes! Should have run in the opposite direction (see #18) from the beginning and saved 12 years and lots of $$, and all the time it's taken to recover from the experience as well.

  2. What about those 24 hours of prayer events that came up periodically? They used to do them around Corps placements sometimes, or some other ministry function. I think there was one to save the world from Y2K.

    The most inane thing about these was that you had to sign up for a time block, usually an hour, and then you had to go to someone's house or whatever other location was specified, and pray there.

    You were not allowed to pray in the middle of the night in the comfort of your own home, in your nightgown, if you had a late night or early morning prayer time.

    This meant getting up, getting dressed, and driving across town to pray in someone's living room at 2am or whatever ungodly hour you had been assigned. Whoever was "blessed' enough to host the event had people trooping in and out of their house all day and all night long.

  3. Ah Sea Sponges the contraceptive of choice, They are alot like tampons, they may not be #1 but they are right up there!

    Don't know if that was meant as a pun or not...but sure made me laugh :biglaugh:

    Followed by a hearty "eeewwww" on the follow up use for dish duty!

  4. I discovered Waydale and lurked for awhile, and just before the big meeting about lcm, I asked my husband if he wanted to know what was REALLY going on. Thankfully he said yes, and within a matter of weeks, we were outta there!

    I posted for awhile under idios2, and then decided that since we both had decided we were no longer "for twi", we were now 2fortheroad (as is hit the highway, get the hell outta Dodge, don't look back!)

    2fortheroad...an exciting road trip to a cult-free life!

  5. Does anyone know if Del and Donna Reeves are still in Colorado, and/or still in twi? We knew them on Maui from 1988-1997. They were from Colorado prior to that time, and I think they moved back there around 1997. We were in their fellowship, then we were coordinators for a few years, and they were in ours. I'd love to know how they are doing these days.

  6. You know you're in a cult if:

    You're expected to drop everything for an Advanced Class and if you don't go (because of former plans) - you're not believing big enough.

    You just might be in a cult if...your father is dying of pancreatic cancer, and you decide to go out of town to celebrate his (obviously final) birthday, instead of attending yet another "class"...and they tell you that you should go see your Dad "some other time" because you really need to be at this class?

    Thankfully we stood our ground, skipped the class, and went to see my husband's Dad (he died 3 weeks later).

  7. Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits

    24 servings 12 muffins

    12 muffins = 24 servings??? Definitely not on my planet...especially those yummy Red Lobster biscuits. In my house, we'd be lucky to get 6 servings out of 12 :rolleyes:

    That recipe sounds wonderful. Maybe I'll make 'em for Turkey Day!!

  8. Hi George! I would have been positively disappointed had you not weighed in...Absolutely nothing wrong with a healthy dose of skepticism. I only wish I would have exercised that more during my twi involvement!

    That said, I prefer to not blindly accept either the skeptic’s view or that of the true believer.

    "Doubt everything or believe everything: these are two equally

    convenient strategies. With either we dispense with the need for

    reflection." - Henri Poincare

    I’d much rather approach life with a mind that is open to anything and attached to nothing. If an idea interests me, I’ll pursue it further. I’ll do some research. I’ll consider the skeptics assessment. I’ll look into anecdotal evidence, either pro or con. And, I may even try it myself, and form my own opinion!

    "The only means of strengthening one's intellect is to make up one's

    mind about nothing -- to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all

    thoughts. Not a select party." - John Keats

    In this case, I had a particular need. An “alternative” treatment was offered by someone I respected and I was willing to hear what he had to say. It sounded a bit wacky, but not hazardous or outrageously expensive, so I gave it a try.

    "A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds." - Mark Twain

    Guess what? It worked for me. Placebo effect? Maybe…but I’ve had plenty of conventional therapies that I thought would help and didn’t. I’ve also had other alternative therapies that did not achieve results. I'll go with results, wherever I find them!

    And, one more quote...just because I like quotes!

    "Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible."

    - Frank Zappa

  9. I have seen those commercials also.

    I have also heard that chiropractors have a similar process that involves immersing the feet in a solution while a mild electrical charge is applied to the solution.

    My massage therapist offers that also. The one he uses is called Aqua Chi and I always have a soak after a massage. I have had problems with poor circulation and lymph blockage in my legs, and the treatment definitely helps.

    If you Google it, all sorts of things will come up calling it medical quackery. Be that as it may, I have gotten positive results with it, and I know lots of other people who also have benefited.

    I haven't tried the pads that you apply to your feet so don't know if they work. I have considered trying them though, so I would be interested in hearing how or if they work, if anyone else has used them.

  10. A few differences between The Secret and PFAL come to mind...no slimy pervert who had figured out how to get HIS needs and wants lined up (in the motorcoach) hiding his degenerate behavior under the mantle of THE MAN OF GAWD for our generation...no required tithe of 10% just to be "spat upon" by GAWD...never mind living on a "need basis" and we'd appreciate it if you'd keep that need low...no debt, no house payments etc...so you can send everything above your meager need to us...and attempting to convince us that we are living the more than abundant life.

    The Secret or Piffle??? Hmmm...no contest which one I'll choose.

  11. My favorite CD right now is John Hiatt (The A &M Years '87-'94), especially Through Your Hands, Buffalo River Home, and Have a Little Faith In Me.

    Jimmy Buffett

    Bob Marley and The Wailers

    Dave Mason's Headkeeper (finally released on CD!!)

    Keb' Mo'

    The Allman Brothers

    A little rock, a little blues, a little reggae...

    Someone mentioned Last Train To Clarksville...I had that running through my head last week too...a real blast from the past!

  12. Chiming in on reincarnation...I'm not ready to join a cult about it, but I do not discount the possibility. I read a fascinating book not too long ago called Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives by Brian Weiss. Things that make you say hmmm...

    In twi we believed that at death everything returns to it's original state, ie the body goes back to dust, soul/breath life back to the air, and our spirit goes back to God. So is it a far leap to at least consider that spirit never dies, and as such we return to God/the Universe, and at some point come back for another "spiritual being having a human experience" life here on earth? One spirit, one life...or one spirit, many lives?

    Who knows for sure, but isn't it great to be free to think and talk about it?!

    As for time travel...If I could transport back in time to the night I stood in a stranger's driveway wondering what the h*ll I was doing there, going to a meeting about something called "The Class", I for one would run as far and as fast as I could :wave:

  13. I have been to a number of conferences that Wayne Dyer and Dr John DeMartini have been featured speakers, both are a part of "The Secret." Both are exellent speakers, both FAR EXCEED any speaker I ever heard during my 28 years in twi. That said, I agree, The secret is alot like pfal..........but their basic premise is different. DeMartini and Dyer come from the Depak Chopra school which teaches that "the universe provides" as opposed to identifying the power as the power of God.


    Here's a couple of thoughts from DeMartini and Chopra that illustrate a MAJOR difference in their basic premise from anything taught by TWI:

    When the VOICE and the VISION on the INSIDE become more profound and more clear and loud than the opinions on the OUTSIDE you've MASTERED Your Life" ~ Dr John F. Demartini

    Walk with those seeking Truth. Run from those who think they've found it. --Deepak Chopra

    The Secret is an introduction to The Law of Attraction.

    Law of Attraction = What you focus or put your attention on E X P A N D S

    "As a man thinketh so shall he be" ~ Jesus

    "All that we are arises from our thoughts" ~ Buddha

    "We create our universe as we go along" ~ Winston Churchill

    The thoughts we entertain form the basis of our core beliefs and they hold the key to what we are attracting in our lives.

    Everything ~ is ~ ENERGY

    Our feelings and emotions (which generate from our thoughts) are vibrational energy and they attract similar energy.

    Like attracts like.

    Thoughts (or more importantly FEELINGS) of lack, sickness, poverty, anger, sadness, fear vibrate at a level which attracts more of those circumstances.

    FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS of health, love, peace, freedom and other joyful vibrations attract those positive people, circumstances and situations to our lives.

    "When you pray, believe that you have already received."

    The constant thoughts, feelings, and emotions of your being are in essence your beliefs, your vibrational match to what you are attracting.

    Change how you think about things, and the things you think about change.

  14. Wondering if anyone here knows Shirley Sheffield and her son Eric? It's been a long time, but they were in Sarasota I think in the late 90's. She had a smile that would light up a room. We knew her years ago when we all lived in Hawaii.

  15. Just bringing this up to the top again...I haven't been here in months, but for some reason I've been thinking about Judith lately, and wondering if anyone knows where she is nowadays?

  16. Glad to hear that Paula got out. We heard from some folks who are still "in" that they were divorced, and that Jim had custody of the children. Hoping that was just "wayspin"...

  17. Does anyone in the Greensboro area know Judith Lunn? She moved to N. Carolina from Hawaii in 1996. We were good friends for years there, and I still think of her often and wonder how she's doing.

  18. One Class to rule them all, One Class to find them,

    One Class to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

    (apologies to Tolkien

    Not all who wander are lost.)


    Love it!! I do believe you have just conceived the new TWI bumpersticker!! :thinking:

  19. I hear there is a new Way of Abundance and Power Class starting soon. I'm curious if anyone knows who is teaching, what it's about...I wonder if it's going to be new wine in an old wineskin, or old wine in a new wineskin? :unsure:

  20. I've been out for 7 years, so no current info, but...Diane Mandeville was in Hawaii in the late 80's to early 90's, first on Maui and then on Oahu. After that she spent quite a few years at HQ, and last I heard, which was several years or more ago, she was still "in" and was in San Diego, CA area.

    She was one of the first people I knew in the ministry, and one of the few I still think of from time to time :dance:

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